Man pages for NOAA-EDAB/neusCatch
Multispecies length expansion of commercial catch

aggregate_landingsLandings data aggregated based on length sample availability
calc_numbers_at_ageCalculates the numbers of fish at age
calc_numbers_at_lengthCalculates the numbers of fish at length
combine_age_dataCombine age data from svdbs and cfdbs
create_age_length_keyCreates Age length key
create_yr_semester_age_length_keyCreates Age length key
expand_landings_to_lengthsProportions commercial landings based on length sample...
fit_length_weightFit length weight relationship to species data from SVDBS
get_multinomial_propsUse multinomial function to automatically fill holes in age...
get_sample_dataPull a sample data set
get_species_dataPull species data from cfdbs
get_species_objectGet species object
get_species_object_mskeyrunGet species object
marketCodeLookupTableA lookup table for species market codes
mscatchmscatch: Expanding total catch for species by length...
speciesLookupTableA lookup table for species codes
NOAA-EDAB/neusCatch documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 7:07 a.m.