Man pages for NWPU-903PR/Funm6AViewer
Visualization of single base differential m6A methylation sites and functional DmM genes

characterdmsitesVisualization of characteristics for all DmM sites
coverageplotVisualization of reads coverage on gene.
dmsiteplotVisualization of DmM sites on gene's isoforms.
enrichmentplotVisualization of BP and KEGG pathway enrichment of functional...
fdmdeepm6AFunctional DmM gene identification.
funm6aviewerVisualization of single base DmM sites and FDmMGenes.
getdeinfoGet gene differential expression information from input...
getdescoreGet DE score from DE information.
makegrreadsfrombamGet reads count from bam files of MeRIP-Seq data.
msbnetplotVisualization of MSB neighbors of interested genes.
siggenepathplotVisualization of BP and KEGG pathway enrichment of functional...
siggenescoreplotVisualization of MSB scores of interested genes.
summarydmdeepm6ASummarize the result of DMDeepm6A.
NWPU-903PR/Funm6AViewer documentation built on April 25, 2021, 4:26 p.m.