#' @title Writes the sampling plan with the selection list to an Excel file.
#' @description The sampling plan is output to an Excel sheet. The list with
#' selected units is standardised and formatted in order to be submitted
#' without further formatting.
#' @details The data must originate from an "okplan" file and
#' the function uses
#' \ifelse{html}{\code{\link[NVIdb:standardize_columns]{NVIdb::standardize_columns}}}{\code{NVIdb::standardize_columns}}.
#' to select, order, format and style the columns. The formatting
#' information is either taken from \code{\link{OK_column_standards}} or
#' can be input as a \code{list}
#' When using \code{\link{OK_column_standards}}, the formatting information is
#' taken in accord with the argument \code{dbsource}. If the formatting
#' needs to be edited, it must be edited in the general source file for
#' column standards and thereafter, build it into a new version of \code{OKplan}.
#' As this can be a tedious process, there is a possibility to input the
#' formatting information as a \code{list} or as a csv-file that can be transformed
#' to a \code{data.frame} with the same columns as \code{\link{OK_column_standards}}.
#' The list input to column_standards must follow a specific format.
#' It is a \code{list} with at least three named vectors:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{colname}: a vector of all columns in in the source file that
#' should be included in the Excel report with the selection list.
#' \item \code{collabel}: A vector with the labels that should be used in the
#' Excel report.
#' \item \code{colwidth}: A vector with the column width that should be used
#' in the Excel report.
#' }
#' In addition one may input:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{colorder}: the order of the columns to be used in the Excel report.
#' The default is to use the same order as they are entered in the vectors.
#' \item \code{column_db}: input added as a possibility to keep on the same format
#' as \code{\link{OK_column_standards}}. Not necessary to input.
#' \item \code{table_db}: input added as a possibility to keep on the same format
#' as \code{\link{OK_column_standards}}. Must be the same as
#' \code{dbsource}. Not necessary to input.
#' }
#' All vectors must have the same order and the same length.
#' When \code{calculate_sum} is \code{TRUE}, a line with the sum will be appended.
#' The default is to calculate the sum of the column "ant_prover". If the sum
#' should be calculated for one or more other columns, you may give the column
#' names as input to the argument \code{column} that will be passed to
#' \code{\link{append_sum_line}}. The sum will only be appended for columns
#' that exist in the data.
#' When more than one worksheet should be added to a single workbook,
#' use \code{add_worksheet = FALSE} for the first worksheet and
#' \code{add_worksheet = TRUE} for the consecutive worksheet(s).
#' @param data [\code{data.frame}]\cr
#' The sampling plan with the units to be reported.
#' @param sheet [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The name of the Excel sheet.
#' @param filename [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The name of the Excel file.
#' @param filepath [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The path to the Excel file.
#' @param column_standards [\code{data.frame} | \code{list} | \code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The column standards to be used as input for
#' \ifelse{html}{\code{\link[NVIdb]{standardize_columns}}}{\code{NVIdb::standardize_columns}}
#' when formatting the sampling plan for output, see details. Defaults to
#' \code{\link{OK_column_standards}}.
#' For giving alternatives to the standard table for column_standards using
#' different formats, see details. Defaults to
#' file.path(NVIdb::set_dir_NVI("ProgrammeringR", slash = FALSE),
#' "standardization", "colnames", "column_standards.csv").
#' @param calculate_sum [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Should a line with the sum be appended? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param footnote [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' Footnote to appended? Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param footnote_heights [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Manually set row height for the footnote. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param dbsource [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' The name of the dbtable in \code{\link{OK_column_standards}} that should
#' be used for standardising and formatting the sampling plan output.
#' @param add_worksheet [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Should a worksheet be added to an existing workbook? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param \dots Other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{append_sum_line}}.
#' @export
write_ok_selection_list <- function(data,
column_standards = OKplan::OK_column_standards,
calculate_sum = TRUE,
footnote = NULL,
footnote_heights = NULL,
add_worksheet = FALSE,
...) {
# Remove trailing backslash or slash before testing path
filepath <- sub("\\\\{1,2}$|/{1,2}$", "", filepath)
dots <- list(...)
# Object to store check-results
checks <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
# Perform checks
# data
checkmate::assert_data_frame(data, max.rows = (1048576 - 1), max.cols = 16384, add = checks)
# filename and filepath
checkmate::assert_character(sheet, min.chars = 1, min.len = 1, max.len = length(data), unique = TRUE, add = checks)
checkmate::assert_character(filename, min.chars = 1, len = 1, add = checks)
checkmate::assert_directory_exists(filepath, add = checks)
if (isTRUE(add_worksheet)) {
checkmate::assert_file_exists(file.path(filepath, filename), access = "r", add = checks)
# column_standards
# checkmate::assert(checkmate::check_class(column_standards, classes = c("data.frame")),
# checkmate::check_class(column_standards, classes = c("list")),
# add = checks)
# if (inherits(column_standards, what = "list")) {
# lengths_standard <- lengths(column_standards)
# NVIcheckmate::assert_integer(lengths_standard, lower = lengths_standard[1], upper = lengths_standard[1],
# min.len = 3, max.len = 6,
# comment = "When input as a list, all elements must have the same length",
# add = checks)
# checkmate::assert_subset(names(column_standards), choices = c("table_db", "colname_db", "colname", "collabel", "colwidth", "colorder"),
# add = checks)
# }
# if (inherits(column_standards, what = "data.frame")) {
# checkmate::assert_data_frame(column_standards, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 6, add = checks)
# }
checkmate::assert(checkmate::check_class(column_standards, classes = c("data.frame")),
checkmate::check_class(column_standards, classes = c("list")),
checkmate::check_class(column_standards, classes = c("character")),
add = checks)
if (inherits(column_standards, what = "character")) {
checkmate::assert_file_exists(column_standards, add = checks)
if (inherits(column_standards, what = "list")) {
lengths_standard <- lengths(column_standards)
NVIcheckmate::assert_integer(lengths_standard, lower = lengths_standard[1], upper = lengths_standard[1],
min.len = 3, max.len = 6,
comment = "When input as a list, all elements must have the same length",
add = checks)
checkmate::assert_subset(names(column_standards), choices = c("table_db", "colname_db", "colname", "collabel", "colwidth", "colorder"),
add = checks)
if (inherits(column_standards, what = "data.frame")) {
checkmate::assert_data_frame(column_standards, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 6, add = checks)
# calculate_sum
checkmate::assert_flag(calculate_sum, add = checks)
checkmate::assert_string(footnote, min.chars = 1, null.ok = TRUE, add = checks)
checkmate::assert_character(dbsource, min.len = 1, add = checks)
if (inherits(column_standards, what = "data.frame")) {
choices = unique(column_standards[, "table_db"]),
add = checks)
checkmate::assert_flag(add_worksheet, add = checks)
# Report check-results
# TRANSFORM column_standards FROM list TO data.frame
# if (inherits(column_standards, what = "list")) {
# column_standards <- as.data.frame((column_standards))
# if (!"table_db" %in% colnames(column_standards)) {
# column_standards$table_db <- dbsource
# }
# if (!"colname_db" %in% colnames(column_standards)) {
# column_standards$colname_db <- column_standards$colname
# }
# if (!"colorder" %in% colnames(column_standards)) {
# column_standards$colorder <- c(1:dim(column_standards)[1])
# }
# colnames(column_standards)[which(colnames(column_standards) == "collabel")] <- "label_1_no"
# colnames(column_standards)[which(colnames(column_standards) == "colwidth")] <- "colwidth_Excel"
# }
# create or load workbook
if (isTRUE(add_worksheet)) {
okwb <- openxlsx::loadWorkbook(xlsxFile = file.path(filepath, filename))
} else {
okwb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
# column names
okdata <- NVIdb::standardize_columns(data,
standards = column_standards,
dbsource = dbsource,
property = "colnames")
# order columns and keep only designated columns
okdata <- NVIdb::standardize_columns(data = okdata,
standards = column_standards,
dbsource = dbsource,
property = "colorder", exclude = TRUE)
# Append sum
if (isTRUE(calculate_sum)) {
if ("column" %in% names(dots)) {
column <- dots$column
} else {column <- "ant_prover"}
column <- intersect(column, colnames(data))
if (length(column) > 0) {
okdata <- append_sum_line(data = okdata, column = column, position = "left")
# Append date generated
okdata <- append_date_generated_line(okdata)
# Append footnote
if (!is.null(footnote)) {
okdata <- NVIpretty::append_text_line(okdata,
text = footnote,
empty_rows = 2)
NVIpretty::add_formatted_worksheet(data = okdata,
workbook = okwb,
sheet = sheet,
wrapHeadlineText = TRUE,
collabels = TRUE,
colwidths = TRUE,
standards = column_standards,
dbsource = dbsource)
if (isTRUE(calculate_sum)) {
style_sum_line(workbook = okwb, sheet = sheet, data = okdata)
if (!is.null(footnote)) {
NVIpretty::style_text_line(workbook = okwb, sheet = sheet, data = okdata,
text = footnote,
wrap_text = TRUE,
merge_cells = TRUE,
heights = footnote_heights)
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb = okwb, file = file.path(filepath, filename), overwrite = TRUE)
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