Man pages for Neves-P/utilSIE
Utility Functions for DAISIE

check_jobsCheck jobs on cluster
download_dataDownload the data to the data folder of the project
download_resultsDownload the results to the results folder of the project
execute_next_setupExecute experimental setup
experiment_setupSetup DAISIE experiment parameter combinations
get_available_accountsGet your p number
get_project_folderGet project folder address
get_project_nameGet name of project you're working on
get_simulations_to_runTrims and adds ids to MLE results given a lac threshold
get_summary_statsCalculate means and medians of parameter estimates
get_super_folderGet path of projects superfolder
load_DAISIE_resultsLoad DAISIE results from file
pilot_study_parametersMatrix with island ontogeny simulation parameters
plot_ncolonist_distributionPlot number of colonists
plot_nspecies_distributionPlot number of species
read_resultsRead generic saved results
run_simulations_from_MLEStart standard simulations from set of MLE results
sbatch_experimentsStarts peregrine cluster runs
upload_cluster_scriptsExport cluster scripts
utilSIE-packageutilSIE: Utility Functions for DAISIE
Neves-P/utilSIE documentation built on Nov. 20, 2019, 7 a.m.