
Defines functions GDAL_resample

Documented in GDAL_resample

# Function to resample raster to a different resolution.
# x is raster to be resampled
# output_file is filename of the output raster with the whole path
# Target resolution (Add option to read resolution from other raster)
# Method - gdal.org/gdalwarp.html

#' Resample raster
#' Function does a system call to run gdal functions (works on unix systems where gdal can be called from terminal).
#' Use only file path, function will not work with raster objects loaded in R environment.
#' @param infile Raster to be cropped (file path or Raster object). Input raster should be stored on disk for GDAL access.
#' @param outfile Path and filename of the mosaicked output (format "E:/Folder/file.tif").
#' @param target_resolution New resolution of raster.
#' @param target_extent New raster extent.
#' @param method Resampling method. One in c("near", "bilinear", "cubic", "cubicspline", "lanczos",
#' "average", "mode", "max", "min", "med", "q1", "q3").
#' @param large_tif Use \code{large_tif = TRUE} for large rasters (>4GB).
#' @param return_raster Logical. The function stores the raster in the \code{filename} argument path as a side-effect.
#' @return Raster object. Only if \code{return_raster = TRUE}. Otherwise, the function side-effect is to save the file locally.
#' @export

#' @importFrom raster raster
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @examples
#' lc_info <- "/vol/milkun1/Mirza_Cengic/Data_RAW/ESA_CCI/TIFF/YearByYear/ESACCI-LC-L4-LCCS-Map-300m-P1Y-2002-v2.0.7.tif"
#' out <- "/vol/milkun1/Mirza_Cengic/Projects/Land_use/Data/Predictors/Resampled/Soil_GDAL/Soil_AWCh.tif"
#' awch <- "/vol/milkun1/Mirza_Cengic/Projects/Land_use/Data/Predictors/Original/Soil/Soil_AWCh.tif"
#' res_lc <- rgdal::GDALinfo(lc_info)["res.x"]
#' GDAL_resample(awch, outfile = out,
#' target_resolution = res_lc, method = "average", large_tif = TRUE)

GDAL_resample <- function(infile, outfile, target_resolution, target_extent, method, large_tif = FALSE, return_raster = FALSE)

 if (!method %in% c("near", "bilinear", "cubic", "cubicspline", "lanczos",
                     "average", "mode", "max", "min", "med", "q1", "q3")) {
    stop("Resampling method not available.")

  # If input is raster, extract the file path
  if (inherits(infile, "Raster"))
  infile <- infile@file@name

resample_command <- paste0("gdalwarp -multi -of vrt -tr ", " ", target_resolution, " ", target_resolution, " -r ", method, " -te ", target_extent, " ",
 infile, " ", gsub(tools::file_ext(outfile), "vrt", outfile))

  if (large_tif == TRUE)
    VRT2TIF <- paste0("gdal_translate -co compress=LZW -co BIGTIFF=YES", " ", gsub(tools::file_ext(outfile), "vrt", outfile),
                      " ", gsub(tools::file_ext(outfile), "tif", outfile))
  } else {
    VRT2TIF <- paste0("gdal_translate -co compress=LZW", " ", gsub(tools::file_ext(outfile), "vrt", outfile),
                      " ", gsub(tools::file_ext(outfile), "tif", outfile))

  # Remove vrt
  unlink(gsub(tools::file_ext(outfile), "vrt", outfile))

  if (isTRUE(return_raster))
    outfile <- raster::raster(outfile)
MirzaCengic/gdalR documentation built on July 26, 2019, 11:36 p.m.