# import adjusted daily market data
dt = fread("F:/lean_root/data/all_stocks_daily.csv")
# this want be necessary after update
setnames(dt, c("date", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "close_adj", "symbol"))
# select columns
dt = dt[, .(symbol, date, close, close_adj, volume)]
# remove duplicates
dt = unique(dt, by = c("symbol", "date"))
# remove missing values
dt = na.omit(dt)
# create help colummns
dt[, year_month_id := ceiling_date(date, unit = "month") - days(1)]
# remove negative prices
dt = dt[close > 0 & close_adj > 0]
# add variables
dt[, dollar_volume := volume * close]
# downsample to lower frequency
# dtm = dt[, .(date = tail(date, 1),
# close = tail(close_adj, 1),
# close_raw = tail(close, 1),
# volume_mean = mean(volume, na.rm = TRUE),
# dollar_volume = sum(dollar_volume, na.rm = TRUE),
# dollar_volume_mean = mean(dollar_volume, na.rm = TRUE),
# volume = sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE)),
# by = c("symbol", "year_month_id")]
# setorder(dtm, symbol, year_month_id)
# calculate momentum indicators
setorder(dt, symbol, date)
moms = seq(21, 21 * 12, 21)
mom_cols = paste0("mom", 1:12)
dt[, (mom_cols) := lapply(moms, function(x) close_adj / shift(close_adj , x) - 1), by = symbol]
moms = seq(21 * 2, 21 * 12, 21)
mom_cols_lag = paste0("mom_lag", 2:12)
dt[, (mom_cols_lag) := lapply(moms, function(x) shift(close_adj, 21) / shift(close_adj , x) - 1), by = symbol]
# create target var
moms_target = c(5, 10, 21, 42, 63)
moms_target_cols = paste0("mom_target_", c("w", "2w", "m", "2m", "3m"))
dt[, (moms_target_cols) := lapply(moms_target, function(x) (shift(close_adj , -x, "shift") / close_adj ) - 1),
by = symbol]
# downsample
dtm = dt[, .SD[.N], by = c("symbol", "year_month_id")]
dtm_2 = dt[, .(
dollar_volume_sum = sum(dollar_volume, na.rm = TRUE),
dollar_volume_mean = mean(dollar_volume, na.rm = TRUE),
volume_sum = sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE),
volume_mean = mean(volume, na.rm = TRUE)
), by = c("symbol", "year_month_id")]
dtm = dtm_2[dtm, on = c("symbol", "year_month_id")]
dtm[symbol == "aapl"]
# order data
setorder(dtm, symbol, year_month_id)
# plots
plot(dtm[symbol == "aapl", .(date, dollar_volume)],
type = "l", main = "Volume and dolalr volme")
plot(dtm[symbol == "aapl", .(date, close_adj)],
type = "l", main = "Volume and dolalr volme")
# BACKTEST OPTIMIZATION ---------------------------------------------------
# paramwters
num_coarse = c(50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000) # number of stocks we leave after coarse universe
filter_var = "dollar_volume_mean" # variable we use for filtering in coarse universe
min_price = c(1, 2, 5, 10) # minimal unadjusted price of the stock at month
num_long = c(10, 30, 50) # number of stocks in portfolio
mom_vars = colnames(dt)[grep("mom\\d+$|lag", colnames(dt))] # momenutm variables we apply ranking on
target_vars = "mom_target_m" # colnames(dt)[grep("target", colnames(dt))] # target variables
risk_variable = c("pra", "minmax")
params = expand.grid(num_coarse, filter_var, min_price, num_long, mom_vars,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(params) = c("num_coarse", "filter_var", "min_price", "num_long",
"mom_vars", "target_variables")
# momentum backtest function
strategy_momentum = function(x,
filter_var = "dollar_volume_mean",
num_coarse = 200,
min_price = 1,
num_long = 50,
mom_var = "mom11",
target_variables = "mom_target_m",
return_cumulative = TRUE) {
# debug
# num_coarse = 50
# min_price = 2
# num_long = 10
# mom_var = "mom10"
# target_variables = "mom_target_m"
# x = copy(dtm)
# remove missing values
cols = c("symbol", "year_month_id", "close", filter_var, mom_var, target_variables)
x = na.omit(x[, ..cols])
# remove assets with price < x$
x = x[, .SD[close > min_price], by = year_month_id]
# filter 500 with highest volume
setorderv(x, c("year_month_id", filter_var), order = 1L)
x = x[, tail(.SD, num_coarse), by = year_month_id]
# choose n with highest growth
setorderv(x, c("year_month_id", mom_var), order = c(1, -1))
y = x[, head(.SD, num_long), by = year_month_id]
# y[year_month_id == as.Date("2023-04-30")]
# get returns by month
results = y[, .(returns = sum(get(target_variables) * 1/nrow(.SD))), by = year_month_id]
if (return_cumulative) {
car = Return.cumulative(
} else {
strategy_momentum(dtm, "dollar_volume_mean", 200, 1, 50, "mom11", "mom_target_m") # example
# backtest across all parameters
results_l = vapply(1:nrow(params), function(i) {
filter_var = params$filter_var[i],
num_coarse = params$num_coarse[i],
min_price = params$min_price[i],
num_long = params$num_long[i],
mom_var = params$mom_vars[i],
target_variables = params$target_variables[i])
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
results =, results_l))
# analyse results
tail(results[order(results_l), ], 10)
results[mom_vars == "mom10" & min_price == 2 & num_long == 10 & num_coarse == 50]
ggplot(results, aes(num_coarse, min_price, fill = results_l)) +
ggplot(results, aes(num_coarse, num_long, fill = results_l)) +
ggplot(results, aes(min_price, num_long, fill = results_l)) +
# inspect atom
strategy_momentum(dtm, "dollar_volume_mean", 50, 2, 10, "mom10", "mom_target_m", TRUE)
x = strategy_momentum(dtm, "dollar_volume_mean", 50, 2, 10, "mom10", "mom_target_m", FALSE)
# compare with QC
dtm[year_month_id == "2023-05-31"] # same
symbol_ = "isee"
dt[symbol == symbol_]
plot([symbol == symbol_, .(date, close_adj)]), type = "l")
dtm[symbol == symbol_]
dtm[symbol == symbol_ & date == "2023-04-28"]
dtms[symbol == symbol_]
dtms[symbol == symbol_ & date == "2010-01-31"]
# Symbol F close_t-n 1.550195415 close_t-1 6.373025595 time 2010-01-01 00:00:00
# Symbol LVS close_t-n 1.72733057 close_t-1 10.91752951 time 2010-01-29 15:00:00 5.320463
# Symbol LVS close_t-n 1.6673075 close_t-1 10.31062958 time 2010-02-01 12:00:00 5.184
6.373025595 / 1.550195415 - 1
dt[symbol == symbol_ & date %between% c("2023-02-01", "2023-04-02")]
dt[symbol == symbol_ & date %between% c("2009-01-26", "2009-02-02")]
dt[symbol == symbol_ & date %between% c(as.Date("2009-12-28") - 270, as.Date("2009-12-28") - 230)]
dt[symbol == symbol_ & round(close_adj, 3) == 1.727]
dt[symbol == symbol_ & round(close_adj, 3) == 11.058]
# vis results
# Portfolio results
# inspect
test =
test[portfolio.returns > 0.5]
test[portfolio.returns <- -0.5]
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