# session options
options(repr.plot.width = 14, repr.plot.height=7, warn = -1)
# library(tidyverse)
# library(tibbletime)
# chart options
theme_update(text = element_text(size = 20))
perps = fread("https://github.com/Robot-Wealth/r-quant-recipes/raw/master/quantifying-combining-alphas/binance_perp_daily.csv")
# Create universe
universe_dt = perps[, let(
trail_volume = roll_mean(dollar_volume, 30),
total_fwd_return_simple = shift(funding_rate, -1, type = "shift") +
(shift(close, -1, type = "shift") - close) / close
), by = ticker]
universe_dt = perps[, let(
total_fwd_return_simple_2 = shift(total_fwd_return_simple, -1, type = "shift"),
total_fwd_return_log = log(1 + total_fwd_return_simple)
), by = ticker]
universe_dt = na.omit(universe_dt)
universe_dt[, volume_decile := dplyr::ntile(trail_volume, 10), by = date] # TODO Find data.table way to do this
universe_dt[, is_universe := volume_decile >= 3]
# Plot Universe size
universe_dt[, .(count = .N), by = .(date, is_universe)] |>
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = count, color = is_universe)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title = 'Universe size')
# # Checks
# test = as.data.table(universe)[universe_dt, on = c("ticker", "date")]
# test[, all(close == i.close)]
# test[, all(trail_volume == i.trail_volume)]
# test[, all(volume_decile == i.volume_decile)]
# test[, .(volume_decile, i.volume_decile)]
# test[, all(is_universe == i.is_universe)]
# Create simple features
setorder(universe_dt, ticker, date)
features_dt = universe_dt[, let(
breakout = 9.5 - frollapply(close, 20, function(x) {
idx_of_high = which.max(x)
days_since_high = length(x) - idx_of_high
momo = close - shift(close, 10, type = "lag") / close,
carry = funding_rate
), by = ticker]
features_dt = na.omit(features_dt)
# # Checks
# test = as.data.table(features)[features_dt, on = c("ticker", "date")]
# test = na.omit(test)
# test[, all(close == i.close)]
# test[, all(carry == i.carry)]
# test[, all(momo == i.momo)]
# test[, all(breakout == i.breakout)]
# Plot features
melt(features_dt[is_universe == TRUE],
id.vars = setdiff(names(features_dt[is_universe == TRUE]), c("breakout", "momo", "carry")),
variable.name = "feature",
value.name = "value",
measure.vars = c("breakout", "momo", "carry")) |>
ggplot(aes(x = value, colour = feature)) +
geom_density() +
facet_wrap(~feature, scales = "free")
# Scale features
features_scaled_dt = features_dt[is_universe == TRUE][
, let(
demeaned_fwd_returns = total_fwd_return_simple - mean(total_fwd_return_simple),
zscore_carry = (carry - mean(carry, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(carry, na.rm = TRUE),
decile_carry = dplyr::ntile(carry, 10),
zscore_momo = (momo - mean(momo, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(momo, na.rm = TRUE),
decile_momo = dplyr::ntile(momo, 10)
by = date
features_scaled_dt = na.omit(features_scaled_dt)
# # Checks
# test = as.data.table(features_scaled)[features_scaled_dt, on = c("ticker", "date")]
# test = na.omit(test)
# test[, all(zscore_carry == i.zscore_carry)]
# test[, all(decile_carry == i.decile_carry)]
# test[, all(zscore_momo == i.zscore_momo)]
# test[, all(decile_momo == i.decile_momo)]
# Factor plot of the decile_carry feature against next day relative returns
features_scaled_dt[, .(mean_return = mean(mean(demeaned_fwd_returns))), by = decile_carry] |>
ggplot(aes(x = factor(decile_carry), y = mean_return)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
x = "Carry Decile",
y = "Cross-Sectional Return",
title = "Carry decile feature vs next-day cross-sectional return"
# Factor plot of the breakout feature feature against next day relative returns
features_scaled_dt[, .(mean_return = mean(mean(total_fwd_return_simple))), by = breakout] |>
ggplot(aes(x = breakout, y = mean_return)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
x = "Carry Decile",
y = "Cross-Sectional Return",
title = "Carry decile feature vs next-day cross-sectional return"
# Factor plot of the momentum feature feature against next day relative returns
features_scaled_dt[, .(mean_return = mean(mean(demeaned_fwd_returns))), by = decile_momo] |>
ggplot(aes(x = decile_momo, y = mean_return)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
x = "Carry Decile",
y = "Cross-Sectional Return",
title = "Carry decile feature vs next-day cross-sectional return"
# Information coefficient
id.vars = setdiff(names(features_scaled_dt),
c("breakout", "zscore_carry", "zscore_momo", "decile_carry", "decile_momo")),
variable.name = "feature",
value.name = "value",
measure.vars = c("breakout", "zscore_carry", "zscore_momo", "decile_carry", "decile_momo")) |>
_[, .(IC = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns)), by = feature] |>
ggplot(aes(x = factor(feature, levels = c('breakout', 'zscore_carry', 'decile_carry', 'zscore_momo', 'decile_momo')), y = IC)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
x = "Feature",
y = "IC",
title = "Relative Return Information Coefficient"
id.vars = setdiff(names(features_scaled_dt),
c("breakout", "zscore_carry", "zscore_momo", "decile_carry", "decile_momo")),
variable.name = "feature",
value.name = "value",
measure.vars = c("breakout", "zscore_carry", "zscore_momo", "decile_carry", "decile_momo")) |>
_[, .(IC = cor(value, total_fwd_return_simple)), by = feature] |>
ggplot(aes(x = factor(feature, levels = c('breakout', 'zscore_carry', 'decile_carry', 'zscore_momo', 'decile_momo')), y = IC)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
x = "Feature",
y = "IC",
title = "Relative Return Information Coefficient"
# Decay
setorder(features_scaled_dt, ticker, date)
features_scaled_decay_dt = features_scaled_dt[is_universe == TRUE][, let(
demeaned_fwd_returns_2 = shift(demeaned_fwd_returns, -1, type = "shift"),
demeaned_fwd_returns_3 = shift(demeaned_fwd_returns, -2, type = "shift"),
demeaned_fwd_returns_4 = shift(demeaned_fwd_returns, -3, type = "shift"),
demeaned_fwd_returns_5 = shift(demeaned_fwd_returns, -4, type = "shift"),
demeaned_fwd_returns_6 = shift(demeaned_fwd_returns, -5, type = "shift")
), by = ticker]
features_scaled_decay_dt = na.omit(features_scaled_decay_dt)
features_scaled_decay_dt = melt(features_scaled_decay_dt,
id.vars = setdiff(names(features_scaled_decay_dt),
c("zscore_carry", "zscore_momo", "decile_carry", "decile_momo")),
variable.name = "feature",
value.name = "value",
measure.vars = c("zscore_carry", "zscore_momo", "decile_carry", "decile_momo"))
features_scaled_decay_dt[, .(
IC_1 = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns),
IC_2 = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns_2),
IC_3 = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns_3),
IC_4 = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns_4),
IC_5 = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns_5),
IC_6 = cor(value, demeaned_fwd_returns_6)
), by = feature] |>
id.vars = "feature",
measure.vars = setdiff(names(dt), "feature"),
variable.name = "IC_period",
value.name = "IC") |>
ggplot(aes(x = factor(IC_period), y = IC, colour = feature, group = feature)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
title = "IC by forward period against relative returns",
x = "IC period"
# Time series decay
setorder(features_scaled_dt, ticker, date)
features_scaled_decay_dt = features_scaled_dt[is_universe == TRUE][, let(
fwd_returns_2 = shift(total_fwd_return_simple, -1, type = "shift"),
fwd_returns_3 = shift(total_fwd_return_simple, -2, type = "shift"),
fwd_returns_4 = shift(total_fwd_return_simple, -3, type = "shift"),
fwd_returns_5 = shift(total_fwd_return_simple, -4, type = "shift"),
fwd_returns_6 = shift(total_fwd_return_simple, -5, type = "shift")
), by = ticker]
features_scaled_decay_dt = na.omit(features_scaled_decay_dt)
features_scaled_decay_dt = melt(features_scaled_decay_dt,
id.vars = setdiff(names(features_scaled_decay_dt),
variable.name = "feature",
value.name = "value",
measure.vars = c("breakout"))
features_scaled_decay_dt[, .(
IC_1 = cor(value, total_fwd_return_simple),
IC_2 = cor(value, fwd_returns_2),
IC_3 = cor(value, fwd_returns_3),
IC_4 = cor(value, fwd_returns_4),
IC_5 = cor(value, fwd_returns_5),
IC_6 = cor(value, fwd_returns_6)
), by = feature] |>
id.vars = "feature",
measure.vars = setdiff(names(dt), "feature"),
variable.name = "IC_period",
value.name = "IC") |>
ggplot(aes(x = factor(IC_period), y = IC, colour = feature, group = feature)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
title = "IC by forward period against relative returns",
x = "IC period"
# Start simulation from date we first have n tickers in the universe
min_trading_universe_size = 10
start_date = features_dt[, .(count = .N), by = .(date, is_universe)][order(date)]
start_date = start_date[count >= min_trading_universe_size]
start_date = start_date[, first(date)]
model_dt = features_dt[is_universe == TRUE]
model_dt = model_dt[date >= start_date]
model_dt[, let(
carry_decile = ntile(carry, 10),
momo_decile = ntile(momo, 10)
), by = date]
model_dt[, let(
carry_weight = (carry_decile - 5.5),
momo_weight = -(momo_decile - 5.5),
breakout_weight = breakout / 2
), by = date]
model_dt[, let(
combined_weight = (0.5*carry_weight + 0.2*momo_weight + 0.3*breakout_weight)
), by = date]
model_dt[, let(
scaled_weight = if_else(combined_weight == 0, 0, combined_weight/sum(abs(combined_weight)))
), by = date]
returns_plot = model_dt[, .(
returns = scaled_weight * total_fwd_return_simple
), by = date]
returns_plot = returns_plot[, .(logreturns = log(returns + 1)), by = date]
setorder(returns_plot, date)
returns_plot = ggplot(returns_plot, aes(x=date, y=cumsum(logreturns))) +
geom_line() +
title = 'Combined Carry, Momentum, and Trend Model on top 80% Perp Universe',
subtitle = "Unleveraged returns",
x = "",
y = "Cumulative return"
weights_plot = model_dt[, .(total_weight = sum(scaled_weight)), by = date]
weights_plot = weights_plot |>
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = total_weight)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Date", y = "Portfolio net weight")
returns_plot / weights_plot + plot_layout(heights = c(2,1))
# CHAPTER 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------
# importlibriries
# Import data
perps = fread("https://github.com/Robot-Wealth/r-quant-recipes/raw/master/quantifying-combining-alphas/binance_perp_daily.csv")
url <- "https://stablecoins.llama.fi/stablecoins?includePrices=true"
response <- httr::GET(url)
stables <- response %>%
httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON(flatten = TRUE) %>%
pluck("peggedAssets") %>%
perps <- perps %>%
filter(!ticker %in% glue::glue("{stables}USDT"))
# just get the top 30 by trailing 30-day volume
trading_universe_size <- 30
universe <- perps %>%
group_by(ticker) %>%
mutate(trail_volume = roll_mean(dollar_volume, 30)) %>%
na.omit() %>%
group_by(date) %>%
volume_rank = row_number(-trail_volume),
is_universe = volume_rank <= trading_universe_size
universe %>%
group_by(date, is_universe) %>%
summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=date, y=count, color = is_universe)) +
geom_line() +
title = 'Universe size'
# calculate features
rolling_days_since_high_20 <- purrr::possibly(
function(x) {
idx_of_high <- which.max(x)
days_since_high <- length(x) - idx_of_high
window = 20, na_value = NA),
otherwise = NA
features <- universe %>%
group_by(ticker) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
breakout = lag(9.5 - rolling_days_since_high_20(close)), # puts this feature on a scale -9.5 to +9.5
momo = lag(close - lag(close, 10)/close),
carry = lag(funding_rate)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# calculate target weights
# filter on is_universe so that we calculate features only for stuff that's in the universe today
# (we'd have to do this differently if any of these calcs depended on past data, eg if we were doing z-score smoothing)
# then, join on original prices for backtesting
# tickers that were ever in the universe
universe_tickers <- features %>%
filter(is_universe) %>%
pull(ticker) %>%
# print(length(universe_tickers))
# start simulation from date we first have n tickers in the universe
start_date <- features %>%
group_by(date, is_universe) %>%
summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
filter(count >= trading_universe_size) %>%
head(1) %>%
# calculate weights
model_df <- features %>%
filter(is_universe) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
carry_decile = ntile(carry, 10),
carry_weight = (carry_decile - 5.5), # will run -4.5 to 4.5
momo_decile = ntile(momo, 10),
momo_weight = -(momo_decile - 5.5), # will run -4.5 to 4.5
breakout_weight = breakout / 2,
combined_weight = (0.5*carry_weight + 0.2*momo_weight + 0.3*breakout_weight),
# scale weights so that abs values sum to 1 - no leverage condition
scaled_weight = combined_weight/sum(abs(combined_weight))
) %>%
select(date, ticker, scaled_weight) %>%
# join back onto df of prices for all tickers that were ever in the universe
# so that we have prices before and after a ticker comes into or out of the universe
# for backtesting purposes
features %>%
filter(ticker %in% universe_tickers) %>%
select(date, ticker, close, funding_rate),
by = c("date", "ticker")
) %>%
# give anything with a NA weight (due to the join) a zero
replace_na(list(scaled_weight = 0)) %>%
arrange(date, ticker) %>%
filter(date >= start_date)
# get weights as a wide matrix
# note that date column will get converted to unix timestamp
backtest_weights <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = c(close, scaled_weight)) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and theo_weight are date aligned
select(date, starts_with("scaled_weight")) %>%
backtest_weights_2 <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = scaled_weight) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and theo_weight are date aligned
all(backtest_weights == backtest_weights_2, na.rm = TRUE)
all.equal(backtest_weights, backtest_weights_2)
# NA weights should be zero
backtest_weights[is.na(backtest_weights)] <- 0
head(backtest_weights, c(5, 5))
# get prices as a wide matrix
# note that date column will get converted to unix timestamp
backtest_prices <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = c(close, scaled_weight)) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and theo_weight are date aligned
select(date, starts_with("close_")) %>%
head(backtest_prices, c(5, 5))
# get funding as a wide matrix
# note that date column will get converted to unix timestamp
backtest_funding <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = c(close, funding_rate)) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and funding_returns_simple are date aligned
select(date, starts_with("funding_rate_")) %>%
head(backtest_funding, c(5, 5))
# fees - reasonable approximation of actual binance costs (spread + market impact + commission)
fees <- tribble(
~tier, ~fee,
0, 0., # use for cost-free simulations
1, 0.0015,
2, 0.001,
3, 0.0008,
4, 0.0007,
5, 0.0006,
6, 0.0004,
7, 0.0002
# make a nice plot with some summary statistics
# plot equity curve from output of simulation
plot_results <- function(backtest_results,
weighting_protocol = "0.5/0.2/0.3 Carry/Momo/Breakout",
trade_on = "close") {
margin <- backtest_results %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(Margin = sum(Margin, na.rm = TRUE))
cash_balance <- backtest_results %>%
filter(ticker == "Cash") %>%
select(Date, Value) %>%
rename("Cash" = Value)
equity <- cash_balance %>%
left_join(margin, by = "Date") %>%
mutate(Equity = Cash + Margin)
fin_eq <- equity %>%
tail(1) %>%
init_eq <- equity %>%
head(1) %>%
total_return <- (fin_eq/init_eq - 1) * 100
days <- nrow(equity)
ann_return <- total_return * 365/days
sharpe <- equity %>%
mutate(returns = Equity/lag(Equity)- 1) %>%
na.omit() %>%
summarise(sharpe = sqrt(365)*mean(returns)/sd(returns)) %>%
equity %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Date, y = Equity)) +
geom_line() +
title = "Crypto Stat Arb Simulation",
subtitle = glue::glue(
"{weighting_protocol}, costs {commission_pct*100}% of trade value, trade buffer = {trade_buffer}, trade on {trade_on}
{round(total_return, 1)}% total return, {round(ann_return, 1)}% annualised, Sharpe {round(sharpe, 2)}"
# calculate sharpe ratio from output of simulation
calc_sharpe <- function(backtest_results) {
margin <- backtest_results %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(Margin = sum(Margin, na.rm = TRUE))
cash_balance <- backtest_results %>%
filter(ticker == "Cash") %>%
select(Date, Value) %>%
rename("Cash" = Value)
equity <- cash_balance %>%
left_join(margin, by = "Date") %>%
mutate(Equity = Cash + Margin)
equity %>%
mutate(returns = Equity/lag(Equity)- 1) %>%
na.omit() %>%
summarise(sharpe = sqrt(355)*mean(returns)/sd(returns)) %>%
# Navigating Cost Tradeoffs using Heuristics ------------------------------
# session options
options(repr.plot.width = 14, repr.plot.height=7, warn = -1)
pacman::p_load_current_gh("Robot-Wealth/rsims", dependencies = TRUE) # this will take some time the first time you build the package
# chart options
theme_update(text = element_text(size = 20))
perps <- read_csv("https://github.com/Robot-Wealth/r-quant-recipes/raw/master/quantifying-combining-alphas/binance_perp_daily.csv")
# remove stablecoins
# list of stablecoins from defi llama
url <- "https://stablecoins.llama.fi/stablecoins?includePrices=true"
response <- httr::GET(url)
stables <- response %>%
httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON(flatten = TRUE) %>%
pluck("peggedAssets") %>%
# sort(stables)
perps <- perps %>%
filter(!ticker %in% glue::glue("{stables}USDT"))
# just get the top 30 by trailing 30-day volume
trading_universe_size <- 30
universe <- perps %>%
group_by(ticker) %>%
mutate(trail_volume = roll_mean(dollar_volume, 30)) %>%
na.omit() %>%
group_by(date) %>%
volume_rank = row_number(-trail_volume),
is_universe = volume_rank <= trading_universe_size
universe %>%
group_by(date, is_universe) %>%
summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=date, y=count, color = is_universe)) +
geom_line() +
title = 'Universe size'
# calculate features
rolling_days_since_high_20 <- purrr::possibly(
function(x) {
idx_of_high <- which.max(x)
days_since_high <- length(x) - idx_of_high
window = 20, na_value = NA),
otherwise = NA
features <- universe %>%
group_by(ticker) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
breakout = lag(9.5 - rolling_days_since_high_20(close)), # puts this feature on a scale -9.5 to +9.5
momo = lag(close - lag(close, 10)/close),
carry = lag(funding_rate)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# calculate target weights
# filter on is_universe so that we calculate features only for stuff that's in the universe today
# (we'd have to do this differently if any of these calcs depended on past data, eg if we were doing z-score smoothing)
# then, join on original prices for backtesting
# tickers that were ever in the universe
universe_tickers <- features %>%
filter(is_universe) %>%
pull(ticker) %>%
# print(length(universe_tickers))
# start simulation from date we first have n tickers in the universe
start_date <- features %>%
group_by(date, is_universe) %>%
summarize(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
filter(count >= trading_universe_size) %>%
head(1) %>%
# calculate weights
model_df <- features %>%
filter(is_universe) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
carry_decile = ntile(carry, 10),
carry_weight = (carry_decile - 5.5), # will run -4.5 to 4.5
momo_decile = ntile(momo, 10),
momo_weight = -(momo_decile - 5.5), # will run -4.5 to 4.5
breakout_weight = breakout / 2,
combined_weight = (0.5*carry_weight + 0.2*momo_weight + 0.3*breakout_weight),
# scale weights so that abs values sum to 1 - no leverage condition
scaled_weight = combined_weight/sum(abs(combined_weight))
) %>%
select(date, ticker, scaled_weight) %>%
# join back onto df of prices for all tickers that were ever in the universe
# so that we have prices before and after a ticker comes into or out of the universe
# for backtesting purposes
features %>%
filter(ticker %in% universe_tickers) %>%
select(date, ticker, close, funding_rate),
by = c("date", "ticker")
) %>%
# give anything with a NA weight (due to the join) a zero
replace_na(list(scaled_weight = 0)) %>%
arrange(date, ticker) %>%
filter(date >= start_date)
# get weights as a wide matrix
# note that date column will get converted to unix timestamp
backtest_weights <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = c(close, scaled_weight)) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and theo_weight are date aligned
select(date, starts_with("scaled_weight")) %>%
# NA weights should be zero
backtest_weights[is.na(backtest_weights)] <- 0
head(backtest_weights, c(5, 5))
# get prices as a wide matrix
# note that date column will get converted to unix timestamp
backtest_prices <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = c(close, scaled_weight)) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and theo_weight are date aligned
select(date, starts_with("close_")) %>%
head(backtest_prices, c(5, 5))
# get funding as a wide matrix
# note that date column will get converted to unix timestamp
backtest_funding <- model_df %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = c(close, funding_rate)) %>% # pivot wider guarantees prices and funding_returns_simple are date aligned
select(date, starts_with("funding_rate_")) %>%
head(backtest_funding, c(5, 5))
# fees - reasonable approximation of actual binance costs (spread + market impact + commission)
fees <- tribble(
~tier, ~fee,
0, 0., # use for cost-free simulations
1, 0.0015,
2, 0.001,
3, 0.0008,
4, 0.0007,
5, 0.0006,
6, 0.0004,
7, 0.0002
# make a nice plot with some summary statistics
# plot equity curve from output of simulation
plot_results <- function(backtest_results, weighting_protocol = "0.5/0.2/0.3 Carry/Momo/Breakout", trade_on = "close") {
margin <- backtest_results %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(Margin = sum(Margin, na.rm = TRUE))
cash_balance <- backtest_results %>%
filter(ticker == "Cash") %>%
select(Date, Value) %>%
rename("Cash" = Value)
equity <- cash_balance %>%
left_join(margin, by = "Date") %>%
mutate(Equity = Cash + Margin)
fin_eq <- equity %>%
tail(1) %>%
init_eq <- equity %>%
head(1) %>%
total_return <- (fin_eq/init_eq - 1) * 100
days <- nrow(equity)
ann_return <- total_return * 365/days
sharpe <- equity %>%
mutate(returns = Equity/lag(Equity)- 1) %>%
na.omit() %>%
summarise(sharpe = sqrt(365)*mean(returns)/sd(returns)) %>%
equity %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Date, y = Equity)) +
geom_line() +
title = "Crypto Stat Arb Simulation",
subtitle = glue::glue(
"{weighting_protocol}, costs {commission_pct*100}% of trade value, trade buffer = {trade_buffer}, trade on {trade_on}
{round(total_return, 1)}% total return, {round(ann_return, 1)}% annualised, Sharpe {round(sharpe, 2)}"
# calculate sharpe ratio from output of simulation
calc_sharpe <- function(backtest_results) {
margin <- backtest_results %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(Margin = sum(Margin, na.rm = TRUE))
cash_balance <- backtest_results %>%
filter(ticker == "Cash") %>%
select(Date, Value) %>%
rename("Cash" = Value)
equity <- cash_balance %>%
left_join(margin, by = "Date") %>%
mutate(Equity = Cash + Margin)
equity %>%
mutate(returns = Equity/lag(Equity)- 1) %>%
na.omit() %>%
summarise(sharpe = sqrt(355)*mean(returns)/sd(returns)) %>%
# cost-free, no trade buffer
# simulation parameters
initial_cash <- 10000
fee_tier <- 0
capitalise_profits <- FALSE # remain fully invested?
trade_buffer <- 0.
commission_pct <- fees$fee[fees$tier==fee_tier]
margin <- 0.05
# simulation
results_df <- fixed_commission_backtest_with_funding(
prices = backtest_prices,
target_weights = backtest_weights,
funding_rates = backtest_funding,
trade_buffer = trade_buffer,
initial_cash = initial_cash,
margin = margin,
commission_pct = commission_pct,
capitalise_profits = capitalise_profits
) %>%
mutate(ticker = str_remove(ticker, "close_")) %>%
# remove coins we don't trade from results
# check that actual weights match intended (can trade fractional contracts, so should be equal)
results_df %>%
left_join(model_df %>% select(ticker, date, scaled_weight), by = c("ticker", "Date" = "date")) %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
actual_weight = Value/(initial_cash)
) %>%
filter(scaled_weight != 0) %>%
# explore costs-turnover tradeoffs
# with costs, no trade buffer
fee_tier <- 1.
commission_pct <- fees$fee[fees$tier==fee_tier]
# simulation
results_df <- fixed_commission_backtest_with_funding(
prices = backtest_prices,
target_weights = backtest_weights,
funding_rates = backtest_funding,
trade_buffer = trade_buffer,
initial_cash = initial_cash,
margin = margin,
commission_pct = commission_pct,
capitalise_profits = capitalise_profits
) %>%
mutate(ticker = str_remove(ticker, "close_")) %>%
# remove coins we don't trade from results
results_df %>%
results_df %>%
filter(ticker != "Cash") %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(Turnover = 100*sum(abs(TradeValue))/initial_cash) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Date, y = Turnover)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
title = "Turnover as % of trading capital",
y = "Turnover, %"
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