
Defines functions .onLoad

#' Load-time initialization code for motus package.
#' Set up things so the motus package works:
#' \itemize{
#' \item set numeric output precision to 14 digits, for timestamp formatting
#' \item secrets load credentials for accessing databases and servers
#' \item open log file for output
#' \item open the server DB
#' }
#' @return return invisible(NULL)
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}
.onLoad = function(...) {


    if (! motusLoadSecrets(quiet=TRUE, "~/.secrets/motusSecrets")) {
        MOTUS_SECRETS <<- new.env(emptyenv())
            function(x) {
                stop(call. = FALSE,
                     "This function requires motus credentials.\nUse motusLoadSecrets() to load them.")
            }, MOTUS_SECRETS

    tryCatch( {
		MOTUS_MAINLOG_NAME <- paste(MOTUS_MAINLOG_NAME_PREFIX, format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m"), ".txt", sep="")
        MOTUS_MAINLOG <<- file(file.path(MOTUS_PATH$LOGS, MOTUS_MAINLOG_NAME), "a")
    }, error = function(e) {
        MOTUS_MAINLOG <<- stdout()

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.