
#' Read in fishery data save as rda
#' atlantosom output is accessed and fishery catch pulled over time
#'@param atlmod configuration file specifying Atlantis simulation model filenames 
#'and locations  
#'@param saveToData Boolean. Export to data folder (Default = T)
#'@return A tibble (Also written to \code{data} folder)
#'\item{ModSim}{Atlantis model name and simulation id}
#'\item{year}{year simulated survey conducted}
#'\item{Code}{Atlantis model three letter code for functional group}
#'\item{Name}{Atlantis model common name for functional group}
#'\item{fishery}{simulated fishery name}
#'\item{lenbin}{1 cm length bin, lower limit}
#'\item{variable}{number at length (Natlen)}
#'\item{value}{value of the variable}
#'\item{units}{units of the variable}


create_sim_fishery_lencomp <- function(atlmod,fitstart=NULL,fitend=NULL,saveToData=T) {

  # input is path to model config file for atlantisom
  # path for survey and fishery config files
  cfgpath <- stringr::str_extract(atlmod, ".*config")
  #works because atlantis directory named for model and simulation
  modpath <- stringr::str_split(, "/", simplify = TRUE)
  modsim <- modpath[length(modpath)]
  #read in survey annual age comp data
  catchlen_ss <- atlantisom::read_savedfisheries(, "catchLen")
  # get config files -- needed?
  fvcon <- list.files(path=cfgpath, pattern = "*fishery*", full.names = TRUE)
  # read true list with run and biol pars, etc
  omlist_ss <- readRDS(file.path(, paste0(, "omlist_ss.rds")))
  # model timesteps, etc from omdimensions script
  source(paste0(cfgpath,"/omdimensions.R"), local = TRUE)
  #Number of years
  nyears <- omlist_ss$runpar$nyears
  total_sample <- omlist_ss$runpar$tstop/omlist_ss$runpar$outputstep
  # throw an error if fstepperyr is not equal to stepperyr
  if(stepperyr != fstepperyr) stop("Error: check Atlantis timestep output for fishery")
  # user specified fit start and times if different from full run
  fitstartyr <- ifelse(!is.null(fitstart), fitstart-1, 0)
  fitendyr <- ifelse(!is.null(fitend), fitend, total_sample)
  atlantis_full <- c(1:total_sample)  
  mod_burnin <- fitstartyr*stepperyr+1
  fit_nyears <- fitendyr-fitstartyr
  fit_ntimes <- fit_nyears*stepperyr
  fittimes <- atlantis_full[mod_burnin:(mod_burnin+fit_ntimes-1)]
  #fit_timesteps <- seq(fittimes[stepperyr], max(fittimes), by=stepperyr) #last timestep
  #fit_years <- unique(floor(fittimes/stepperyr)) #from Christine's new sardine_config.R
  fittimes.days <- if(omlist_ss$runpar$outputstepunit=="days") fittimes*omlist_ss$runpar$outputstep
  # # fishery cv lookup from config files
  # fcvlook <- tibble::tibble()
  # for(c in 1:length(fishcon)){
  #   source(fishcon[c], local = TRUE)
  #   fish_cv_n <- fish_cv %>%
  #     dplyr::mutate(
  #   fcvlook <- dplyr::bind_rows(fcvlook, fish_cv_n)
  # }
  allfishlenbin <- tibble::tibble()
  #multiple surveys named in list object
  for(f in names(catchlen_ss)){
    #arrange into wide format: year, Species1, Species2 ... and write csv
    fishlenbin <- catchlen_ss[[f]][[1]] %>%
      dplyr::filter(time %in% fittimes) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(year = ceiling(time/stepperyr)) %>%
      dplyr::select(species, year, lower.bins, atoutput) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(species, year, lower.bins) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(Natlen = sum(atoutput)) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(omlist_ss$funct.group_ss, Code, Name), by = c("species" = "Name")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(ModSim = modsim) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(fishery = f) %>%
      #dplyr::left_join(fvcvlook) %>%
      dplyr::select(ModSim, year, Code, Name=species, fishery, lenbin=lower.bins, everything()) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c("Natlen"), 
                          names_to = "variable",
                          values_to = "value") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(units = ifelse(variable=="Natlen", "number", "NA")) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(Name, fishery, variable, year, lenbin)
    allfishlenbin <- dplyr::bind_rows(allfishlenbin, fishlenbin)
  simFisheryLencomp <- allfishlenbin
  if (saveToData) {
    usethis::use_data(simFisheryLencomp, overwrite = TRUE)
NOAA-EDAB/ms-keyrun documentation built on April 20, 2024, 10:07 a.m.