# SET UP ------------------------------------------------------------------
# globals
DATAPATH = "F:/lean_root/data/all_stocks_daily.csv"
# IMPORT DATA -------------------------------------------------------------
# import QC daily data
col = c("date", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "close_adj", "symbol")
dt = fread(DATAPATH, col.names = col)
dt <- unique(dt, by = c("symbol", "date"))
unadjustd_cols = c("open", "high", "low")
adjusted_cols = paste0(unadjustd_cols, "_adj")
dt[, (adjusted_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) (close_adj / close) * x), .SDcols = unadjustd_cols]
dt = na.omit(dt)
setorder(dt, symbol, date)
# free resources
# PREDICTORS --------------------------------------------------------------
# create help colummns
dt[, year_month_id := ceiling_date(date, unit = "month") - days(1)]
# remove negative prices
dt = dt[close > 0 & close_adj > 0]
# add variables
dt[, dollar_volume := volume * close]
# PRA window sizes
windows_ = c(5, 22, 22 * 3, 22 * 6, 252, 252 * 2, 252 * 4)
# calculate PRA predictors
pra_predictors = paste0("pra_", windows_)
dt[, (pra_predictors) := lapply(windows_,
function(w) roll_percent_rank(close_adj, w)),
by = symbol]
# calculate momentum indicators
setorder(dt, symbol, date)
moms = seq(21, 21 * 12, 21)
mom_cols = paste0("mom", 1:12)
dt[, (mom_cols) := lapply(moms, function(x) close_adj / shift(close_adj , x) - 1), by = symbol]
moms = seq(21 * 2, 21 * 12, 21)
mom_cols_lag = paste0("mom_lag", 2:12)
dt[, (mom_cols_lag) := lapply(moms, function(x) shift(close_adj, 21) / shift(close_adj , x) - 1), by = symbol]
# create target var
moms_target = c(5, 10, 21, 42, 63)
moms_target_cols = paste0("mom_target_", c("w", "2w", "m", "2m", "3m"))
dt[, (moms_target_cols) := lapply(moms_target, function(x) (shift(close_adj , -x, "shift") / close_adj ) - 1),
by = symbol]
# order data
setorder(dt, symbol, date)
# TASKS --------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert date to PosixCt because it is requireed by mlr3
dt[, date := as.POSIXct(date, tz = "UTC")]
dt[, year_month_id := as.numeric(year_month_id)]
dt[, dollar_volume := as.numeric(dollar_volume)]
dt[, volume := as.numeric(volume)]
# help to choose columns
id_cols = c("symbol", "date", "year_month_id")
cols_features = colnames(dt)[grep("mom\\d+|mom_lag|dollar|close|pra", colnames(dt))]
print(colnames(dt)[grep("^mom_target", colnames(dt))])
# task with future week returns as target
print(colnames(dt)[grep("^mom_target", colnames(dt))])
target_ = "mom_target_m"
cols_ = c(id_cols, target_, cols_features)
task = na.omit(dt, cols = cols_)
task <- as_task_regr(task,
id = "task",
target = target_)
# set roles for symbol, date and yearmonth_id
task$col_roles$feature = setdiff(task$col_roles$feature, id_cols)
# CROSS VALIDATIONS -------------------------------------------------------
print("Cross validations")
# create train, tune and test set
nested_cv_split = function(task,
train_length = 12,
tune_length = 1,
test_length = 1) {
# create cusom CV's for inner and outer sampling
custom_inner = rsmp("custom")
custom_outer = rsmp("custom")
# get year month id data
# task = task_ret_week$clone()
task_ = task$clone()
yearmonthid_ = task_$backend$data(cols = c("yearmonthid", "..row_id"),
rows = 1:task_$nrow)
stopifnot(all(task_$row_ids == yearmonthid_$`..row_id`))
groups_v = yearmonthid_[, unlist(unique(yearmonthid))]
# util vars
start_folds = 1:(length(groups_v)-train_length-tune_length-test_length)
get_row_ids = function(mid) unlist(yearmonthid_[yearmonthid %in% mid, 2], use.names = FALSE)
# create train data
train_groups <- lapply(start_folds,
function(x) groups_v[x:(x+train_length-1)])
train_sets <- lapply(train_groups, get_row_ids)
# create tune set
tune_groups <- lapply(start_folds,
function(x) groups_v[(x+train_length):(x+train_length+tune_length-1)])
tune_sets <- lapply(tune_groups, get_row_ids)
# test train and tune
test_1 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
tail(as.Date(train_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1),
head(as.Date(tune_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
stopifnot(all(test_1 == 1))
test_2 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
unlist(head(tune_sets[[i]], 1) - tail(train_sets[[i]], 1))
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
stopifnot(all(test_2 == 1))
# create test sets
insample_length = train_length + tune_length
test_groups <- lapply(start_folds,
function(x) groups_v[(x+insample_length):(x+insample_length+test_length-1)])
test_sets <- lapply(test_groups, get_row_ids)
# test tune and test
test_3 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
tail(as.Date(tune_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1),
head(as.Date(test_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
stopifnot(all(test_1 == 1))
test_4 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
unlist(head(test_sets[[i]], 1) - tail(tune_sets[[i]], 1))
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
stopifnot(all(test_2 == 1))
# create inner and outer resamplings
custom_inner$instantiate(task, train_sets, tune_sets)
inner_sets = lapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
c(train_sets[[i]], tune_sets[[i]])
custom_outer$instantiate(task, inner_sets, test_sets)
return(list(custom_inner = custom_inner, custom_outer = custom_outer))
# generate cv's
train_sets = seq(12, 12 * 3, 12)
validation_sets = train_sets / 12
custom_cvs = list()
for (i in seq_along(train_sets)) {
custom_cvs[[i]] = nested_cv_split(task_ret_week,
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