#' Check for efficient proposals if necessary
#' Takes a mix proportion vector (3 x float) and the efficient proposal mu and
#' sigma. If efficient proposals are to be used (mix_proportion[3] > 0) then
#' test the efficient proposal values to see whether they are not null and
#' appropriate.
#' @param efficient_mu The mu value for the efficient proposals
#' @param efficient_sig2 The sigma value for the efficient proposals
#' @param mix_proportion A vector of floats between 0 and 1 and summing to 1
#' which give the proportion of particles to generate from the population
#' level parameters, the individual random effects and the conditional
#' parameters respectively
#' @return nothing, stops operation on incorrect combination of parameters.
#' @keywords internal
check_efficient <- function(mix_proportion, efficient_mu, efficient_sig2) {
if (mix_proportion[3] != 0) {
if (is.null(efficient_mu) || is.null(efficient_sig2)) {
"Mu and sigma from efficient conditional ",
"proposals must be provided for mix_proportion[3] > 0"
#' Create distribution parameters for efficient proposals
#' From the existing samples, create a proposal distribution for drawing
#' efficient samples from.
#' @param x The current pmwgs object
#' @return A list containing the mu and sigma for the proposal distribution.
#' @keywords internal
create_efficient <- function(x) {
proposal_means <- array(dim = c(x$n_pars, x$n_subjects))
proposal_sigmas <- array(dim = c(x$n_pars, x$n_pars, x$n_subjects))
for (s in 1:x$n_subjects) {
cparms <- conditional_parms(
proposal_means[, s] <- cparms$cmeans
proposal_sigmas[, , s] <- cparms$cvars
efficient_mu = proposal_means,
efficient_sig2 = proposal_sigmas
#' Obtain the efficent mu and sigma from the adaptation phase draws
#' @param s current subject number
#' @param samples A list containing previous samples
#' @return A list containing the conditional mean and variances for this subject
#' @keywords internal
conditional_parms <- function(s, samples) {
tmudim <- dim(samples$theta_mu)
n_par <- tmudim[1]
n_iter <- tmudim[2]
pts2_unwound <- apply(
all_samples <- rbind(
samples$alpha[, s, ],
samples$theta_mu[, ],
mu_tilde <- apply(all_samples, 1, mean)
sigma_tilde <- stats::var(t(all_samples))
if (!isSymmetric(sigma_tilde))
stop("covariance matrix for subject #", s, " not symmetric")
if (any(eigen(sigma_tilde, TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values < 1e-08))
stop("covariance matrix for subject #", s, " not positive definite")
condmvn <- condMVNorm::condMVN(
mean = mu_tilde,
sigma = sigma_tilde,
dependent.ind = 1:n_par,
given.ind = (n_par + 1):length(mu_tilde),
X.given = c(
samples$theta_mu[, n_iter],
unwind(samples$theta_sig[, , n_iter])
check.sigma = FALSE
list(cmeans = condmvn$condMean, cvars = condmvn$condVar)
#' Test that the sampler has successfully adapted
#' @param pmwgs The full pmwgs object with all samples
#' @param n_unique The number of unique samples to look for in random effects
#' for each subject.
#' @param i The number for the current iteration of the sampler
#' @return A list containing a string representing successful/unsuccessful
#' adaptation and an optional message. The string representing the success
#' or failure can be one of c("success", "continue", "increase")
#' @keywords internal
test_sampler_adapted <- function(pmwgs, n_unique, i) {
fail_msg <- "values used in failed attempt to create proposal distribution"
succ_msg <- "iterations before successful adaptation"
if (i < n_unique) {
test_samples <- extract_samples(pmwgs, stage = "adapt")
if (check_adapted(test_samples$alpha, unq_vals = n_unique)) {
attempt <- try({
X = 1:pmwgs$n_subjects,
FUN = conditional_parms,
samples = test_samples
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(attempt, "try-error")) {
return(list("increase", paste("WARNING:", n_unique, fail_msg, "\n")))
} else {
return(list("success", paste("MESSAGE:", i, succ_msg, "\n")))
#' Check whether the adaptation phase has successfully completed
#' @param samples The subject mean samples with which we are working
#' @param unq_vals The number of unique values for each subject
#' @return A boolean TRUE or FALSE depending on the result of the test
#' @keywords internal
check_adapted <- function(samples, unq_vals = 20) {
# Only need to check uniqueness for one parameter
first_par <- samples[1, , ]
# Split the matrix into a list of vectors by subject
# Needed for the case where every sample is unique for all subjects
first_par_list <- split(first_par, seq(NROW(first_par)))
# Get unique pars (new accepted particles) and check length for
# all subjects is greater than unq_vals
all(lapply(lapply(first_par_list, unique), length) > unq_vals)
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