
Defines functions motusRegisterReceiver

Documented in motusRegisterReceiver

#' register a receiver with motus (admin only)
#' @param serno: character vector, such as "SG-1234BBBK5678"
#' @return the query result, which will be a list.  If registration is successful,
#' the list will have an integer item named `deviceID`, which is the motus
#' ID for the receiver.
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

motusRegisterReceiver = function(serno) {

    newserno = sub("^SG-", "sg_", serno, perl=TRUE)
    ## see whether the receiver already has a private key
    privKeyFile = file.path(MOTUS_PATH$CRYPTO, paste0("id_dsa_", newserno))
    if (! file.exists(privKeyFile)) {
        ## generate a public/private key pair for this receiver
        ## NOTE: if the receiver ever connects via ssh to our server,
        ## it will still have a new keypair generated.

        privKeyFile = file.path(MOTUS_PATH$CRYPTO, paste0("id_dsa_", newserno))
        suppressWarnings(file.remove(privKeyFile, paste0(privKeyFile, ".pub")))
        safeSys("ssh-keygen", "-q", "-t", "dsa", "-f", privKeyFile, "-N", "")
    privKey = readChar(privKeyFile, 1e5, useBytes=TRUE)
    ## now calculate the SHA1 sum of the private key file, which is what
    ## we use as the receiver's secret key for the motus API

    secretKey = digest(privKey, "sha1", serialize=FALSE)
    masterKey = "~/.secrets/motus_secret_key.txt"

    motusQuery(MOTUS_API_REGISTER_RECEIVER, requestType="get",
               params = list(
                   secretKey = toupper(secretKey),
                   receiverType = getRecvType(serno)
               serno = serno,
               masterKey = masterKey)
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.