
Defines functions create_grid

Documented in create_grid

#' Create a grid of square-shaped windows
#' @param x A SpatRaster
#' @param size Expressed in the numbers of cells, is a length of the side of a square-shaped block of cells. It defines the extent of a local pattern. If `size=NULL` calculations are perfomed for the whole area
#' @param shift Defines the shift between adjacent squares of cells along with the N-S and W-E directions. It describes the density (resolution) of the output grid. The resolution of the output map will be reduced to the original resolution multiplied by the shift. If shift=size the input map will be divided into a grid of non-overlapping square windows. Each square window defines the extent of a local pattern. If shift < size - results in the grid of overlapping square windows.
#' @return An sf polygon object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' race_raster = rast(system.file("extdata/race_raster.tif", package = "raceland"))
#' x = create_realizations(race_raster, 1)
#' y = create_grid(x, size = 10)
#' y
create_grid = function(x, size, shift = NULL){
  is_raster_x = check_is_raster(x)
  x = check_input(x, is_raster_x)
  if (is.null(shift)){
    shift = size
  bb = sf::st_bbox(terra::ext(x))
  offset = bb[c("xmin", "ymax")]

  cellsize = c((size * terra::res(x)[1]), (size * terra::res(x)[2]))
  cellshift = c(((shift) * terra::res(x)[[1]]),
                ((shift) * terra::res(x)[[2]]))

  nx = ceiling(abs((bb[3] - offset[1]) / cellshift[1]))
  ny = ceiling(abs((bb[2] - offset[2]) / cellshift[2]))

  ret = vector("list", nx * ny)
  square = function(x1, y1, x2, y2){
    sf::st_polygon(list(matrix(c(x1, x2, x2, x1, x1, y1, y1, y2, y2, y1), 5)))

  xc = offset[1] + (0:nx) * cellshift[1]
  yc = offset[2] - (0:ny) * cellshift[2]

  for (i in 1:nx){
    for (j in 1:ny){
      ret[[(j - 1) * nx + i]] = square(xc[i], yc[j], xc[i] + cellshift[1], yc[j] - cellshift[2])

  my_grid = sf::st_sf(geom = sf::st_sfc(ret, crs = sf::st_crs(terra::crs(x))))

  # if (raster::nlayers(x) == 1){
  #   df_ids = create_motifels_ids(raster::as.matrix(x), size, shift)
  # } else {
    df_ids = create_motifels_ids(terra::as.matrix(x[[1]], wide = TRUE), size, shift)
  # }

  my_grid = cbind(df_ids, my_grid)
  colnames(my_grid) = c("row", "col", "geom")

  # my_grid$area = sf::st_area(my_grid)

Nowosad/raceland documentation built on April 21, 2023, 10 a.m.