
#  rmpi_arb_setup.R Author "Nathan Wycoff <>" Date 10.15.2018

kern <- function(dt) as.numeric(dt>0) * exp(-dt/tau)
kernd <- function(dt) as.numeric(dt>0) * -1/tau * exp(-dt/tau)
tau <- 1

# Create storage for the ODE integration
# Post_Fcal is a numeric vector. Each two elements represents a firing event, first gives the layer, second the neuron
mpifun_setup_int <- function(proc, sizes, t_steps) {
    # Unpack sizes
    n_in <- sizes[1]
    n_out <- sizes[length(sizes)]
    if (length(sizes) > 2) {
        n_h <- sizes[2:(length(sizes)-1)]
    } else {
        n_h <- c()

    ## Initialize Voltage Storage
    proc$Vs <- lapply(1:length(proc$layers), function(l) matrix(NA, nrow = length(proc$neurons[[l]]), ncol = t_steps + 1))

    # Initialize with the reset voltage
    for (i in 1:length(proc$Vs)) {
        proc$Vs[[i]][,1] <- 0

    # Initialize ALPHA for presynaptic layers
    proc$ALPHA <- lapply(proc$Fcal, function(Fcali) matrix(NA, nrow = length(Fcali), ncol = t_steps))
    proc$ALPHAd <- lapply(proc$Fcal, function(Fcali) matrix(NA, nrow = length(Fcali), ncol = t_steps))


mpifun_odestep <- function(proc, t, leak, t_eps, v_thresh) {
    L <- length(proc$layers)
    # Calculate Post-synaptic Potential 
    for (li in 1:L) {
        proc$ALPHA[[li]][,ti] <- sapply(proc$Fcal[[li]], function(Fc) 
                                  sum(as.numeric(sapply(Fc, function(tf) kern(t - tf)))))
        proc$ALPHAd[[li]][,ti] <- sapply(proc$Fcal[[li]], function(Fc) 
                                  sum(as.numeric(sapply(Fc, function(tf) kernd(t - tf)))))

    # Calculate inputs
    inputs <- lapply(1:L, function(l) t(proc$Ws[[l]]) %*% proc$ALPHA[[l]][,ti])

    # Calculate derivative
    dvdt <- lapply(1:L, function(l) -leak * proc$Vs[[l]][,ti] + inputs[[l]])
    # Update potentials
    for (l in 1:L) {
        proc$Vs[[l]][,ti+1] <- proc$Vs[[l]][,ti] + t_eps * dvdt[[l]]

    # See if anyone fired and if so record it.
    post_Fcal <- c()
    for (l in 1:L) {
        for (n in 1:nrow(proc$Vs[[l]])) {
            if (proc$Vs[[l]][n,ti+1] > v_thresh) {
                proc$Vs[[l]][n,ti+1] <- 0
                post_Fcal <- c(post_Fcal, c(proc$layers[l], proc$neurons[[l]][n]))

    return(list(proc = proc, post_Fcal = post_Fcal))

#' Prepare Arbitrary Network for Parallel Processing
#' Arbitrarily chunk a neural netowrk among processors.
#' Assumes n_proc < N
naive_split_snn <- function(n_proc, N, M, OMEGA, LAMBDA, Fin, t_eps, t_steps) {

    if (n_proc > N) {
        stop("n_proc > N")

    base <- floor(N / n_proc)
    m <- N %% n_proc

    #a <- sapply(1:n_proc, function(p) {
    #           m1 <- n_proc - m
    #           if (p < m1) {
    #               (base * (p-1) + 1):(base * p)
    #           } else {
    #               (base * (p-1) + 1 + (p-m1)):(base * p + (p-m1+1))
    #           }
    #          })
    procs <- lapply(1:n_proc, 
                    function(p) list(neurons = c(), OMEGA = c(), LAMBDA = c()))
    for (i in 1:N) {
        procs[[(i-1) %% n_proc + 1]]$neurons <- 
            c(procs[[(i-1) %% n_proc + 1]]$neurons, i)
        procs[[(i-1) %% n_proc + 1]]$OMEGA <- 
            cbind(procs[[(i-1) %% n_proc + 1]]$OMEGA, OMEGA[,i])
        procs[[(i-1) %% n_proc + 1]]$LAMBDA <- 
            cbind(procs[[(i-1) %% n_proc + 1]]$LAMBDA, LAMBDA[,i])

    #TODO: this is a dumb way to do this.
    proc <- procs[[mpi.comm.rank()]]

NathanWycoff/snnLearn documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:40 a.m.