exportNet2gml: Create a network and export to gml from adjacency list

exportNet2gmlR Documentation

Create a network and export to gml from adjacency list


The function export2gml creates a network from adjacency lists. The gml is saved in the current working directory having a selected name (name). All or selected edge attributes may be selected using the parameter select.


exportNet2gml(x, file, select = F, ...)



data.frame adjacency list having Row and Col in the first two columns and additional (edge) attributes in following columns.


character, the name which the gml should have, e.g. "mz" produces the file 'mz.gml' in the current working directory.


character, the default is FALSE and returns a gml having edge attributes of all availabe columns of x. A character value or string may be used to select one ore more columns by their columnnames that should be saved as edge attributes.


ยดexportNet2gml uses adjacency matrices to create first a network and then saving it as gml in the current working directory. The name of the gml file is selected by the User with the file parameter. The networks contains the feature ID's as nodes. The edges contains corresponding source feature ID (sourceID) and target feature ID (targetID) and either all column attributes as additional edge attributes or selected ones if select was used.


.gml file saved in current working directory with selected name using file .


Liesa Salzer, liesa.salzer@helmholtz-muenchen.de


 ######  example to be added!

MetClassNet/MetClassNetR documentation built on June 30, 2023, 2:12 p.m.