Man pages for MetClassNet/MetClassNetR
Create and analize networks built from metabolomics Data

buildExpNetBuild experimental networks
calculateMultiLayerStatsCalculate some statistics of the multi-layer network
calculateOverlapCalculate, create a table and plot statistics
calculNetStatsCalculate, create a table and plot statistics
dot-mapMetToGSMN_inchikeyMap features to metabolites if the InChIKey is the same.
dot-mapMetToGSMN_metabolomics2networkMap the experimental nodes to GSMN nodes using...
exportAttributes2gmlCreate a network and export to gml from adjacency list
exportNet2gmlCreate a network and export to gml from adjacency list
getOverlappingNodesGet the overlapping nodes
loadInputDataLoad the input data
makeMultiLayerMake a multi-layer network
makeToyNetGenerate toy networks
mapMetToGSMNMap the experimental nodes to GSMN nodes
printStatsPlotsCalculate, create a table and plot statistics
qfeat_homolHomologue series extraction from QFeatures input
qfeat_statisticalCreate a list of correlation matrices from QFeatures input
qfeat_structuralCreate m/z difference adjacency matrix from QFeatures input
readmzTabplace holder for mzTab
readNetRead all the networks stored in a given directory
spec_molNetworkCalculate molecular network from MS2 data
writeMultiLayerSave and visualize multi-layer network
MetClassNet/MetClassNetR documentation built on June 30, 2023, 2:12 p.m.