
#' @title getEvents
#' @importFrom  dplyr bind_rows filter
#' @importFrom  purrr map
#' @description This function gets the contents of the "Events" slot of an NPSForVeg object.
#' @param object  Either an NPSForVeg object of a list of such objects.
#' @param plots   A character vector containing one or more plot names. Defaults to NA. If not NA then only events from the given plots
#' will be returned.
#' @param years   A numeric vector containing one or more years. Defaults to NA. If not NA then only events from the given years will be returned.
#' @param cycles   A numeric vector containing one or more sampling cycles. Defaults to NA. If not NA then only events from the given sampling cycles will be returned.
#' @param plot.type Passed on to \code{\link{getPlotNames}} and used to filter events so that only events from certain plot types are returned.
#' One of three options are availbe (always ineclosed in quotes).
#' \describe{
#' \item{"all"}{The default. Events from all types of plots are returned.}
#' \item{"active"}{Only returns events from plots which are listed as active in the Plots$Location_Status field.}
#' \item{"retired}{Only returns events from plots which are listed as retired in the Plots$Location_Status field. }
#' }
#' @param output  Used type when \code{object} is a list to determine if the output is a data.frame or a list. Can be either
#'  "dataframe" (the default), or "list". Needs to be in quotes.
#' @return The contents of an "Events" slot from one or more NPSForVeg objects either as a data.frame or a list. The output can be filtered by
#'  using the "plots", "years" or "plot.type" arguements.
#' @details This function returns the \code{Events} slot of an NPSForVeg object or a list of such objects. This can be filtered by
#' specifying \code{plots}, \code{years}, or \code{plot.type}.  If \code{object} is a single NPSForVeg object than a data.frame is returned.
#'  If \code{object} is a list and \code{output} is "dataframe" then a single data.frame with data from all NPSForVeg objects in the list
#'  is returned. If \code{object} is a list and \code{output} is "list" then a list will be returned. Each element of the list will be a
#'  \code{data.frame} with the \code{Events} slot of one of the \code{NPSForVeg} objects.
#' @export

setGeneric(name = "getEvents", function(object, plots = NA, years = NA, cycles = NA, plot.type = "all", output = "dataframe") {
}, signature = c("object"))

setMethod(f = "getEvents", signature = "list", function(object, plots, years, cycles, plot.type, output) {
  XEvents <- map(object, ~ `@`(.x, Events))
  OutEvents <- switch(output,
    list = map(XEvents, ~ getEvents(.x, plots, years, cycles, plot.type)),
    dataframe = getEvents(object = bind_rows(XEvents), plots, years, cycles, plot.type)

  f = "getEvents", signature = "NPSForVeg",
  function(object, plots, years, cycles, plot.type) {
    XEvents <- object@Events

    OutEvents <- getEvents(XEvents, plots = plots, years = years, cycles, plot.type = plot.type)


  f = "getEvents", signature = "data.frame",
  function(object, plots, years, cycles, plot.type) {
    if (!anyNA(plots)) object <- filter(object, Plot_Name %in% plots)

    if (!anyNA(years)) object <- filter(object, Event_Year %in% years)

    if (!anyNA(cycles)) object <- filter(object, Cycle %in% cycles)
NCRN/NPSForVeg documentation built on June 7, 2024, 1:01 p.m.