
#  inverse_methods.R Author "Nathan Wycoff <>" Date 10.03.2017

#TODO: Inverse methods may not work due to change of syntax for forward methods
## Functions for inverse
inverse_cost <- function(weights, user_low_d_dist, high_d, k, 
                         n.inits, dist.func) {
    #Get the low d projection induced by the weights, and its distance matrix
    weights_low_d <- forward_mds(high_d, weights, dist.func, 
                                 n.inits = n.inits, 
                                 seed = sample(1:1000,1))$par
    weights_low_d_dist <- good.dist(weights_low_d, dist.func)

    #Compare the two distance matrices
    diff <- weights_low_d_dist - user_low_d_dist
    stress <- sum(diff^2)


#@param n.inits the number of intial weight configs
#@param forward.n.inits the number of initial point configs for each forward step
inverse_step <- function(user_low_d, high_d, dist.func, n.inits, 
                         forward.n.inits, seed) {

    #Calculate the low d distance matrix
    user_low_d_dist <- good.dist(user_low_d, dist.func)

    #Get some random
    p <- dim(high_d)[2]
    init.weights <- lapply(1:n.inits, function(i) rgamma(p, 1, 1))

    #Run the solver a couple times
    results <- lapply(init.weights, function(init) optim(init, inverse_cost, method = "L-BFGS-B", user_low_d_dist = user_low_d_dist, high_d = high_d, k = k, n.inits = forward.n.inits, dist.func = dist.func, lower = 0))
    result <- results[[which.min(sapply(results, function(i) i$value))]]


old_inverse_cost <- function(weights, low_d, high_d, dist.func) {
    low_d <- matrix(low_d, ncol = 2)
    low_d_dist <- good.dist(low_d, dist.func)

    #Normalize the distance matrices
    high_d_dist <- good.dist(high_d, dist.func, weights)
    high_d_dist <- high_d_dist / sum(high_d_dist)
    low_d_dist <- low_d_dist / sum(low_d_dist)

    diff_mat <- low_d_dist - high_d_dist

    #Calculate the stress of all elements
    stress <- sum(diff_mat^2)


old_inverse <- function(user_low_d, high_d, dist.func) {
    weights <- rgamma(ncol(high_d), 1, 1)
    weights <- weights / sum(weights)

    optim_weights <- optim(weights, old_inverse_cost, lower = 0, method = 'L-BFGS-B', low_d = user_low_d, high_d = high_d, dist.func = dist.func)


########################################################## SMACOF methods
smacof_inverse_cost <- function(weights, user_low_d_dist, high_d, 
                                k, n.inits, dist.func) {
    #Get the low d projection induced by the weights, and its distance matrix
    weights_low_d <- smacof_forward_mds(high_d, weights, 
                                        dist.func = dist.func, 
                                        n.inits = n.inits)$par
    weights_low_d_dist <- good.dist(weights_low_d, dist.func)

    #Compare the two distance matrices
    diff <- weights_low_d_dist - user_low_d_dist
    stress <- sum(diff^2)


smacof_inverse_mds <- function(user_low_d, high_d, dist.func, n.inits, forward.n.inits, seed) {

    #Calculate the low d distance matrix
    user_low_d_dist <- good.dist(user_low_d, dist.func)

    #Get some random
    p <- dim(high_d)[2]
    init.weights <- lapply(1:n.inits, function(i) rgamma(p, 1, 1))

    #Run the solver a couple times
    results <- lapply(init.weights, function(init) 
            optim(init,smacof_inverse_cost, method = "L-BFGS-B", 
                user_low_d_dist = user_low_d_dist, high_d = high_d, 
                k = k, n.inits = forward.n.inits, dist.func = dist.func, 
                lower = 0.01))
    result <- results[[which.min(sapply(results, function(i) i$value))]]

NathanWycoff/mds.methods documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:32 a.m.