
#' @include NCRNbirds_Class_def.R BCI.R mapBirds.R
#' @title mapBCI
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join mutate select
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @description Produces an html map of BCI Cateogries for a given year.
#' @param object Either an object of class \code{NCRNbirds} or a list of such objects
#' @param years A single numeric value indicating the year of the data you wish to map. 
#' @param points A character vector of point names. \code{NA}, the default, will map all points.
#' @param type A mandatory length 1 character \code{vector} that indicates the type of BCI to calculate. Can be "Cent_Appal", the default, or "NETN_Forest_BCI"
#' @param palette Color pallete for the colors of the points Defaults to "BuGn" (blue green) but will accept any RColorBrewer, viridis or custom palette.
#' @param maptype The type of base map to be used. See \code{\link{mapBirds}} for options
#' @param title  A character vector to be used as the legend title. 
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{BCI}}. 
#' @details  This function prodcues a map showing the BCI category of each point for a given year. BCI values and categories are calculated using the 
#' \code{\link{BCI}} function, and this data is then passed on to the \code{\link{mapBirds}} function. As the BCI value makes little sense when calculated 
#' using multiple years of data, only a single year should be indicated in the \code{years} argument. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{BCI}} \code{\link{mapBirds}}
#' @export

setGeneric(name="mapBCI",function(object, years, points=NA, type="Cent_Appal",palette="BuGn",maptype="basic",
                      title="BCI Category", ...){standardGeneric("mapBCI")}, signature="object")

setMethod(f="mapBCI", signature=c(object="list"),
          function(object, years, points, type, palette, maptype,title,...){
            InBCI<-BCI(object,years=years, points=points, type=type, ...)
            InPoints<-getPoints(object=object, years=years, points=points)
            BCIdata<-left_join(InPoints,InBCI %>% select(Point_Name,BCI, BCI_Category))
            BCIdata <- BCIdata %>% 
              mutate(BCI_Cuts=cut(BCI, breaks =c(0,40.1,52.1,60.1,77.1), 
                                  labels=c("Low Integrity", "Medium Integrity", "High Integrity", "Highest Integrity")))
            mapBirds(object=object, points=BCIdata$Point_Name, values=BCIdata$BCI_Cuts,  colortype = "factor", colors=palette, 
                     maptype = maptype, title=title)    

setMethod(f="mapBCI", signature=c(object="NCRNbirds"),
  function(object, years, points, type, palette, maptype,title,...){
    BCIdata<-BCI(object,years=years, points=points, type=type, ...) %>% 
            select(Point_Name,BCI, BCI_Category)
    BCIdata <- BCIdata %>% 
      mutate(BCI_Cuts=cut(BCI, breaks =c(0,40.1,52.1,60.1,77.1), 
                          labels=c("Low Integrity", "Medium Integrity", "High Integrity", "Highest Integrity")))
    mapBirds(object=object, points=BCIdata$Point_Name, values=BCIdata$BCI_Cuts,  colortype = "factor", colors=palette, 
             maptype = maptype, title=title)    
NCRN/NCRNbirds documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 12:12 p.m.