
Defines functions MaxDiffTableClasses MaxDiffTable

Documented in MaxDiffTable MaxDiffTableClasses

#' MaxDiffTable
#' Creates a pretty formattable table for max-diff output.
#' @param stats.table A matrix of the statistics to be shown in the table.
#' @param footer Text to place in the footer of the table.
#' @param title The title for the table.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle for the table.
#' @references This is based on code written by Kenton Russell.
#' @export
MaxDiffTable <- function(stats.table,
                         title = "",
                         subtitle = "",
                         footer = "")
    colnames(stats.table) <- c("mean", "median", "lower.quartile", "upper.quartile", "min", "max")
    stats.table <- data.frame(stats.table, check.names = FALSE)
    max.display.value <- 100 * max(stats.table)
    formatters <- list(
        mean = createBarFormatter(decimals = 1, max.display.value = max.display.value),
        median = createBarFormatter(decimals = 1, max.display.value = max.display.value),
        lower.quartile = createBarFormatter(decimals = 1, max.display.value = max.display.value),
        upper.quartile = createBarFormatter(decimals = 1, max.display.value = max.display.value),
        min = createBarFormatter(decimals = 1, max.display.value = max.display.value),
        max = createBarFormatter(decimals = 1, max.display.value = max.display.value))
    column.labels <- c("Mean (%)", "Median (%)", "Lower<br>quartile (%)", "Upper<br>quartile (%)", "Minimum (%)", "Maximum (%)")
    createTable(100 * stats.table, column.labels, formatters, title, subtitle, footer)

#' MaxDiffTableClasses
#' Creates a pretty formattable table for max-diff output.
#' @param probabilities A matrix of the probabilities to be shown in the table.
#' @param column.labels Labels to show in the columns.
#' @param footer Text to place in the footer of the table.
#' @param title The title for the table.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle for the table.
#' @references This is based on code written by Kenton Russell.
#' @export
MaxDiffTableClasses <- function(probabilities,
                         title = "",
                         subtitle = "",
                         footer = "")
    k <- ncol(probabilities)
    if (k == 1)
        colnames(probabilities) <- paste0("class", 1:k)
        prob.df <- data.frame(probabilities, check.names = FALSE)
        formatters <- list()
        for (i in 1:k)
            formatters[[paste0("class", i)]] <- createBarFormatter(decimals = 1,
                                                                   bar.shows.magnitude = TRUE,
                                                                   max.display.value = 100 * max(prob.df))
        createTable(100 * prob.df, column.labels, formatters, title, subtitle, footer)
        n.classes <- k - 1
        colnames(probabilities) <- c(paste0("class", 1:n.classes), "total")
        prob.df <- data.frame(probabilities, check.names = FALSE)
        formatters <- list()
        for (i in 1:n.classes)
            formatters[[paste0("class", i)]] <- createBarFormatter(decimals = 1,
                                                                   bar.shows.magnitude = TRUE,
                                                                   max.display.value = 100 * max(prob.df))
        formatters[["total"]] <- createBarFormatter(decimals = 1,
                                                    bar.shows.magnitude = TRUE,
                                                    max.display.value = 100 * max(prob.df))
        createTable(100 * prob.df, column.labels, formatters, title, subtitle, footer)
NumbersInternational/flipFormat documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 11:41 p.m.