
Defines functions build_rdb_table_adapted get_table_2 collapse_nodes find_group_names_2


###   RELATIONAL DATABASE FUNCTIONS (first new/improved, then old)

# "group" here means the root xpath that defines
# a collection of variables on a one-to-many table


#' @title find_group_names_2 (improved from rdb-functions-v2)
#' @description identifies all possible roots/xpaths from a table name
#' @export
find_group_names_2 <- function( table.name )
  TABLE <- dplyr::filter( concordance, rdb_table == table.name )
  xpaths <- TABLE$xpath %>% as.character()
  xpaths <- gsub( "IRS990EZ", "IRS990", xpaths )
  nodes <- strsplit( xpaths, "/" )
  d1 <- suppressWarnings( data.frame( do.call( cbind, nodes ), stringsAsFactors=F ) )
  not.equal <- apply( d1, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x){ length( unique( x )) > 1 } ) 
  this.one <- which( not.equal == T )[ 1 ]
  group.names <- d1[ this.one,  ] %>% as.character() %>% unique()
  group.names <- paste0( group.names, "/")
  # print("OLD")
  # print(group.names)
  # if(table.name == "F9-P03-T01-PROGRAMS"){
  #   group.names <- head(group.names,-5)
  # }
  updated.group.names <- collapse_nodes(group.names)
  # print("UDPATED")
  # print(updated.group.names)
  return( updated.group.names )


#' @title collapse_nodes (new)
#' @description helper function:
#' takes in a list of possible roots and finds sub-roots if existing
#' i.e. collapses possible subparenting/subgrouping structure in xml files
#' @export
collapse_nodes <- function( lc.xpaths )
  comb.names <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(lc.xpaths)){
    lc.xpath <- lc.xpaths[i]
    TABLE <- dplyr::filter( concordance, grepl(lc.xpath, xpath) )
    # print(TABLE)
    xpaths <- TABLE$xpath %>% as.character()
    xpaths <- gsub( "IRS990EZ", "IRS990", xpaths )
    nodes <- strsplit( xpaths, "/" )
    d1 <- suppressWarnings( data.frame( do.call( cbind, nodes ), stringsAsFactors=F ) )
    # print(d1)
    not.equal <- apply( d1, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x){ length( unique( x )) > 1 } ) 
    # print(not.equal)
    this.one <- which( not.equal == T )[ 1 ]
    group.names <- d1[ this.one,  ] %>% as.character() %>% unique()
    group.names <- paste0( "//", lc.xpath, group.names )
    # if(table.name == "F9-P03-T01-PROGRAMS"){
    #   group.names <- head(group.names,-5)
    # }
    comb.names <- append(comb.names,group.names)
  return( comb.names )


#' @title get_table_2 (improved from rdb-functions-v2)
#' @description collects the information out of the relevant xpath roots
#' including the subgrouped roots and data as well
#' @export
get_table_2 <- function( doc, group.names, table.name )
  library( dplyr, warn.conflicts=F, quietly=T )
  data( concordance )
  TABLE <- dplyr::filter( concordance, rdb_table == table.name )
  original.xpaths <- TABLE$xpath %>% as.character()
  all.groups <- paste0( group.names, collapse="|" )
  # print(all.groups)
  nd <- xml2::xml_find_all( doc, all.groups)
  if( length( nd ) == 0 ){ return(NULL) }
  # ensure group names unique to table (doesn't really apply for get_table_2 shenanigans)
  #i.e. we don't really need to validate group names
  # valid <- validate_group_names( nd, table.name )
  valid <- TRUE
  # if( ! valid ) #never called 
  # { 
  #   xp <- nd %>% xml2::xml_path()
  #   xp <- gsub( "\\[[0-9]{1,}\\]", "", xp ) %>% unique()
  #   print("TABLE: ")
  #   print( table.name )
  #   print("TABLE XPATHS: ")
  #   print( original.xpaths )
  #   print("CURRENT XPATHS: ")
  #   print( xp )
  #   stop( 'Group names are not unique to the table' )
  # }
  # ensure we are using root node for table
  table.xpaths <- ( xmltools::xml_get_paths( nd, only_terminal_parent = TRUE ))
  table.xpaths <- table.xpaths %>% unlist() %>% unique()
  #since we have them all, just capture the data from here?
  # print(table.xpaths)
  nodes <- strsplit( table.xpaths, "/" )
  l1 <- length(nodes[[1]])
  tr <- paste0("//",nodes[[1]][l1-1],"/",nodes[[1]][l1])
  nd <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc,tr)
  rdb.table <- xmltools::xml_dig_df( nd, dig = TRUE ) %>% bind_rows()
  rdb.table <- rdb.table %>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
  if( length( table.xpaths ) > 1 )
    for(i in 2:length(table.xpaths)){
      l <- length(nodes[[i]])
      table.root <- paste0("//",nodes[[i]][l-1],"/",nodes[[i]][l])
      nd <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc,table.root)
      if(!(length(nd) < nrow(rdb.table))){
        #weirdness occurs when we have mixed formatting 
        #for example if we have address us and address foreign
        temp.df <- xmltools::xml_dig_df( nd, dig = TRUE ) %>% bind_rows()
        temp.df <- temp.df %>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
        rdb.table <- cbind(rdb.table,temp.df)
      else print("WEIRD TABLE FORMATTING")
  return( rdb.table )


#' @title build_rdb_table_adapted (improved from rdb-functions-v2)
#' @description rdb build function equipped to handle tables with sub-grouping
#' it is generalized so it still works on previously working tables
#' @export
build_rdb_table_adapted <- function(url, table.name)
  doc <- NULL
  try( doc <- xml2::read_xml( url ), silent=T ) 
  if( is.null(doc) )
    return( NULL )
  xml2::xml_ns_strip( doc )
  all.xpaths <- doc %>% xmltools::xml_get_paths()
  unique.xpaths <- all.xpaths %>% 
    unlist() %>% 
  ####     KEYS
  OBJECTID <- get_object_id( url )
  ## URL
  URL <- url
  ## EIN
  EIN  <- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc, "//Return/ReturnHeader/Filer/EIN" ) )
  ## NAME
  V_990NAMEpost2014 <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/Filer/BusinessName/BusinessNameLine1Txt"
  V_990NAME_2013 <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/Filer/BusinessName/BusinessNameLine1"
  V_990NAMEpre2013  <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/Filer/Name/BusinessNameLine1"
  name.xpath <- paste( V_990NAME_2013, V_990NAMEpre2013, V_990NAMEpost2014, sep="|" )
  NAME <- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc, name.xpath ) )
  V_990TFpost2013 <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/ReturnTypeCd"
  V_990TFpre2013  <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/ReturnType"
  tax.form.xpath <- paste( V_990TFpost2013, V_990TFpre2013, sep="|" )
  FORMTYPE <- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc, tax.form.xpath ) )
  V_990FYRpost2013 <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/TaxYr"
  V_990FYRpre2013  <- "//Return/ReturnHeader/TaxYear"
  fiscal.year.xpath <- paste( V_990FYRpost2013, V_990FYRpre2013, sep="|" )
  TAXYR <- xml2::xml_text( xml2::xml_find_all( doc, fiscal.year.xpath ) )
  ####  BUILD TABLE 
  # print(find_group_names(table.name = table.name))
  group.names <- find_group_names_2( table.name=table.name )
  # print(group.names)
  df <- get_table_2( doc, group.names, table.name  )
  if( is.null(df) ){ return( NULL ) }
  v.map <- get_var_map( table.name=table.name )
  df <- re_name( df, v.map )
  rdb.table <- data.frame( OBJECT_ID=OBJECTID, EIN=EIN, NAME=NAME, TAXYR=TAXYR, 
                           FORMTYPE=FORMTYPE, URL=URL, df, stringsAsFactors=F )
  return ( rdb.table )

# library(irs990efile)
# # library(dplyr)
# index <- tinyindex  # random sample of 10,000 cases
# index <- filter( index, FormType %in% c("990","990EZ") )
# results2 <- list()
# time1 <- Sys.time()
# for( i in 1:length(index$URL) )
# {
#   print(i)
#   try( results[[i]] <- build_rdb_table_adapted( index$URL[i], "F9-P07-T01-COMPENSATION" ))
# }
# time2 <- Sys.time()
# print(paste0("RUNTIME (in min's): ", difftime(time2,time1)))
# df <- dplyr::bind_rows( results)
# write.csv( df, paste0( "F9-P07-T01-COMPENSATION-2", ".csv"), row.names=F )
Nonprofit-Open-Data-Collective/irs990efile documentation built on Dec. 25, 2024, 5:30 p.m.