
#Simulation tests. Not part of the unit test suite because they take a while, but run these to make sure simulation is accurate

#test that simulation results match moments -- one type inhomogenous case
time = 20
initial = c(500)

params = c(.3,.25,.1, .2)  
model = process_model(transition(rate = rate(params[1] - params[2]*exp(-params[3]*t)), parent = 1, offspring = 2),
                      transition(rate = rate(params[4]), parent = 1, offspring = 0))
res = branch(model, params, initial, time, 1000)
mom = compute_mu_sigma(model, params, 0, 20, initial)
print(paste("Sample Mean: ", mean(res$type1)))
print(paste("True Mean: ", mom$mu))
print(paste("Sample Variance: ", var(res$type1)))
print(paste("True Variance: ", mom$Sigma))

#test that simulation results match moments -- two type inhomogenous case
time = 20
initial = c(500, 300)

model = process_model(transition(rate = rate(.6*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 1, offspring = c(2,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.4*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 1, offspring = c(0,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.3*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 2, offspring = c(0,1)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.2*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 2, offspring = c(0,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.1*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 1, offspring = c(1,1)))

res = branch(model, params, initial, time, 1000)
mom = compute_mu_sigma(model, params, 0, 20, initial)
print(paste("Sample Mean: ", c(mean(res$type1), mean(res$type2))))
print(paste("True Mean: ", mom$mu))
print(paste("Sample Variance: ", c(var(res$type1), var(res$type2))))
print(paste("Sample Covariance:", cov(res$type1, res$type2)))
print(paste("True Variance: ", diag(mom$Sigma)))
print(paste("True Covariance: ", mom$Sigma[1,2]))

#test that simulation results match moments -- two type homogenous case

time = 5
initial = c(50, 300)

model = process_model(transition(rate = rate(.3), parent = 1, offspring = c(2,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.2), parent = 1, offspring = c(0,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.25), parent = 2, offspring = c(0,1)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.15), parent = 2, offspring = c(0,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.05), parent = 1, offspring = c(1,1)))

params = c()

res = branch(model, params, initial, time, 1000)
mom = compute_mu_sigma(model, params, 0, 5, initial)
print(paste("Sample Mean: ", c(mean(res$type1), mean(res$type2))))
print(paste("True Mean: ", mom$mu))
print(paste("Sample Variance: ", c(var(res$type1), var(res$type2))))
print(paste("Sample Covariance:", cov(res$type1, res$type2)))
print(paste("True Variance: ", diag(mom$Sigma)))
print(paste("True Covariance: ", mom$Sigma[1,2]))

#test that simulation results match moments -- two type approximate inhomogenous

time = 20
initial = c(500, 300)

model = process_model(transition(rate = rate(.6*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 1, offspring = c(2,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.4*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 1, offspring = c(0,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.3*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 2, offspring = c(0,1)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.2*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 2, offspring = c(0,0)),
                      transition(rate = rate(.1*exp(-.1*t)), parent = 1, offspring = c(1,1)))

res = branch_approx(model, params, initial, time, 1000)
mom = compute_mu_sigma(model, params, 0, 20, initial)
print(paste("Sample Mean: ", c(mean(res[res$time == time,]$type1), mean(res[res$time == time,]$type2))))
print(paste("True Mean: ", mom$mu))
print(paste("Sample Variance: ", c(var(res[res$time == time,]$type1), var(res[res$time == time,]$type2))))
print(paste("Sample Covariance:", cov(res[res$time == time,]$type1, res[res$time == time,]$type2)))
print(paste("True Variance: ", diag(mom$Sigma)))
print(paste("True Covariance: ", mom$Sigma[1,2]))

Michorlab/estipop documentation built on March 4, 2020, 1:24 p.m.