
Defines functions ImportFromDropbox ExportToDropbox CheckDropboxToken

Documented in CheckDropboxToken ExportToDropbox ImportFromDropbox

#' Check that token is valid
#' @return Returns a true if token is valid.
#' @param token Dropbox API token to check.
#' @export
CheckDropboxToken <- function(token)
    url <- "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/users/get_current_account"
    pp <- try(POST(url, config=add_headers('Authorization' = sprintf("Bearer %s", token))))
    if (is.null(pp$status_code) || pp$status_code != 200)
        warning("Could not retrieve account information. Token may be invalid or not valid for the Dropbox API v2.")
        message("Token is valid.")

#' Export R object to Dropbox
#' @param object R object to export
#' @param token Dropbox access token with read and write access.
#' @param file Name of output file. If no filename is supplied, by default the object will be saved to a file
#' named \code{<object>.rds} or \code{<object>.csv} according to \code{as.csv} described below.
#' This will overwrite existing files in your dropbox with the same name.
#' When multiple copies of the same object under different conditions are saved, it may be preferrable to
#' manually specify the filename.
#' @param as.csv Logical; if TRUE the object will be exported as a .csv file, or else as a .rds file.
#' @param reexport.seconds Time in seconds (must be greater than 600) after which object will be re-exported.
#' This option works only in Displayr. By default this option is disabled.
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers upload_file
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @export

ExportToDropbox <- function(object, token, file = NA, as.csv = FALSE, reexport.seconds = -1)
    # Displayr server ignores expiry if less than 600
    if (reexport.seconds > 600)
        message(sprintf("R output expires in %d seconds with wakeup", round(reexport.seconds)))
    extension <- if (as.csv) ".csv" else ".rds" 
    if (is.na(file))
        file <- paste(as.character(substitute(object)), extension, sep="")
    if (as.csv)
        write.csv(object, file = file)
        saveRDS(object, file = file)
    put_url <- "https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/upload"
    pp <- try(POST(put_url, 
        config=add_headers("Authorization" = sprintf("Bearer %s", token),
                           "Dropbox-API-Arg" = paste0("{\"path\": \"/", file,
                                    "\",\"mode\": \"overwrite\",\"autorename\": false,\"mute\": false}"),
                           "Content-Type" = "application/octet-stream"), 
    returnMsg <- "Could not upload object. Check that dropbox token is correct."
    if (!inherits(pp, "try-error") && pp$status_code == 200)
        cmd <- sprintf("ImportFromDropbox('%s', <dropbox token>)", file)
        returnMsg <- paste("Object uploaded to dropbox. To re-import object use:\n   > library(flipAPI)\n   >", cmd, "\n")
    else if (!inherits(pp, "try-error"))
        res <- content(pp)
        returnMsg <- res[[1]]

#' Import R object from file in Dropbox
#' @param importfile Name of file that the object was saved to. This is generally of the form \code{<object>.rds}.
#' @param token Dropbox access token with read and write access.
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers write_disk content
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export

ImportFromDropbox <- function(importfile, token)
    extension <- substr(importfile, nchar(importfile) - 2, nchar(importfile))
    localfile <- if (extension == "csv") "tmp.csv" else "tmp.rds"
    url <- "https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/files/download"
    pp <- try(POST(url, 
               config=add_headers("Authorization" = sprintf("Bearer %s", token),
                                  "Dropbox-API-Arg" = paste0("{\"path\": \"/", importfile, "\"}")),
               write_disk(localfile, overwrite = TRUE)))
    if (inherits(pp, "try-error") || pp$status_code == 500)
        stop("Could not import from Dropbox. Check the dropbox token")
    if (pp$status_code != 200)
        stop("Could not import from Dropbox. Check the name of the import file")
    obj <- if (extension == "csv") read.csv(localfile) else readRDS(localfile)
NumbersInternational/flipAPI documentation built on July 23, 2024, 8:09 a.m.