
Defines functions mutate_subset mutate_cascade

Documented in mutate_cascade mutate_subset

#' Perform mutate one time period at a time ('Cascading mutate')
#' This function is a wrapper for \code{dplyr::mutate()} which performs \code{mutate} one time period at a time, allowing each period's calculation to complete before moving on to the next. This allows changes in one period to 'cascade down' to later periods. This is (number of time periods) slower than regular \code{mutate()} and, generally, is only used for mutations where an existing variable is being defined in terms of its own \code{lag()} or \code{tlag()}. This is similar in concept to (and also slower than) \code{cumsum} but is much more flexible, and works with data that has multiple observations per individual-period using \code{tlag()}. For example, this could be used to calculate the current value of a savings account given a variable with each period's deposits, withdrawals, and interest, or could calculate the cumulative number of credits a student has taken across all classes.
#' To apply \code{mutate_cascade()} to non-panel data and without any grouping (perhaps to mimic standard Stata \code{replace} functionality), add a variable to your data indicating the order you'd like \code{mutate} performed in (perhaps using \code{dplyr::row_number()}) and \code{.t} to that new variable.
#' @param .df Data frame or tibble.
#' @param ... Specification to be passed to \code{mutate()}.
#' @param .skip Set to \code{TRUE} to skip the first period present in the data (or present within each group for grouped data) when applying \code{mutate()}. Since most uses of \code{mutate_cascade()} will involve a \code{lag()} or \code{tlag()}, this avoids creating an \code{NA} in the first period that then cascades down. By default this is TRUE. If you set this to FALSE you should probably have some method for avoiding a first-period \code{NA} in your \code{...} entry, perhaps using the \code{default} option in \code{dplyr::lag} or the \code{.default} option in \code{tlag}.
#' @param .backwards Set to \code{TRUE} to run \code{mutate_cascade()} from the last period to the first, rather than from the first to the last.
#' @param .group_i By default, if \code{.i} is specified or found in the data, \code{mutate_cascade} will group the data by \code{.i}, ignoring any grouping already implemented (although the original grouping structure will be returned at the end). Set \code{.group_i = FALSE} to avoid this.
#' @param .i Quoted or unquoted variables that identify the individual cases. Note that setting any one of \code{.i}, \code{.t}, or \code{.d} will override all three already applied to the data, and will return data that is \code{as_pibble()}d with all three, unless \code{.setpanel=FALSE}.
#' @param .t Quoted or unquoted variables indicating the time. \code{pmdplyr} accepts two kinds of time variables: numeric variables where a fixed distance \code{.d} will take you from one observation to the next, or, if \code{.d=0}, any standard variable type with an order. Consider using the \code{time_variable()} function to create the necessary variable if your data uses a \code{Date} variable for time.
#' @param .d Number indicating the gap in \code{.t} between one period and the next. For example, if \code{.t} indicates a single day but data is collected once a week, you might set \code{.d=7}. To ignore gap length and assume that "one period ago" is always the most recent prior observation in the data, set \code{.d=0}. The default \code{.d = NA} here will become \code{.d = 1} if either \code{.i} or \code{.t} are declared.
#' @param .uniqcheck Logical parameter. Set to TRUE to always check whether \code{.i} and \code{.t} uniquely identify observations in the data. By default this is set to FALSE and the check is only performed once per session, and only if at least one of \code{.i}, \code{.t}, or \code{.d} is set.
#' @param .setpanel Logical parameter. \code{TRUE} by default, and so if \code{.i}, \code{.t}, and/or \code{.d} are declared, will return a \code{pibble} set in that way.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' data(Scorecard)
#' # I'd like to build a decaying function that remembers previous earnings but at a declining rate
#' # Let's only use nonmissing earnings
#' # And let's say we're only interested in four-year colleges in Colorado
#' # (mutate_cascade + tlag can be very slow so we're working with a smaller sample)
#' Scorecard <- Scorecard %>%
#'   dplyr::filter(
#'     !is.na(earnings_med),
#'     pred_degree_awarded_ipeds == 3,
#'     state_abbr == "CO"
#'   ) %>%
#'   # And declare the panel structure
#'   as_pibble(.i = unitid, .t = year)
#' Scorecard <- Scorecard %>%
#'   # Almost all instances involve a variable being set to a function of a lag of itself
#'   # we don't want to overwrite so let's make another
#'   # Note that earnings_med is an integer -
#'   # but we're about to make non-integer decay function, so call it a double!
#'   dplyr::mutate(decay_earnings = as.double(earnings_med)) %>%
#'   # Now we can cascade
#'   mutate_cascade(
#'     decay_earnings = decay_earnings +
#'       .5 * tlag(decay_earnings, .quick = TRUE)
#'   )
#'   }
#' @export
mutate_cascade <- function(.df, ..., .skip = TRUE, .backwards = FALSE, .group_i = TRUE, .i = NULL, .t = NULL, .d = NA, .uniqcheck = FALSE, .setpanel = TRUE) {
  if (!is.logical(.backwards)) {
    stop(".backwards must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!is.logical(.skip)) {
    stop(".skip must be TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!is.logical(.group_i)) {
    stop(".group_i must be TRUE or FALSE.")

  # Pull out variable names
  .icall <- tidyselect::vars_select(names(.df), {{ .i }})
  if (length(.icall) == 0) {
    .icall <- NA_character_
  .tcall <- tidyselect::vars_select(names(.df), {{ .t }})
  if (length(.tcall) == 0) {
    .tcall <- NA_character_

  # Check inputs and pull out panel info
  inp <- declare_in_fcn_check(.df, .i = .icall, .t = .tcall, .d, .uniqcheck, .setpanel)
  if (is.na(inp$t)) {
    stop("mutate_cascade() requires that .t be declared either in the function or by as_pibble().")

  # Fill in default if set to NA from above
  if (is.na(inp$d)) {
    inp$d <- 1

  # Get original grouping
  origgroups <- names(.df %@% "groups")
  # Last element is .rows
  if (!is.null(origgroups)) {
    origgroups <- utils::head(origgroups, -1)

  # Avoid de-pibbling later
  if (is_pibble(.df, .silent = TRUE)) {
    .df <- .df %>%

    if (!is.null(origgroups) & !(.group_i == TRUE & !anyNA(inp$i))) {
      .df <- .df %>%

  if (.group_i == TRUE & !anyNA(inp$i)) {
    .df <- .df %>%

  indexnames <- uniqname(.df)

  # Use base-R because we don't want this grouped
  # No longer need, return if necessary functions require changing the order
  # .df[[indexnames]] <- 1:nrow(.df)

  indexnames[2] <- uniqname(.df)

  # Figure out (within groups if present) first period so it can be skipped
  if (.skip == TRUE) {
    if (.backwards == FALSE) {
      .df <- .df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(!!indexnames[2] := min(.data[[inp$t]]))
    } else {
      .df <- .df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(!!indexnames[2] := max(.data[[inp$t]]))
  } else {
    firstperiod <- min(.df[[inp$t]]) - 1
    .df <- .df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(!!indexnames[2] := !!firstperiod)

  # Do an explicit loop because each iteration needs to complete before moving on
  list_of_times <- sort(unique(.df[[inp$t]]))
  if (.backwards == TRUE) {
    list_of_times <- rev(list_of_times)

  # If there are new variables created, make sure they're present
  for (t in list_of_times) {
    # Skip if there's nothing to do
    if (sum(.df[[inp$t]] == t & .df[[indexnames[2]]] != t) > 0) {
      # Replace only the observations in this t
      .df[.df[[inp$t]] == t & .df[[indexnames[2]]] != t, ] <-
        .df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(...) %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data[[inp$t]] == !!t & .data[[indexnames[2]]] != !!t)

  # Rearrange by indexnames[1] if necessary here

  .df <- .df %>%

  # Panel-declare data if any changes have been made.
  if (!anyNA(.icall) | !is.na(.tcall) | !is.na(.d)) {
    .df <- as_pibble(.df, {{ .i }}, {{ .t }}, inp$d, .uniqcheck = .uniqcheck)

  # Restore original grouping
  if (!is.null(origgroups)) {
    .df <- .df %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  } else {
    .df <- .df %>%

  # If it wants the original panel setting back, do that
  if (.setpanel == FALSE) {
    if (inp$is_tbl_pb) {
      if (is.na(inp$orig_i)) {
        inp$orig_i <- NULL
      if (is.na(inp$orig_t)) {
        inp$orig_t <- NULL

      .df <- as_pibble(.df, inp$orig_i, inp$orig_t, inp$orig_d, .uniqcheck = FALSE)
    } else {
      attr(.df, ".i") <- NULL
      attr(.df, ".t") <- NULL
      attr(.df, ".d") <- NULL
      class(.df) <- class(.df)[!(class(.df) %in% "tbl_pb")]


#' Propagate a calculation performed on a subset of data to the rest of the data
#' This function performs \code{dplyr::summarize} on a \code{.filter}ed subset of data. Then it applies the result to all observations (or all observations in the group, if applied to grouped data), filling in columns of the data with the summarize results, as though \code{dplyr::mutate} had been run.
#' One application of this is to partially widen data. For example, if your analysis uses childhood height as a control variable in all years, \code{mutate_subset()} could be used to easily generate a \code{height_age10} variable from a \code{height} variable.
#' @param .df Data frame or tibble.
#' @param ... Specification to be passed to \code{dplyr::summarize()}.
#' @param .filter Unquoted logical condition for which observations \code{dplyr::summarize()} operations are to be run on.
#' @param .group_i By default, if \code{.i} is specified or found in the data, \code{mutate_cascade} will group the data by \code{.i}, overwriting any grouping already implemented. Set \code{.group_i = FALSE} to avoid this.
#' @param .i Quoted or unquoted variables that identify the individual cases. Note that setting any one of \code{.i}, \code{.t}, or \code{.d} will override all three already applied to the data, and will return data that is \code{as_pibble()}d with all three, unless \code{.setpanel=FALSE}.
#' @param .t Quoted or unquoted variable indicating the time. \code{pmdplyr} accepts two kinds of time variables: numeric variables where a fixed distance \code{.d} will take you from one observation to the next, or, if \code{.d=0}, any standard variable type with an order. Consider using the \code{time_variable()} function to create the necessary variable if your data uses a \code{Date} variable for time.
#' @param .d Number indicating the gap in \code{.t} between one period and the next. For example, if \code{.t} indicates a single day but data is collected once a week, you might set \code{.d=7}. To ignore gap length and assume that "one period ago" is always the most recent prior observation in the data, set \code{.d=0}. The default \code{.d = NA} here will become \code{.d = 1} if either \code{.i} or \code{.t} are declared.
#' @param .uniqcheck Logical parameter. Set to TRUE to always check whether \code{.i} and \code{.t} uniquely identify observations in the data. By default this is set to FALSE and the check is only performed once per session, and only if at least one of \code{.i}, \code{.t}, or \code{.d} is set.
#' @param .setpanel Logical parameter. \code{TRUE} by default, and so if \code{.i}, \code{.t}, and/or \code{.d} are declared, will return a \code{pibble} set in that way.
#' @examples
#' data(SPrail)
#' # In preparation for fitting a choice model for how people choose ticket type,
#' # I'd like to know the price of a "Promo" ticket for a given route
#' # So that I can compare each other type of ticket price to that type
#' SPrail <- SPrail %>%
#'   mutate_subset(
#'     promo_price = mean(price, na.rm = TRUE),
#'     .filter = fare == "Promo",
#'     .i = c(origin, destination)
#'   )
#' @export
mutate_subset <- function(.df, ..., .filter, .group_i = TRUE, .i = NULL, .t = NULL, .d = NA, .uniqcheck = FALSE, .setpanel = TRUE) {
  if (sum(class(.df) %in% c("data.frame", "tbl", "tbl_df")) == 0) {
    stop("Requires data to be a data frame or tibble.")
  if (sum(class(.df) == "data.table") > 0) {
    warning("pmdplyr functions have not been tested with data.tables")

  # Pull out variable names
  .icall <- tidyselect::vars_select(names(.df), {{ .i }})
  if (length(.icall) == 0) {
    .icall <- NA_character_
  .tcall <- tidyselect::vars_select(names(.df), {{ .t }})
  if (length(.tcall) == 0) {
    .tcall <- NA_character_

  inp <- declare_in_fcn_check(.df, .icall, .tcall, .d, .uniqcheck, .setpanel, .noneed = TRUE)

  # Fill in default if set to NA from above
  if (is.na(inp$d)) {
    inp$d <- 1

  # Get original grouping
  origgroups <- names(.df %@% "groups")
  # Last element is .rows
  if (!is.null(origgroups)) {
    origgroups <- utils::head(origgroups, -1)

  # Avoid de-pibbling later
  if (is_pibble(.df, .silent = TRUE)) {
    .df <- .df %>%

    if (!is.null(origgroups) & !(.group_i == TRUE & !anyNA(inp$i))) {
      .df <- .df %>%

  if (.group_i == TRUE & !anyNA(inp$i)) {
    .df <- .df %>%

  # Perform the summary on the subset
  summ <- suppressWarnings(.df %>%
    dplyr::filter({{ .filter }}) %>%
  # See what variables were created not counting the groupings
  # First, get the grouping variables
  groups <- names(.df %@% "groups")
  # Last element is .rows
  if (!is.null(groups)) {
    groups <- utils::head(groups, -1)
  # now, find which variables in summ are not grouping variables
  notgroups <- names(summ)[!(names(summ) %in% groups)]
  # and drop those variables from .df, then bring in summ!
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    summdf <- as.data.frame(summ[rep(1, nrow(.df)), ])
    names(summdf) <- notgroups

    suppressWarnings(try(.df <- .df %>%
    suppressWarnings(.df <- .df %>%
  } else {
    suppressWarnings(try(.df <- .df %>%
    suppressWarnings(.df <- .df %>%
      dplyr::left_join(summ, by = groups))

  # Panel-declare data if any changes have been made.
  if (.setpanel == TRUE & (!anyNA(.icall) | !is.na(.tcall) | !is.na(.d))) {
    .df <- as_pibble(.df, {{ .i }}, {{ .t }}, inp$d, .uniqcheck = .uniqcheck)

  # Restore original grouping
  if (!is.null(origgroups)) {
    .df <- .df %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  } else {
    .df <- .df %>%

  # If it wants the original panel setting back, do that
  if (.setpanel == FALSE) {
    if (inp$is_tbl_pb) {
      if (is.na(inp$orig_i)) {
        inp$orig_i <- NULL
      if (is.na(inp$orig_t)) {
        inp$orig_t <- NULL

      .df <- as_pibble(.df, inp$orig_i, inp$orig_t, inp$orig_d, .uniqcheck = FALSE)
    } else {
      attr(.df, ".i") <- NULL
      attr(.df, ".t") <- NULL
      attr(.df, ".d") <- NULL
      class(.df) <- class(.df)[!(class(.df) %in% "tbl_pb")]

NickCH-K/pmdplyr documentation built on Oct. 26, 2021, 1:10 p.m.