
# plumber.R
# libraries
#* Echo back the input
#* @param msg The message to echo
#* @get /echo
function(msg="") {
  list(msg = paste0("The message is: '", msg, "'"))
#* Plot a histogram
#* @serializer png
#* @get /plot
function() {
  rand <- rnorm(100)
#* Return the sum of two numbers
#* @param a The first number to add
#* @param b The second number to add
#* @post /sum
function(a, b) {
  as.numeric(a) + as.numeric(b)

# # 1. check if package we use is installed on droplet. Check for side packages (e. g. utils)
# # 2. check if we have load package in plumber file with library function
# # 3. check endpoint in plumber and test
# # 4. check argument name in plumber and test
# # 5. check the data exists for the mlr3 model
# # 6. check the plumber is redeployed
# # load packages
# library(plumber)
# library(exuber)
# library(fracdiff)
# library(dpseg)
# library(mrisk)
# library(httr)
# library(quarks)
# library(Rcatch22)
# library(mlr3automl)
# library(mlr3extralearners)
# library(backCUSUM)
# library(finfeatures)
# library(mlr3)
# library(data.table)
# # import ML model
# # model <- tryCatch(readRDS(file = '/root/var/plumber/alphar/hftmlr_model.rds'),
# #                   error = function(e) e)
# model <- file.exists('/root/var/plumber/alphar/hftmlr_model.rds')
# # model = readRDS(file = 'hftmlr_model.rds')
# # model_hft = readRDS('ml_model_hft.rds')
# # model_hft_mlr = readRDS('ml_model_hft_mlr.rds')
# # model_hft = readRDS('R/plumber_deploy/ml_model_hft.rds')
# # set virutal environment path
# # reticulate::use_python("/usr/bin/python3")
# # reticulate::use_python("C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/mlfinlabenv/python.exe", required = TRUE)
# #* @apiTitle AlphaR API
# #* @apiDescription Endpoints for finding alpha for investing on financial markets
# #* Return the sum of two numbers
# #* @param a The first number to add
# #* @param b The second number to add
# #* @post /sum
# function(a, b){
#   as.numeric(a) + as.numeric(b)
#   model
# }
# #* Recursive Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
# #* @param x Vector of values (prices)
# #* @param adf_lag The lag length of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression (default = 0L)
# #* @post /radf
# function(x, adf_lag){
#   radf(x, lag = adf_lag)
# }
# # #* Fin min_d for fracdiff
# # #* @param x vector of values
# # #* @post /mind
# # function(x) {
# #   min_d_fdGPH <- fdGPH(x)
# #   min_d_fdSperio <- fdSperio(x)
# #   min_d <- mean(c(min_d_fdGPH$d, min_d_fdSperio$d))
# #   min_d
# # }
# #
# # #* Diffseries
# # #* @param x vector of values
# # #* @param min_d minimal d
# # #* @post /fracdiff
# # function(x, min_d) {
# #   diffseries(x, min_d)
# # }
# #
# # #* Alpha dpseg
# # #* @param time Time se float
# # #* @param price vector of prices
# # #* @param p break-point penalty
# # #* @param type_ type of scoring function
# # #* @post /dpseg
# # function(time, price, type_, p) {
# #   segs <- dpseg(time, price, jumps=FALSE, P=p, type=type_, verb=FALSE)
# #   slope_last <- segs$segments$slope[length(segs$segments$slope)]
# #   return(slope_last)
# # }
# #
# # #* Alpha backcusum volatility
# # #* @param time Time se float
# # #* @param price vector of prices
# # #* @param critical_value Critical value for backCUSUM detector
# # #* @param method Look help for spotVol in highfrequency package
# # #* @param marketOpen_ Look help for spotVol in highfrequency package
# # #* @param marketClose_ Look help for spotVol in highfrequency package
# # #* @param tz_ Look help for spotVol in highfrequency package
# # #* @post /backcusumvol
# # function(time, price, critical_value = 0.4, method_ = 'detPer', k_time = 10,
# #          marketOpen_ = '09:30:00', marketClose_ = '16:00:00', tz_ = 'America/New_York') {
# #
# #   # construct xts xts
# #   time <- anytime::anytime(time)
# #   x <- xts::xts(unlist(price), order.by = unlist(time), tzone = tz_)
# #
# #   # volatility
# #   vol1 <- tryCatch(
# #     highfrequency::spotVol(
# #       x,
# #       method = method_,
# #       on = 'minutes',
# #       k = k_time,
# #       marketOpen = marketOpen_,
# #       marketClose = marketClose_,
# #       tz = tz_),
# #     error = function(e) print(e)
# #     )
# #   if (exists('message', vol1)) {
# #     return(vol1$message)
# #   } else {
# #     vol1 <- vol1$spot
# #     vol1 <- na.omit(vol1)
# #     vol1 <- vol1[1:100]
# #     bq <- backCUSUM::BQ.test(vol1 ~ 1, alternative = "greater")
# #     value_test <- purrr::pluck(bq, 'detector')
# #     value_test <- tail(value_test, 1)
# #     if (value_test > critical_value) {
# #       alpha <- 0
# #     } else {
# #       alpha <- 1
# #     }
# #   }
# #   return(alpha)
# # }
# #
# #
# # #* Backcusum filter
# # #* @param returns
# # #* @post /backcusumfilter
# # function(returns) {
# #
# #   # returns <- rnorm(200)
# #
# #   # calualte backcusum returns
# #   y <- na.omit(returns)
# #   y <- SBQ.test(as.formula('y ~ 1'), alternative = 'greater')# [['statistic']]
# #   results <- c(y[['statistic']], as.integer(y[['rejection']]))
# #   names(results) <- c("statistics", paste0("backcusum_rejections_", as.numeric(names(y[['rejection']])) * 1000))
# #   results <- as.data.table(as.list(results))
# #
# #   return(results)
# # }
# #
# #
# # #* BackCUSUM
# # #* @param x vector of values
# # #* @param alternative look at BQ.test docs
# # #* @post /backcusum
# # function(x) {
# #   bc_greater <- backCUSUM::BQ.test(x ~ 1, alternative = "greater")
# #   bc_greater[['statistic']]
# # }
# #
# # #* Var
# # #* @param x vector of returns
# # #* @param prob p VaR
# # #* @param type type of VaR
# # #* @post /varrisk
# # function(x, prob = 0.95, type = 'gaussian') {
# #   returns <- na.omit((x - data.table::shift(x)) / data.table::shift(x))
# #   PerformanceAnalytics::VaR(returns, p = prob, method = type, clean = 'none', portfolio_method = 'single')[1]
# # }
# #
# # #* GAS ES
# # #* @param x vector of returns
# # #* @param dist distribution
# # #* @param scaling_type scaling
# # #* @param h horizont
# # #* @param p threshold
# # #* @post /gas
# # function(x, dist = 'std', scaling_type = 'Identity', h = 1, p = 0.01) {
# #   GASSpec <- GAS::UniGASSpec(
# #     Dist = dist,
# #     ScalingType = scaling_type,
# #     GASPar = list(location = TRUE, scale = TRUE, skewness = TRUE, shape = TRUE))
# #   Fit <- GAS::UniGASFit(GASSpec, x, Compute.SE = FALSE)
# #   Forecast <- GAS::UniGASFor(Fit, H = h, ReturnDraws = TRUE)
# #   GAS::quantile(Forecast, p)
# # }
# #
# # #* General Pareto Distribution fit
# # #* @param x vector of returns
# # #* @param threshold return threshold
# # #* @param method estimation method
# # #* @param p apha for quantiles
# # #* @post /gpd
# # function(x, threshold = -0.001, method = 'pwm', p = 0.999) {
# #   out <- evir::gpd(x, threshold = threshold, method = method)
# #   out <- evir::riskmeasures(out, p)[1, 3]
# #   return(out)
# # }
# #
# # #* General Pareto Distribution fit
# # #* @param x vector of returns
# # #* @param threshold return threshold
# # #* @param method estimation method
# # #* @param p apha for quantiles
# # #* @post /gpd
# # function(x, threshold = -0.001, method = 'pwm', p = 0.999) {
# #   out <- evir::gpd(x, threshold = threshold, method = method)
# #   out <- evir::riskmeasures(out, p)[1, 3]
# #   return(out)
# # }
# #
# # # MODEL -------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # #* ML model
# # #* @param features vector of feature values
# # #* @post /ml_model_risks
# # function(features){
# #   features <- data.table(t(features))
# #   colnames(features) <- model$model$learner$state$train_task$feature_names
# #   predictions <- model$model$learner$predict_newdata(newdata = features)
# #   probabilities <- as.vector(predictions$prob)
# #   return(probabilities)
# # }
# #
# #
# # #* mlr3 hft model
# # #* @param close close prices
# # #* @post /ml_model_hft
# # function(close) {
# #
# #   # FOR TEST
# #   # close = get_daily_prices("SPY", Sys.Date() - 1000, Sys.Date())
# #   # close = close$close
# #
# #   # calcualte features
# #   exuber_600_4_gsadf <- radf(tail(close, 600), minw = psy_minw(close), lag = 4L)
# #   exuber_600_4_gsadf <- exuber::tidy(exuber_600_4_gsadf)
# #   exuber_600_4_gsadf <- exuber_600_4_gsadf$gsadf
# #   catch22_CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff_264 <- Rcatch22::CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff(tail(close, 264))
# #
# #   # merge features
# #   features <- data.table(
# #     exuber_600_4_gsadf = exuber_600_4_gsadf,
# #     catch22_CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff_264 = catch22_CO_Embed2_Dist_tau_d_expfit_meandiff_264)
# #
# #   # make predictions
# #   predictions <- model_hft$learner$model$learner$predict_newdata(newdata = features)
# #   probabilities <- as.vector(predictions$prob)
# #   return(probabilities)
# # }
# #
# # #* mlr3 hft model v2
# # #* @param close close prices
# # #* @post /ml_model_hft_mlr
# # function(open, high, low, close, volume) {
# #
# #   # DEBUG
# #   # library(finfeatures)
# #   # data(spy_hour)
# #   # open = spy_hour$open[1:2400]
# #   # high = spy_hour$high[1:2400]
# #   # low = spy_hour$low[1:2400]
# #   # close = spy_hour$close[1:2400]
# #   # volume = spy_hour$volume[1:2400]
# #   # symbol = "TEST"
# #   # date = seq.Date(from = Sys.Date() - 10, length.out = length(close), by = 1)
# #   # model_hft_mlr = readRDS("D:/mlfin/mlr3_models/hft_mlr3_model-20220830164033.rds")
# #   # model_hft_mlr$state$train_task$feature_names
# #
# #   # create OHLCV
# #   df = cbind.data.frame(symbol = "TEST",
# #                         date = seq.Date(from = Sys.Date() - 10, length.out = length(close), by = 1),
# #                         open, high, low, close, volume)
# #   ohlcv <- Ohlcv$new(df)
# #
# #   # calculate predictors
# #   ohlcv_instance <- OhlcvFeatures$new(at = NULL, windows = c(15, 30, 60))
# #   ohlcv_features <- ohlcv_instance$get_ohlcv_features(ohlcv)
# #   RollingTvgarchInit = RollingTvgarch$new(windows = 480,
# #                                           workers = 1L,
# #                                           at = nrow(ohlcv$X),
# #                                           lag = 0L,
# #                                           na_pad = TRUE,
# #                                           simplify = FALSE)
# #   tvharch_predictors = RollingTvgarchInit$get_rolling_features(ohlcv)
# #
# #   RollingQuarksInit = RollingQuarks$new(windows = 200,
# #                                         workers = 1L,
# #                                         at = nrow(ohlcv$X),
# #                                         lag = 0L,
# #                                         na_pad = TRUE,
# #                                         simplify = FALSE)
# #   quarks_features = RollingQuarksInit$get_rolling_features(ohlcv)
# #   # TODO faster calculation ??
# #   RollingTheftFeastsInit = RollingTheft$new(windows = 2400,
# #                                             workers = 1L,
# #                                             at = nrow(ohlcv$X),
# #                                             lag = 0L,
# #                                             na_pad = TRUE,
# #                                             simplify = FALSE,
# #                                             features_set = "feasts")
# #   tsfel_feasts_features = RollingTheftFeastsInit$get_rolling_features(ohlcv)
# #   RollingTheftInit = RollingTheft$new(windows = 240,
# #                                       workers = 1L,
# #                                       at = nrow(ohlcv$X),
# #                                       lag = 0L,
# #                                       na_pad = TRUE,
# #                                       simplify = FALSE,
# #                                       features_set = "tsfel")
# #   tsfel_features = RollingTheftInit$get_rolling_features(ohlcv)
# #
# #   # merge predictors
# #   predictors <- cbind.data.frame(ohlcv_features,
# #                                  tvharch_predictors,
# #                                  quarks_features,
# #                                  tsfel_feasts_features,
# #                                  tsfel_features)
# #   predictors <- predictors[, model_hft_mlr$state$train_task$feature_names]
# #   predictors <- tail(predictors, 1)
# #
# #   # make prediction
# #   prediction <- model_hft_mlr$predict_newdata(predictors)
# #   probabilities <- as.vector(prediction$prob)
# #   return(probabilities)
# # }
# #
# #
# # #* Radf point
# # #* @param symbols Vector of symbols
# # #* @param date Last date
# # #* @param window Window size
# # #* @param price_lag Number of lags to use in exuber
# # #* @param use_log Use/not use log
# # #* @param time Time frequency to use, eg hour minute
# # #* @get /radf_point
# # function(symbols, date, window, price_lag, use_log, time){
# #   use_log <- as.logical(as.integer(use_log))
# #   window <- as.numeric(window)
# #   price_lag <- as.numeric(price_lag)
# #   date <- as.character(as.Date(substr(date, 1, 8), "%Y%m%d"))
# #   paste("Arguments: ", symbols, date, window, price_lag, use_log)
# #   x <- mrisk::radf_point(symbols, date, window, price_lag, use_log, "15cd5d0adf4bc6805a724b4417bbaafc", time)
# #   x
# # }
# # # symbols = "SPY"
# # # date = "20210628000000"
# # # window = 100
# # # price_lag = 1
# # # use_log = 1
# # # time = "minute"
# # # format(Sys.time(), tz="America/New_York", usetz=TRUE)
# #
# # #* Radf point sp500
# # #* @param date Last date
# # #* @param window Window size
# # #* @param price_lag Number of lags to use in exuber
# # #* @param use_log Use/not use log
# # #* @param agg_type Aggregation type
# # #* @param number_of_assets Number of assets from SP500 to use
# # #* @get /radf_point_sp
# # function(date, window, price_lag, use_log, agg_type, number_of_assets){
# #   api_key <- "15cd5d0adf4bc6805a724b4417bbaafc"
# #   url <- paste0("https://financialmodelingprep.com/api/v3/sp500_constituent?apikey=", api_key)
# #   sp500_symbols <- httr::content(httr::GET(url))
# #   sp500_symbols <- unlist(lapply(sp500_symbols, function(x) x[["symbol"]]))
# #   use_log <- as.logical(as.integer(use_log))
# #   window <- as.numeric(window)
# #   price_lag <- as.numeric(price_lag)
# #   date <- as.character(as.Date(substr(date, 1, 8), "%Y%m%d"))
# #   number_of_assets <- as.integer(number_of_assets)
# #   radfs <- list()
# #   # i = 1
# #   for (i in seq_along(sp500_symbols[1:number_of_assets])) {
# #      x <- mrisk::radf_point(sp500_symbols[i], date, window, price_lag, use_log, "15cd5d0adf4bc6805a724b4417bbaafc", time = "hour")
# #      radfs[[i]] <- cbind(symbol = sp500_symbols[i], x)
# #   }
# #   result <- rbindlist(radfs)
# #   if (agg_type == "std") {
# #     measures <- colnames(result)[3:ncol(result)]
# #     measures_agg <- result[, lapply(.SD, sd), .SDcols=measures]
# #     result <- cbind.data.frame(datetime=max(result$datetime), measures_agg)
# #   } else if (agg_type == "null") {
# #     result <- as.data.frame(result)
# #   }
# #   return(result)
# # }
# # # date = format.Date(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d")
# # # window = 100
# # # price_lag = 1
# # # use_log = 1
# # # agg_type = "std"
# # # number_of_assets = 10
# #
# # #* VaR and ES
# # #* @param x Vector of returns
# # #* @param p conf level
# # #* @param model model for estimating conditional volatility
# # #* @param method method to be used
# # #* @param nwin Use/not use log
# # #* @param nout Aggregation type
# # #* @post /quark
# # function(x, p, model, method, nwin, nout) {
# #   x <- diff(log(x))
# #   y <- rollcast(x = x,
# #                 p = p,
# #                 model = model,
# #                 method = method,
# #                 nout = nout,
# #                 nwin = nwin)
# #
# #   # VaR stats
# #   var_1 <- y$VaR[1]
# #   var_day <- mean(y$VaR[1:8], na.rm = TRUE)
# #   var_week <- mean(y$VaR[1:40], na.rm = TRUE)
# #   var_month <- mean(y$VaR, na.rm = TRUE)
# #   var_std <- sd(y$VaR)
# #
# #   # ES stats
# #   es_1 <- y$ES[1]
# #   es_day <- mean(y$ES[1:8], na.rm = TRUE)
# #   es_week <- mean(y$ES[1:40], na.rm = TRUE)
# #   es_month <- mean(y$ES, na.rm = TRUE)
# #   es_std <- sd(y$ES)
# #
# #   # merge all in df
# #   VaR <- as.data.table(list(var_1 = var_1, var_day = var_day, var_week = var_week, var_month = var_month, var_std = var_std))
# #   ES <- as.data.table(list(es_1 = es_1, es_day = es_day, es_week = es_week, es_month = es_month, es_std = es_std))
# #   unlist(cbind.data.frame(VaR, ES), use.names = FALSE)
# #   return(cbind.data.frame(VaR, ES))
# # }
# # # x = y
# # # p = 0.975
# # # model = "EWMA"
# # # method = "plain"
# # # nwin = 100
# # # nout = 150
MislavSag/alphar documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 5:28 a.m.