Man pages for Meiomap/SureTypeSCR
Library for (single-cell) SNP array processing

calculate_maCalculate M (logarithmic difference) and A (logarithmic...
callrateCalculates call rate as proportion of called SNPs in the...
configure_iaapProcedure for setting path to IAAP-cli executable
create_dataobject_from_frameInternal function for converting basic data frame from...
create_from_frameInternal function for converting between python structures
getGEO_and_folder_inDownload item from the GEO database
get_multiind_dfInternal function that creates data frame with multiindex
get_simpleind_dfInternal function that creates data frame with simple column...
get_thresholdDetermine threshold used on the data in data frame
idat_to_gtcConvert raw itensity IDAT files to GTC using IAAP-cli
plot_maCreate MA plot per individual.
plot_pcaRun and visualise PCA
predict_suretypeRun classification model using combination of Random Forest...
preprocess_pcaInternal function that calculates matrix for principal...
scbasicLoad data in GTC format into data frame
scElsmediate access to python modules
scloadLoad classifier from file
scpredictInternal function used for prediction with...
scTrainInternal function that fits parameters of GDA to given data
set_thresholdSet threshold on a classification method.
suretype_modelCreate model and perform classification with RF-GDA in one...
write_samplesheetFunction creates samplesheet compatible with SureTypeSCR
Meiomap/SureTypeSCR documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 3:22 a.m.