# In addition: Warning messages:
# 1: PipeOp PipeOpWinsorizeSimpleGroup has construction arguments besides 'id'
# and 'param_vals' but does not overload the private '.additional_phash_input()' function.
# The hash and phash of a PipeOp must differ when it represents a different operation; since PipeOpWinsorizeSimpleGroup has construction arguments that could change the
# operation that is performed by it, it is necessary for the $hash and $phash to reflect this. `.additional_phash_input()`
# should return all the information (e.g. hashes of encapsulated items) that should additionally be hashed; read the help of ?PipeOp for more information.
# library(mlr3pipelines)
# library(mlr3verse)
# library(mlr3misc)
# library(R6)
# library(paradox)
PipeOpWinsorizeSimpleGroup = R6::R6Class(
inherit = mlr3pipelines::PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple,
public = list(
group_var = NULL,
initialize = function(group_var, id = "winsorization", param_vals = list()) {
self$group_var = group_var
ps = ParamSet$new(list(
ParamDbl$new("probs_low", lower = 0, upper = 1, default = 0.05, tags = c("winsorize_tag")),
ParamDbl$new("probs_high", lower = 0, upper = 1, default = 0.95, tags = c("winsorize_tag")),
ParamLgl$new("na.rm", default = TRUE, tags = c("winsorize_tag")),
ParamInt$new("qtype", lower = 1L, upper = 9L, default = 7L, tags = c("winsorize_tag"))
ps$values = list(qtype = 7L)
super$initialize(id, param_set = ps, param_vals = param_vals) # , feature_types = c("numeric", "integer")
private = list(
.select_cols = function(task) {
task$feature_types[type %in% c("numeric"), id]
.get_state = function(task) {
# debug
# task = copy(tsk_aroundzero_month)
# dt = tsk_aroundzero_month$data()
# cols = tsk_aroundzero_month$feature_types[type %in% c("numeric", "integer"), id]
# dt = dt[, ..cols]
# pv = list(
# probs_low = 0.01, probs_high = 0.99, na.rm = TRUE, qtype = 7
# )
# self = list()
# need this part to use group
dt_columns = private$.select_cols(task)
cols = dt_columns
if (!length(cols)) {
return(list(dt_columns = dt_columns))
dt = task$data(cols = cols)
# extract data and backend
group_ = task$backend$data(cols = c(self$group_var, "..row_id"),
rows = task$row_ids)
stopifnot(all(task$row_ids == group_$`..row_id`))
# print(group_[, .SD, .SDcols = self$group_var])
dt = cbind(dt, group_[, .SD, .SDcols = self$group_var])
# params
pv = self$param_set$get_values(tags = "winsorize_tag")
# state variables
group_id = self$group_var
q = dt[, lapply(
probs = c(pv$probs_low, pv$probs_high),
na.rm = pv$na.rm,
type = pv$qtype
by = c(group_id)]
q = q[, -1, with = FALSE]
# print(q)
dt[, (group_id) := NULL]
stopifnot(all(names(q) == names(dt[])))
minvals = q[1],
maxvals = q[2],
dt_columns = dt_columns
.transform = function(task) {
# from https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3pipelines/blob/HEAD/R/PipeOpTaskPreproc.R
cols = self$state$dt_columns
if (!length(cols)) {
dt = task$data(cols = cols)
# print(dim(dt))
# print(dim(self$state$minvals))
dt = dt[, Map(function(a, b) ifelse(a < b, b, a), .SD, self$state$minvals)]
dt = dt[, Map(function(a, b) ifelse(a > b, b, a), .SD, self$state$maxvals)]
# print(colnames(dt))
# print(dim(dt))
task$select(setdiff(task$feature_names, cols))$cbind(dt)
.additional_phash_input = function() self$group_var
# .get_state_dt = function(dt, levels, target) {
# # debug
# # task = copy(tsk_aroundzero_month)
# # dt = tsk_aroundzero_month$data()
# # cols = tsk_aroundzero_month$feature_types[type %in% c("numeric", "integer"), id]
# # dt = dt[, ..cols]
# # pv = list(
# # probs_low = 0.01, probs_high = 0.99, na.rm = TRUE, qtype = 7
# # )
# # self = list()
# # params
# pv = self$param_set$get_values(tags = "winsorize_tag")
# # state variables
# q = dt[, lapply(.SD,
# quantile,
# probs = c(pv$probs_low, pv$probs_high),
# na.rm = pv$na.rm,
# type = pv$qtype)]
# list(
# minvals = q[1],
# maxvals = q[2]
# )
# },
# .transform_dt = function(dt, levels) {
# dt = dt[, Map(function(a, b) ifelse(a < b, b, a), .SD, self$state$minvals)]
# dt = dt[, Map(function(a, b) ifelse(a > b, b, a), .SD, self$state$maxvals)]
# dt
# }
# library("mlr3")
# no group variable
# task = tsk("iris")
# task$col_roles
# task$row_roles
# gr = Graph$new()
# gr$add_pipeop(PipeOpWinsorizeSimpleGroup$new(param_vals = list(probs_low = 0.2, probs_high = 0.8, na.rm = TRUE)))
# result = gr$train(task)
# result[[1]]$data()
# predres = gr$predict(task)
# # group variable
# dt = tsk("iris")$data()
# dt[, monthid := c(rep(1, 50), rep(2, 50), rep(3, 50))]
# task = as_task_classif(dt, target = "Species")
# task$set_col_roles("monthid", "group")
# gr = Graph$new()
# gr$add_pipeop(PipeOpWinsorize$new(param_vals = list(probs_low = 0.2, probs_high = 0.8, na.rm = TRUE)))
# result = gr$train(task)
# result[[1]]$data()
# predres = gr$predict(task)
# # my data
# sample_ = task_ret_week$filter(1:10000)
# sample_pred = task_ret_week$filter(10000:20000)
# gr = Graph$new()
# gr$add_pipeop(PipeOpWinsorizeSimpleGroup$new("yearmonthid", param_vals = list(probs_low = 0.2, probs_high = 0.8, na.rm = TRUE)))
# result = gr$train(sample_)
# predres = gr$predict(sample_pred)
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