
Defines functions makeH5Index readDataAtFrame readLongformAtChunks reshapeArrayLongForm

Documented in makeH5Index readDataAtFrame readLongformAtChunks reshapeArrayLongForm

# Need to update package DESCRIPTION to make these dependencies.

#' Create a index table for an HDF5 dataset based on column
#' \code{makeH5Index} takes a specified HDF5 dataset in a given file, and
#' produces an index of the data based off of entries in a specified column of the dataset.
#' This function assumes \code{datasetName} is sorted by the column that will be used as an index.
#' If not, the user should use \code{sortByIndex} to produce a sorted dataset for indexing.
#' @param filename String specifying the h5 file.
#' @param datasetName The dataset to be indexed.
#' @param dataIndexName The index dataset name.
#' @param indexCol The column that stores indexing entries.
#' @param rowSize A parameter to specify how many rows of data to load at any time.
#' @return The data frame that specifies the row indices.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' makeH5Index("foo.h5","/theData",3,"frameIndices")
makeH5Index = function(filename, datasetName, indexCol, dataIndexName, rowSize = 1000000) {

  h5comp = h5ls(filename)
  maxRows = as.numeric(strsplit(h5comp$dim, " x ")[[1]][1])

  startSeq = seq(from = 1, to = maxRows, by = rowSize)

  countTables = list()
  for (thisStart in startSeq) {
    thisEnd = min(thisStart + rowSize - 1, maxRows)
    h5data = h5read(filename, datasetName, index = list(thisStart:thisEnd, 3))
    thisPoints = as.data.frame(h5data)
    pointCount = as.data.frame(table(thisPoints$V1))
    pointCount$Var1 = as.numeric(as.character(pointCount$Var1))

    if (length(countTables) > 0) {
      # Merge the first entries i
      lastEntry = tail(countTables, 1)[[1]]
      if (tail(lastEntry$Var1, 1) == pointCount$Var1[1]) {
        lastEntry$Freq[length(lastEntry$Freq)] = lastEntry$Freq[length(lastEntry$Freq)] + pointCount$Freq[1]
        pointCount = pointCount[-1,]
        countTables[[length(countTables)]] = lastEntry
    countTables[[length(countTables) + 1]] = pointCount
  countDF = bind_rows(countTables)
  countDF$dataChunkEnd = cumsum(countDF$Freq)
  numFrames = dim(countDF)[1]
  countDF$dataChunkStart = 1 + c(0,countDF$dataChunkEnd[1:(numFrames-1)])
  countDF = countDF[, c(1, 4, 3)]
  colnames(countDF) = c("Frame", "dataChunkStart", "dataChunkEnd")
  h5write(countDF, filename, dataIndexName)

#' Read all data belonging to a particular entry.
#' @param hdf5Identifier The name of the hdf5 file.
#' @param datasetName The dataset that contains the data you wish to load.
#' @param indicesName A mapping of factor indices to rows in the data frame to load.
#' @param frameNumbers The factors for which you fish to load your data.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
readDataAtFrame = function(hdf5Identifier,datasetName,indicesName,frameNumbers) {
  # Given the name of the file and the numeric value of the Frame for which you wish to load velocity field data, returns that longform data
  # Args:
  #   hdf5Identifier: the file name of the hdf5 file containing long-format vector field data.
  #   frameNumbers: A numeric vector of integers specifying the frames for which data is to be loaded.

  longformIndices = as.data.frame(h5read(file = hdf5Identifier, name = indicesName))
  colnames(longformIndices) = c("Frame","dataChunkStart","dataChunkEnd")
  theseFrames = longformIndices[longformIndices$Frame %in% frameNumbers,]
  theseFrames = theseFrames[,c("dataChunkStart", "dataChunkEnd")]
  #theseFrames = filter(longformIndices, Frame %in% frameNumbers) %>% select(dataChunkStart,dataChunkEnd)

  dataOfFrames = readLongformAtChunks(hdf5Identifier,datasetName,theseFrames)

#' Read specified chunks of data in an HDF5 dataset.
#' This function reads chunks from an HDF5 file with the name provided in filename and the chunks delimited by a data
#'  frame called chunkDefineTable. This function should in general not be called, except through the readDataAtFrame function.
#' chunkDefineTable must contain two columns with the names dataChunkStart and dataChunkEnd that specify the blocks
#' of data to load.
#' @param myFileName The HDF5 file from which to load the data
#' @param datasetName The dataset name within the HDF5 file
#' @param chunkDefineTable A table that contains a dataChunkStart and dataChunkEnd column.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
readLongformAtChunks = function(myFileName,datasetName,chunkDefineTable) {
   indicesList = mapply(FUN = function(x,y) x:y, chunkDefineTable$dataChunkStart, chunkDefineTable$dataChunkEnd)
  indicesVector = unlist(indicesList)
  framesLongForm = tryCatch(
    {as.data.frame(h5read(myFileName,datasetName, index = list(indicesVector,NULL))) #Load all columns
      }, error = function(cond) {return(NA)}

#' Transform matrix format to flatfile format.
#'  Transforms a matrix of values into a long-form data frame.
#' @param myarr A N-dimensional matrix.
#' @return A data frame with (X*Y*Z...) columns rows and N columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
reshapeArrayLongForm = function(myarr) {
  ### FUNCTION: Reshapes an array into a long-form data frame, while saving the indices of the data into the data frame.
  newarr = myarr
  dim(newarr) = c(prod(dim(myarr)),1,1)
  zcoord = rep(1:dim(myarr)[3],each=dim(myarr)[1]*dim(myarr)[2])
  ycoord = rep(rep(1:dim(myarr)[2],each=dim(myarr)[1]),dim(myarr)[3])
  xcoord = rep(c(1:dim(myarr)[1]),dim(myarr)[2]*dim(myarr)[3])
  longform = data.frame(xc=xcoord,yc=ycoord,zc=zcoord,val=newarr)
MirceaDavidEsc/bigh5 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:58 p.m.