
 #' autom_class
 #' This function classifies into different categories the recorded marks using the samp.traces function.
 #' @param big_matrix matrix: a matrix with stored the coordinates (4) of the microwears
 #' @param image.ico Ico.object: class Ico image
 #' @param Pit_Scr numeric: parameter to discriminate between scratches and pits. If the ratio length/windth is minor or equal to the set value (4 for example) a scar is classified as pit; on the contrary as scratch
 #' @param Sm.Lg_Pit numeric: parameter to classify a pit as small or large width based (in micron)
 #' @param Fi.Co_Scr numeric: parameter to classify a scratch as course or fine width based (in micron)
 #' @param cexp numeric: size of points
 #' @return Type character vector: types of the classified scars
 #' @return Matrix matrix: length and width (in micron) of each scar
 #' @author Antonio Profico, Flavia Strani, Pasquale Raia, Daniel DeMiguel
 #' @examples
 #' \dontrun{
 #' # A. brevirostris case-study
 #' #load sampled scars
 #' data("A_br_sam")
 #' #load working area
 #' data("A_br_war")
 #' class<-autom_class(A_br_sam,A_br_war$image)
 #' # C. elaphus eostephanoceros case-study
 #' #load sampled scars
 #' data("C_el_sam")
 #' #load working area
 #' data("C_el_war")
 #' class<-autom_class(C_el_sam,C_el_war$image)
 #' }
 #' @export
autom_class<-function (big_matrix, image.ico, Pit_Scr = 4, Sm.Lg_Pit = 8, 
          Fi.Co_Scr = 3, cexp = NULL) 
  Type <- rep(NA, length(big_matrix))
  vett_1_temp <- NULL
  vett_2_temp <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(big_matrix)) {
    vett_1_temp[i] <- sqrt(sum((big_matrix[[i]][1, ] - big_matrix[[i]][2, 
    vett_2_temp[i] <- sqrt(sum((big_matrix[[i]][3, ] - big_matrix[[i]][4, 
  Type[which((vett_1_temp + vett_2_temp) == 0)] <- "Sm.Pit"
  vett_1 <- vett_1_temp
  vett_2 <- vett_2_temp
  vett_1[which(vett_2_temp > vett_1_temp)] <- vett_2_temp[which(vett_2_temp > 
  vett_2[which(vett_2_temp > vett_1_temp)] <- vett_1_temp[which(vett_2_temp > 
  ratio <- vett_1/vett_2
  Type[which(ratio <= Pit_Scr)] <- "Pit"
  Type[which(ratio > Pit_Scr)] <- "Scratch"
  Type[which(Type == "Pit")[which(vett_1[Type == "Pit"] <= 
                                    Sm.Lg_Pit)]] <- "Sm.Pit"
  Type[which(Type == "Pit")[which(vett_1[Type == "Pit"] > Sm.Lg_Pit)]] <- "Lg.Pit"
  Type[which(Type == "Scratch")[which(vett_2[Type == "Scratch"] <= 
                                        Fi.Co_Scr)]] <- "Fi.Scr"
  Type[which(Type == "Scratch")[which(vett_2[Type == "Scratch"] > 
                                        Fi.Co_Scr)]] <- "Co.Scr"
  plot_Ico(image.ico, xpos = 0, ypos = 0)
  col_points <- "yellow"
  if ("Sm.Pit" %in% Type) {
    for (i in 1:length(which(Type == "Sm.Pit"))) {
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Sm.Pit")[i]]], 
             pch = 19, cex = cexp/2, col = "red")
      text(x = apply(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Sm.Pit")[i]]], 
                     2, mean)[1], y = apply(big_matrix[[which(Type == 
                                                                "Sm.Pit")[i]]], 2, mean)[2], labels <- which(Type == 
                                                                                                               "Sm.Pit")[i], pos = 3, cex = cexp, col = col_points)
  if ("Lg.Pit" %in% Type) {
    for (i in 1:length(which(Type == "Lg.Pit"))) {
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Lg.Pit")[i]]][1:2, 
                                                      ], pch = 19, cex = cexp/2, col = "red")
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Lg.Pit")[i]]][3:4, 
                                                      ], pch = 19, cex = cexp/2, col = "red")
      text(x = apply(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Lg.Pit")[i]]], 
                     2, mean)[1], y = apply(big_matrix[[which(Type == 
                                                                "Lg.Pit")[i]]], 2, mean)[2], labels = which(Type == 
                                                                                                              "Lg.Pit")[i], pos = 3, cex = cexp, col = col_points)
  if ("Fi.Scr" %in% Type) {
    for (i in 1:length(which(Type == "Fi.Scr"))) {
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Fi.Scr")[i]]][c(1, 
                                                        2), ], type = "l", pch = 4, cex = cexp/2, col = "red", 
             lty = 2, lwd = 2)
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Fi.Scr")[i]]][c(3, 
                                                        4), ], type = "l", pch = 4, cex = cexp/2, col = "red", 
             lty = 2, lwd = 2)
      bary <- apply(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Fi.Scr")[i]]], 
                    2, mean)
      text(t(as.matrix(bary)), labels = which(Type == "Fi.Scr")[i], 
           pos = 3, cex = cexp, lwd = 2, col = col_points)
  if ("Co.Scr" %in% Type) {
    for (i in 1:length(which(Type == "Co.Scr"))) {
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Co.Scr")[i]]][1:2, 
                                                      ], type = "l", pch = 4, cex = cexp/2, col = "red", 
             lty = 2, lwd = 2)
      points(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Co.Scr")[i]]][3:4, 
                                                      ], type = "l", pch = 4, cex = cexp/2, col = "red", 
             lty = 2, lwd = 2)
      bary <- apply(big_matrix[[which(Type == "Co.Scr")[i]]], 
                    2, mean)
      text(t(as.matrix(bary)), labels = which(Type == "Co.Scr")[i], 
           pos = 3, cex = cexp, lwd = 2, col = col_points)
  if (length(Type) > 1) {
    matrix_meas <- round(cbind(vett_1, vett_2), 2)
    colnames(matrix_meas) <- c("length", "width")
    rownames(matrix_meas) <- Type
    out <- list(Type = Type, Matrix = matrix_meas)
  if (length(Type) == 1) {
MicroWeaR/Micro2 documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:02 a.m.