Man pages for NeilPearson-Lilly/MethyLiution
MethyLiution: A QC Pipeline For Methylation Data

checkReportedSexStep 3: Check that metadata for samples matches inferences
chooseBestArrayStep 4: Where multiple arrays are present for some samples,...
cite_meCite MethyLiution
colourAdjustmentStep 6: Colour balancing for 2-colour microarrays Applies a...
detectOutliersStep 5: Detect (but do not remove) outliers Makes a...
findSurrogateVariablesStep 10: Apply surrogate variable analysis to automatically...
normalisationStep 7: Apply inter-assay normalisation Apply a broader...
probe_dataFiltered probe lists for EPIC and 450K datasets
quantileNormalisationStep 8: Apply Beta-Mixture Quantile normalisation, producing...
readDataStep 1: Read dataset files
removeAssaysWithMissingMetadataStep 9: Remove assays with missing metadata
removeSnpProbesAndImprintingGenesStep 2: Filter SNP probes and imprinting genes
setColumnNamesSet column names
NeilPearson-Lilly/MethyLiution documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:29 a.m.