# UTILS -------------------------------------------------------------------
# trade details
trade_details = function(bt.results, prices)
data.frame(price = prices,
suggest = bt.results$suggested.position,
position = unname(bt.results$position),
wealth = bt.results$wealth,
cash = bt.results$cash)
# IMPORT DATA -------------------------------------------------------------
# import hour data
dt = fread("F:/lean/data/stocks_hour.csv")
col = c("time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "close_adj", "symbol")
setnames(dt, col)
# set time zone
if (!("tzone" %in% names(attributes(dt$time)))) {
setattr(dt$time, 'tzone', "America/New_York")
} else if (attributes(dt$time)[["tzone"]] != "America/New_York") {
dt[, time := force_tz(time, "America/New_York")]
# unique
dt <- unique(dt, by = c("symbol", "time"))
# adjust all columns
unadjustd_cols = c("open", "high", "low")
dt[, (unadjustd_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) (close_adj / close) * x), .SDcols = unadjustd_cols]
# remove NA values
dt = na.omit(dt)
# keep only adjusted columns and raw close column
cols = c("open", "high", "low", "close")
setnames(dt, c("close", "close_adj"), c("close_raw", "close"))
# order
setkey(dt, "symbol")
# need at least half year observations
dt_n = dt[, .N, by = symbol]
symbols_keep = dt_n[N > 255*7, symbol]
dt = dt[symbols_keep]
# remove prices that are lower than 1$ through all period
dt_penny_all = dt[, all(close_raw < 1), by = symbol]
dt = dt[dt_penny_all[V1 == FALSE, symbol]]
# free memory
# checl if column names are in symbols
symbols_ = dt[, unique(symbol)]
"time" %in% symbols_
"open" %in% symbols_
"low" %in% symbols_
dt = dt[symbol %notin% c("open", "low")]
# BACKTEST WITH BTEST -----------------------------------------------------
# preapre data
btest_prepare_series = function(series = "close") {
cols_ = c("symbol", "time", series)
P = dt[, ..cols_]
P = dcast(P, time ~ symbol, value.var = series)
cols_ = colnames(P)[2:ncol(P)]
P[, (cols_) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
# x = P[, 2]
if (!, 1))) {
x = nafill(x, type = "locf")
na_grp = rleid(
last_na = max(na_grp, na.rm = TRUE)
x_ = nafill(x[na_grp != last_na], type = "locf")
x_ = c(x_, rep(NA, length(x) - length(x_)))
}), .SDcols = cols_]
P[, time := with_tz(time, "UTC")]
P =
P = P["2000-01-01/"]
P = P[, !colSums( == nrow(P)]
P = btest_prepare_series()
all(sapply(P, is.double))
timestamp <- index(P)
instrument <- colnames(P)
volume = btest_prepare_series("volume")
all(sapply(volume, is.double))
close_raw = btest_prepare_series("close_raw")
all(sapply(close_raw, is.double))
# define when stocks are active
first_non_na_rows <- apply(P, 2, function(col) {
first_non_na_index <- which(!
if (length(first_non_na_index) > 0) {
} else {
last_block_start_indices <- apply(, 2, function(x) {
last_block_start_indices[!, 1))] = nrow(P)
active <- data.frame(instrument = colnames(P),
start = timestamp[first_non_na_rows],
end = timestamp[last_block_start_indices])
active[instrument == "hrmn", ]
active$end = floor_time(active$end, unit = "month") %m-% months(1) - days(1)
# crate all envs again
P = P[paste0("/", max(active$end), " 00:00:00")]
timestamp <- index(P)
instrument <- colnames(P)
volume = volume[paste0("/", max(active$end), " 00:00:00")]
close_raw = close_raw[paste0("/", max(active$end), " 00:00:00")]
# create signal function
mom = function(P, k) {
o <- order(P[nrow(P), ]/ P[1, ], decreasing = TRUE)
w <- numeric(ncol(P))
w[o[1:k]] <- 1/k
signal <- function(active, volume, close_raw, fun, k, nvol) {
timestamp <- Timestamp()
# Keep only active stocks
active_stocks <- active[timestamp >= active$start & timestamp <= active$end, "instrument"]
# Filter stocks with close_raw >= 1
valid_stocks <- which(close_raw[timestamp, active_stocks, drop = FALSE] >= 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
active_stocks <- active_stocks[valid_stocks]
# Calculate average volume for active stocks
avg_volume <- colMeans(volume[timestamp, active_stocks, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
# Select top N most liquid stocks
top_liquid_stocks <- names(sort(avg_volume, decreasing = TRUE))[1:nvol]
# Get price data for top liquid stocks
Pj <- Close(n = 250*7)[, top_liquid_stocks, drop = FALSE]
# Apply momentum strategy
wj <- fun(Pj, k)
# Create a complete weight vector
w <- numeric(length = ncol(volume))
names(w) <- colnames(volume)
w[top_liquid_stocks] <- wj
} <- btest(prices = list(coredata(P)),
signal = signal,
do.signal = "lastofmonth",
convert.weights = TRUE, = 1000,
active = active,
nvol = 1000,
k = 30,
fun = mom,
b = 250*7,
timestamp = timestamp,
instrument = instrument,
volume = volume,
close_raw = close_raw)
summary(as.NAVseries(, na.rm = TRUE)
jrn =
tail(jrn, 10)
# Open open prices
# High high prices
# Low low prices
# Close close prices
# Wealth the total wealth (value of positions plus cash) at a given point in time
# Cash cash (in accounting currency)
# Time current time (an integer)
# Timestamp the timestamp when that is specified (i.e. when the argument timestamp is supplied);
# if not, it defaults to Time
# Portfolio the current portfolio
# SuggestedPortfolio the currently suggested portfolio
# Globals an environment
# All these objects, with the
# Close() == Close(lag = 1) -> current close
# Close(Time():1) -> to get all prices
# Close(n = Time()) -> to get last n data points
# Close(n = 10) -> get last 10 prices
# ARCHIVE -----------------------------------------------------------------
# # import distinct symbols from hour data
# conn <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), ":memory:")
# query <- paste("SELECT DISTINCT Symbol FROM read_csv_auto('F:/lean_root/data/all_stocks_hour.csv')")
# distinct_symbols <- dbGetQuery(conn, query)
# dbDisconnect(conn)
# # take sample of symbols for developing
# symbols = sample(distinct_symbols[[1]], 15000)
# # import daily data
# conn <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), ":memory:")
# symbols_string = paste(symbols, collapse = "', '")
# symbols_string = paste0("'", symbols_string, "'")
# query <- sprintf("
# FROM read_csv_auto('F:/lean_root/data/all_stocks_hour.csv')
# WHERE Symbol IN (%s)
# ", symbols_string)
# dt = dbGetQuery(conn, query)
# dbDisconnect(conn)
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