
# Title:  PRA min
# Author: Mislav Sagovac
# Description: PRA strategy on  min frequency

# packages

# SET UP ------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if we have all necessary env variables
assert_choice("AWS-ACCESS-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("AWS-SECRET-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("AWS-REGION", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("BLOB-ENDPOINT", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("BLOB-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("APIKEY-FMPCLOUD", names(Sys.getenv()))
assert_choice("FRED-KEY", names(Sys.getenv()))

# set credentials
config <- tiledb_config()
config["vfs.s3.aws_access_key_id"] <- Sys.getenv("AWS-ACCESS-KEY")
config["vfs.s3.aws_secret_access_key"] <- Sys.getenv("AWS-SECRET-KEY")
config["vfs.s3.region"] <- Sys.getenv("AWS-REGION")
context_with_config <- tiledb_ctx(config)

# parameters
uri = "s3://predictors-minmax5min"# if NULL, it calculates PRA values.

# UNIVERSE ----------------------------------------------------------------
# sp500 universe
fmp = FMP$new()
symbols <- fmp$get_sp500_symbols()

# INDICATOR -------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate indicators
for (s in symbols) {

  # debug

  # import existing data
  if (tiledb_object_type("s3://predictors-minmax5min") == "ARRAY") {
      arr <- tiledb_array(uri,
                          as.data.frame = TRUE,
                          query_layout = "UNORDERED",
                          attrs = c("close"),
                          selected_ranges = list(symbol = cbind(s, s)))
      x <- arr[]

    if (nrow(x) > 100) {

  # import minute data
    arr <- tiledb_array("D:/equity-usa-minute-fmpcloud-adjusted",
                        as.data.frame = TRUE,
                        query_layout = "UNORDERED",
                        attrs = c("close", "volume"),
                        selected_ranges = list(symbol = cbind(s, s)))
    x <- arr[]
  if (nrow(x) == 0) {

  # clean table
  x <- as.data.table(x)
  attr(x$time, "tz") <- Sys.getenv("TZ")
  x[, time := with_tz(time, "America/New_York")]

  # keep trading hours
  x <- x[as.ITime(time) %between% c(as.ITime("09:30:00"), as.ITime("15:59:00"))]
  x <- unique(x, cols = c("symbol", "time"))
  setorderv(x, c('symbol', 'time'))

  # create volume bars
  # # x[, volume_daily := frollapply(volume, 450 * 22)]
  # x[, date := as.IDate(time)]
  # volume_threshold <- x[, .(volume_daily = sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE)), by = date][
  #   , .(date = date, volume_mean = frollmean(volume_daily, 22))][
  #   ,  .(date = date, volume_mean / 10)
  #   ]
  # volume_threshold[x, on = "date"]
  x_ <- copy(x)
  x_[, time := as.nanotime(time)]
  x_5 <- x_[, .(close = tail(close, 1)),
            by = .(symbol,
                   time = nano_ceiling(time, as.nanoduration("00:05:00")))]
  x_5[, time := as.POSIXct(time, tz = "UTC")]
  x_5[, time := with_tz(time, "America/New_York")]

  # check N
  if (nrow(x_5) < 90 * 22 * 24) {

  # calculate indicator values
  x_5[, returns := close / shift(close) - 1]
  x_5 <- na.omit(x_5)

  x_5[, p_999_2year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 24, p = 0.999)]
  x_5[, p_001_2year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 24, p = 0.001)]
  x_5[, p_999_year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 12, p = 0.999)]
  x_5[, p_001_year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 12, p = 0.001)]
  x_5[, p_999_halfyear := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 6, p = 0.999)]
  x_5[, p_001_halfyear := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 6, p = 0.001)]

  x_5[, p_99_2year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 24, p = 0.99)]
  x_5[, p_01_2year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 24, p = 0.01)]
  x_5[, p_99_year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 12, p = 0.99)]
  x_5[, p_01_year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 12, p = 0.01)]
  x_5[, p_99_halfyear := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 6, p = 0.99)]
  x_5[, p_01_halfyear := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 6, p = 0.01)]

  x_5[, p_95_2year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 24, p = 0.95)]
  x_5[, p_05_2year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 24, p = 0.05)]
  x_5[, p_95_year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 12, p = 0.95)]
  x_5[, p_05_year := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 12, p = 0.05)]
  x_5[, p_95_halfyear := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 6, p = 0.95)]
  x_5[, p_05_halfyear := roll::roll_quantile(returns, 90 * 22 * 6, p = 0.05)]

  # save to tiledb
  x_save <- copy(x_5)
  x_save[, time := with_tz(time, "UTC")]
  if (tiledb_object_type(uri) != "ARRAY") {
      obj = as.data.frame(x_save),
      uri = uri,
      col_index = c("symbol", "time"),
      sparse = TRUE,
      tile_domain=list(time=c(as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"),
                              as.POSIXct("2099-12-31 23:59:59", tz = "UTC"))),
      allows_dups = FALSE
  } else {
    arr <- tiledb_array(uri)
    arr[] <- as.data.frame(x_save)

# # DUMMY -------------------------------------------------------------------
# # dummy
# cols_above_999 <- paste0("pr_above_dummy_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_above_999) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x > 0.999, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_below_001 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_below_001) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x < 0.001, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_net_1 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_net_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_net_1) := pra[, ..cols_above_999] - pra[, ..cols_below_001]]
# cols_above_99 <- paste0("pr_above_dummy_99_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_above_99) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x > 0.99, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_below_01 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_01_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_below_01) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x < 0.01, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_net_2 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_net_0199", windows)
# pra[, (cols_net_2) := pra[, ..cols_above_99] - pra[, ..cols_below_01]]
# cols_above_97 <- paste0("pr_above_dummy_97_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_above_97) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x > 0.97, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_below_03 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_03_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_below_03) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x < 0.03, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_net_3 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_net_0397", windows)
# pra[, (cols_net_3) := pra[, ..cols_above_97] - pra[, ..cols_below_03]]
# cols_above_95 <- paste0("pr_above_dummy_95_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_above_95) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x > 0.95, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_below_05 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_05_", windows)
# pra[, (cols_below_05) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(x < 0.05, 1, 0)), .SDcols = cols]
# cols_net_4 <- paste0("pr_below_dummy_net_0595", windows)
# pra[, (cols_net_4) := pra[, ..cols_above_95] - pra[, ..cols_below_05]]
# # get risk measures
# indicators <- pra[symbol != "SPY", lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE),
#                   .SDcols = c(colnames(pra)[grep("pr_\\d+", colnames(pra))],
#                               cols_above_999, cols_above_99, cols_below_001, cols_below_01,
#                               cols_above_97, cols_below_03, cols_above_95, cols_below_05,
#                               cols_net_1, cols_net_2, cols_net_3, cols_net_4),
#                   by = .(time)]
# indicators <- unique(indicators, by = c("time"))
# indicators[, time := force_tz(time, "America/New_York")]
# setorder(indicators, "time")
# # import spy data
# # TODO: make function that imports minute data and automaticly upsample in required period
# arr <- tiledb_array("D:/equity-usa-minute-fmpcloud-adjusted",
#                     as.data.frame = TRUE,
#                     query_layout = "UNORDERED",
#                     attrs = c("close"),
#                     selected_ranges = list(symbol = cbind("SPY", "SPY")))
# spy <- arr[]
# spy <- as.data.table(spy)
# attr(spy$time, "tz") <- Sys.getenv("TZ")
# spy[, time := with_tz(time, "America/New_York")]
# spy <- spy[as.ITime(time) %between% c(as.ITime("09:30:00"), as.ITime("15:59:00"))]
# spy <- unique(spy, cols = c("symbol", "time"))
# setorderv(spy, c('symbol', 'time'))
# spy[, minute_ := data.table::minute(time)]
# spy[, date_ := as.Date(time)]
# spy[, minute5_ := cut(minute_ + 1, 12)]
# spy <- spy[, .(symbol = tail(symbol, 1), time  = tail(time, 1), close = tail(close, 1)), by = c("date_", "minute5_")]
# spy <- spy[, .(symbol, time, close)]
# # merge spy and pra
# backtest_data <- spy[indicators, on = 'time']
# backtest_data <- na.omit(backtest_data)
# setorder(backtest_data, "time")
# # VISUALIZATION -----------------------------------------------------------
# # date segments
# GFC <- c("2007-01-01", "2010-01-01")
# AFTERGFCBULL <- c("2010-01-01", "2015-01-01")
# COVID <- c("2020-01-01", "2021-06-01")
# AFTER_COVID <- c("2021-06-01", "2022-01-01")
# NEW <- c("2022-01-01", "2022-03-15")
# # check individual stocks
# sample_ <- pra[symbol == "AAPL"]
# v_buy <- sample_[pr_above_dummy_95_1980 == 1, time, ]
# v_sell <- sample_[pr_below_dummy_05_1980 == 1, time, ]
# ggplot(sample_, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = close)) +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_buy, color = "green") +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_sell, color = "red")
# ggplot(sample_[time %between% GFC], aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = close)) +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_buy, color = "green") +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_sell, color = "red")
# ggplot(sample_[datetime %between% AFTERGFCBULL], aes(x = datetime)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = close)) +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_buy, color = "green") +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_sell, color = "red")
# ggplot(sample_[datetime %between% COVID], aes(x = datetime)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = close)) +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_buy, color = "green") +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_sell, color = "red")
# ggplot(sample_[datetime %between% AFTER_COVID], aes(x = datetime)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = close)) +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_buy, color = "green") +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_sell, color = "red")
# ggplot(sample_[datetime %between% NEW], aes(x = datetime)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = close)) +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_buy, color = "green") +
#   geom_vline(xintercept = v_sell, color = "red")
# # plots sum
# g1 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_90))
# g2 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_450))
# g3 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_1980))
# g4 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_11880))
# g5 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_23760))
# g6 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_47520))
# ( g1 | g2 ) / ( g3 | g4 ) / ( g5 | g6)
# # plots sum 95 / 05
# g1 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_05_90)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_above_dummy_95_90), color ="red")
# g2 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_05_450)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_above_dummy_95_450), color ="red")
# g3 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_05_1980)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_above_dummy_95_1980), color ="red")
# g4 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_05_11880)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_above_dummy_95_11880), color ="red")
# g5 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_05_23760)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_above_dummy_95_23760), color ="red")
# g6 <- ggplot(backtest_data, aes(x = time)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_below_dummy_05_47520)) +
#   geom_line(aes(y = pr_above_dummy_95_47520), color ="red")
# ( g1 | g2 ) / ( g3 | g4 ) / ( g5 | g6)
MislavSag/alphar documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 5:28 a.m.