
Defines functions pigeon_weber

# Calculates Weber scores (translated to r from Price et al. 2004 formulae)

pigeon_weber <- function(x, ...){

  # Requires pracma for as close as possible exact emulation, but it shouldn't matter
  # TODO: check if pracma is installed & ask to install if not
  # TODO: Also for magrittr & dplyr

  # TODO: Check if ratio is Large/Small or Small/Large and convert if necessary
  # TODO: Make sure package functions are called explicitly

  #### Sets the default column #s for participant, ratio, correct, and trialtype ----
  # Requires the participant, ratio, and correct, but not trialtype
  # TODO: Re-integrate trialtype into function (removed for simplicity)
  # !. Currently users can separate the trialtypes into parts of a list and then *lapply*
    weber_participant = 1
    weber_ratio = 2
    weber_correct = 3
  # if(is.null(weber_trialtype) & length(x) >= 4){
  #   weber_trialtype = 4
  # }

  #### Creates our summarised dataframe----
  colnames(x)[c(weber_participant, weber_ratio, weber_correct)] <- c("part","ratio","correct")

  x <- x %>%
    dplyr::group_by(part, ratio) %>%
      accuracy = mean(correct),
      freq = n()

  x_participants <- unique(x$part)

  # TODO: ask if they want to set a anchorpoint ratios (i.e 1:1 ratio = .5 accuracy)
  # !. does it by default as is

  x_anchor <- data.frame(
    part = x_participants,
    ratio = 1,
    freq = 1,
    accuracy = .5)
  x <- dplyr::bind_rows(x, x_anchor)

  #### Creating necessary functions ----

  # remaking the erfc function to replicate the matlab one
  # shouldn't make a difference b/w this and pracma::erfc but just in case...
  erfc2 <- function(y){
    OUT <- 2*pnorm(y*sqrt(2), lower.tail = FALSE)

  # Creating the ANSmodel function
  ANSModel <- function(weber){
    OUT <- rep(0, length(ratio))
    for(j in seq(length(ratio))){
      OUT[j] <-
        1 - (0.5 * erfc2(abs(ratio[j]-1)/( sqrt(2)*weber*sqrt(ratio[j]^2 + 1))))

  # Creating the lsqWeber function
  lsqWeber <- function(weber){
    modelY <- ANSModel(weber)
    z <- subAcc - modelY

  #### w for each participant ----

  # creates weber fraction output & cor with model ("Results" + "pearR" in matlab)
  weber_w <- data.frame(
    Participant = x_participants,
    Results = rep(0, length(x_participants)),
    Correlation = rep(0,length(x_participants))

  # creates an overview of the processed data ("AccArray" in matlab)
  weber_overview <- data.frame(
    Participant = character(),
    Ratio = double(),
    SubjectAccuracy = double(),
    W = double(),
    ModelAccuracy = double(),
    ssq = double(),
    Residual = double()

  # Getting the w score for each participant
  # TODO: Change to an apply version if possible?
  for(i in seq(length(x_participants))){

    # Taking only a single participant's data
    weber_currentpart <- x[x$part == x_participants[i],]

    # creating vectors for Ratio & Accuracy
    # TODO: Clean up what they wrote not have so much redundancy (except where helpful)
    ratio <- weber_currentpart$ratio
    subAcc <- weber_currentpart$accuracy

    # perfoming least squares non-linear regression
    #. tolx change to match matlab default (though doesn't matter for this granularity)
    x_results <- lsqnonlin(lsqWeber,.25, options = list(tolx = 1e-06))
    # creating what we would predict if model was 100% accurate
    x_modelAccuracy <- ANSModel(x_results[[1]])
    # creates dataframe which lists the participant, their w, and correlation between
    #. their w and the model's prediction
    weber_w[i,2] <- x_results[[1]]
    weber_w[i,3] <- cor(subAcc, x_modelAccuracy)
    # Larger dataframe showing the nuances of their results
    #. Missing Residuals (function doesn't give them)
    # TODO: Figure out how to get residuals out of lsqnonlin()
    x_overviewtemp <- data.frame(
      Participant = rep(x_participants[i], length(ratio)),
      Ratio = ratio,
      SubjectAccuracy = subAcc,
      W = rep(x_results[[1]],length(ratio)),
      ModelAccuracy = x_modelAccuracy,
      ssq = x_results[[2]],
      Residual = rep(NA_integer_,length(ratio))
    # Attaches new data to the df with every participant
    weber_overview <- bind_rows(weber_overview, x_overviewtemp)

  return(list(weber_w, weber_overview))


#### Sample Data----
# sampledata <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
#         part = c("Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps",
#                  "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps", "Gramps",
#                  "Negligble", "Negligble", "Negligble", "Negligble", "Negligble",
#                  "Negligble", "Negligble", "Negligble", "Negligble", "Negligble",
#                  "Negligble", "Negligble", "Whosit", "Whosit", "Whosit",
#                  "Whosit", "Whosit", "Whosit", "Whosit", "Whosit", "Whosit", "Whosit",
#                  "Whosit", "Whosit", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp",
#                  "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp",
#                  "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp", "Yalla", "Yalla", "Yalla",
#                  "Yalla", "Yalla", "Yalla", "Yalla", "Yalla", "Yalla", "Yalla",
#                  "Yalla", "Yalla"),
#        ratio = c(0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9,
#                  0.95, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85,
#                  0.9, 0.95, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85,
#                  0.9, 0.95, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8,
#                  0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8,
#                  0.85, 0.9, 0.95),
#      correct = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
#                  0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
#                  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
# )

#### Original Code ----
# #### Introductions
# # This script does the actual analysis of the clean data:
# # Weber scores (translated to r from Price et al. 2004 formulae)
# # As closely emulating
# # packages:
# library(tidyverse) # Shouldn't need to load because source(0_...) would load it
# library(pracma) #for the equivalent to the matlab erfc and lsqnonlin functions
# # This script assumes that you'll receive long data of a 2AFC study (one line per answer)
# # "Ratio","participant", and "correct" need to be column names
# # Ratio = number between 0 and 1 that is the ratio of the numbers displayed
# # participant = participantID
# # correct = 1 or 0, if they got the trial right or not
# # Data = DotData & NaturalData
# #### Creating Data for weber
# # Getting all unique participant IDs
# participants <- unique(c(DotData$participant, NaturalData$participant))
# # Collapses data by ratio and participant
# #. Calculate mean accuracy at a ratio & frequency ratio occured
# D_ratioXaccuracy_participant <- DotData %>%
#   group_by(Ratio, participant) %>%
#   summarise(accuracy = mean(correct),
#             freq     = n()) %>%
#   mutate(arrayType = "Dot")
# N_ratioXaccuracy_participant <- NaturalData %>%
#   group_by(Ratio, participant) %>%
#   summarise(accuracy = mean(correct),
#             freq     = n()) %>%
#   mutate(arrayType = "Natural")
# # adding in anchorpoints for each participant
# D_anchor <- tibble(
#   participant = participants,
#   Ratio = 1,
#   freq = 1,
#   accuracy = .5,
#   arrayType = 'Dot')
# D_ratioXaccuracy_participant <- bind_rows(D_ratioXaccuracy_participant, D_anchor)
# N_anchor <- tibble(
#   participant = participants,
#   Ratio = 1,
#   freq = 1,
#   accuracy = .5,
#   arrayType = 'Natural')
# N_ratioXaccuracy_participant <- bind_rows(N_ratioXaccuracy_participant, N_anchor)
# #### Creating necessary functions
# # remaking the erfc function to replicate the matlab one
# # shouldn't make a difference b/w this and pracma::erfc but just in case...
# erfc2 <- function(x){
#   OUT <- 2*pnorm(x*sqrt(2), lower.tail = FALSE)
#   return(OUT)
# }
# # Creating the ANSmodel function
# ANSModel <- function(weber){
#   OUT <- rep(0, length(ratio))
#   for(j in seq(length(ratio))){
#     OUT[j] <-
#       1 - (0.5 * erfc2(abs(ratio[j]-1)/( sqrt(2)*weber*sqrt(ratio[j]^2 + 1))))
#   }
#   return(OUT)
# }
# # Creating the lsqWeber function
# lsqWeber <- function(weber){
#   modelY <- ANSModel(weber)
#   y <- subAcc - modelY
#   return(y)
# }
# #### w for each participant
# # creates weber fraction output & cor with model ("Results" + "pearR" in matlab)
# D_w <- tibble(
#   participants = participants,
#   results = rep(0, length(participants)),
#   correlation = rep(0,length(participants))
# )
# N_w <- tibble(
#   participants = participants,
#   results = rep(0, length(participants)),
#   correlation = rep(0,length(participants))
# )
# # creates an overview of the processed data ("AccArray" in matlab)
# D_overview <- tibble(
#   Participant = character(),
#   Ratio = double(),
#   SubjectAccuracy = double(),
#   W = double(),
#   ModelAccuracy = double(),
#   ssq = double(),
#   Residual = double()
# )
# N_overview <- tibble(
#   Participant = character(),
#   Ratio = double(),
#   SubjectAccuracy = double(),
#   W = double(),
#   ModelAccuracy = double(),
#   ssq = double(),
#   Residual = double()
# )
# # Getting the w score for each participant
# for(i in 1:length(participants)){
#   # Taking only a single participant's data
#   D_participant <- D_ratioXaccuracy_participant[
#     D_ratioXaccuracy_participant$participant == participants[i],]
#   N_participant <- N_ratioXaccuracy_participant[
#     N_ratioXaccuracy_participant$participant == participants[i],]
#   # creating vectors for Ratio & Accuracy
#   ratio <- D_participant$Ratio
#   subAcc <- D_participant$accuracy
#   # perfoming least squares non-linear regression
#   #. tolx change to match matlab default (though doesn't matter for this granularity)
#   D_results <- lsqnonlin(lsqWeber,.25, options = list(tolx = 1e-06))
#   # creating what we would predict if model was 100% accurate
#   D_modelAccuracy <- ANSModel(D_results[[1]])
#   # creates dataframe which lists the participant, their w, and correlation between
#   #. their w and the model's prediction
#   D_w[i,2] <- D_results[[1]]
#   D_w[i,3] <- cor(subAcc, D_modelAccuracy)
#   # Larger dataframe showing the nuances of their results
#   #. Missing Residuals (function doesn't give them)
#   # TODO: Figure out how to get residuals out of lsqnonlin()
#   D_overviewtemp <- tibble(
#     Participant = rep(participants[i], length(ratio)),
#     Ratio = ratio,
#     SubjectAccuracy = subAcc,
#     W = rep(D_results[[1]],length(ratio)),
#     ModelAccuracy = D_modelAccuracy,
#     ssq = D_results[[2]],
#     Residual = rep(NA_integer_,length(ratio))
#   )
#   # Attaches new data to the df with every participant
#   D_overview <- bind_rows(D_overview, D_overviewtemp)
#   # repeats the same thing as above, but for the other test type
#   ratio <- N_participant$Ratio
#   subAcc <- N_participant$accuracy
#   N_results <- lsqnonlin(lsqWeber,.1)
#   N_modelAccuracy <- ANSModel(N_results[[1]])
#   N_w[i,2] <- N_results[[1]]
#   N_w[i,3] <- cor(subAcc, N_modelAccuracy)
#   N_overviewtemp <- tibble(
#     Participant = rep(participants[i], length(ratio)),
#     Ratio = ratio,
#     SubjectAccuracy = subAcc,
#     W = rep(N_results[[1]],length(ratio)),
#     ModelAccuracy = N_modelAccuracy,
#     ssq = N_results[[2]],
#     Residual = rep(NA_integer_,length(ratio))
#   )
#   N_overview <- bind_rows(N_overview, N_overviewtemp)
# }

# DONE! (:
NourAl-Zaghloul/PigeonAnalyzeR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2019, 5:46 p.m.