remotes::install_github('OHDSI/SkeletonCohortDiagnosticsStudy', ref = "develop")
packageName <- 'SkeletonCohortDiagnosticsStudy'
outputLocation <- "D:\\temp"
connectionSpecifications <- cdmSources %>%
dplyr::filter(sequence == 1) %>%
dplyr::filter(database == 'truven_mdcd')
dbms <- connectionSpecifications$dbms # example: 'redshift'
port <- connectionSpecifications$port # example: 2234
server <-
connectionSpecifications$server # example: '"
cdmDatabaseSchema <-
connectionSpecifications$cdmDatabaseSchema # example: "cdm"
vocabDatabaseSchema <-
connectionSpecifications$vocabDatabaseSchema # example: "vocabulary"
databaseId <-
connectionSpecifications$database # example: "truven_ccae"
userNameService = "OHDSI_USER" # example: "this is key ring service that securely stores credentials"
passwordService = "OHDSI_PASSWORD" # example: "this is key ring service that securely stores credentials"
cohortDatabaseSchema = paste0('scratch_', keyring::key_get(service = userNameService))
# cohortDatabaseSchema = paste0('scratch_rao_', databaseId)
# scratch - usually something like 'scratch_grao'
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
dbms = dbms,
user = keyring::key_get(service = userNameService),
password = keyring::key_get(service = passwordService),
port = port,
server = server
cohortTable <- # example: 'cohort'
paste0("s", connectionSpecifications$sourceId, "_", packageName)
outputFolder <-
file.path(outputLocation, "outputFolder", 'packageMode', databaseId)
# Please delete previous content if needed
# unlink(x = outputFolder,
# recursive = TRUE,
# force = TRUE)
dir.create(path = outputFolder,
showWarnings = FALSE,
recursive = TRUE)
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
vocabularyDatabaseSchema = vocabDatabaseSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = cohortTable,
outputFolder = outputFolder,
databaseId = databaseId,
verifyDependencies = FALSE,
incrementalFolder = file.path(outputFolder, "incremental")
CohortDiagnostics::createMergedResultsFile(dataFolder = outputFolder)
CohortDiagnostics::launchDiagnosticsExplorer(dataFolder = outputFolder)
# connectionDetailsToUpload <- createConnectionDetails(dbms = "postgresql",
# server = paste(Sys.getenv("shinydbServer"),
# Sys.getenv("shinydbDatabase"),
# sep = "/"),
# port = Sys.getenv("shinydbPort"),
# user = Sys.getenv("shinyDbUser"),
# password = Sys.getenv("shinyDbPassword"))
# resultsSchema <- "CdSkeletonCohortDiagnosticsStudy"
# CohortDiagnostics::createResultsDataModel(connectionDetails = connectionDetailsToUpload, schema = resultsSchema)
# path = outputFolder
# zipFilesToUpload <- list.files(path = path,
# pattern = ".zip",
# recursive = TRUE,
# full.names = TRUE)
# for (i in (1:length(zipFilesToUpload))) {
# CohortDiagnostics::uploadResults(connectionDetails = connectionDetailsToUpload,
# schema = resultsSchema,
# zipFileName = zipFilesToUpload[[i]])
# }
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