Man pages for OHDSI/CohortMethod
New-User Cohort Method with Large Scale Propensity and Outcome Models

adjustedKmCompute a weight-adjusted Kaplan-Meier curve
checkCmInstallationCheck is CohortMethod and its dependencies are correctly...
CohortMethodData-classCohort Method Data
cohortMethodDataSimulationProfileA simulation profile
CohortMethod-packageCohortMethod: New-User Cohort Method with Large Scale...
computeCovariateBalanceCompute covariate balance before and after PS adjustment
computeEquipoiseCompute fraction in equipoise
computeMdrrCompute the minimum detectable relative risk
computePsAucCompute the area under the ROC curve
createCmAnalysisCreate a CohortMethod analysis specification
createCmDiagnosticThresholdsCreate CohortMethod diagnostics thresholds
createCmTable1Create a table 1
createCohortMethodDataSimulationProfileCreate simulation profile
createComputeCovariateBalanceArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createCreatePsArgsCreate a parameter object for the function createPs
createCreateStudyPopulationArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createDefaultMultiThreadingSettingsCreate default CohortMethod multi-threading settings
createFitOutcomeModelArgsCreate a parameter object for the function fitOutcomeModel
createGetDbCohortMethodDataArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createMatchOnPsAndCovariatesArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createMatchOnPsArgsCreate a parameter object for the function matchOnPs
createMultiThreadingSettingsCreate CohortMethod multi-threading settings
createOutcomeCreate outcome definition
createPsCreate propensity scores
createResultsDataModelCreate the results data model tables on a database server.
createStratifyByPsAndCovariatesArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createStratifyByPsArgsCreate a parameter object for the function stratifyByPs
createStudyPopulationCreate a study population
createTargetComparatorOutcomesCreate target-comparator-outcomes combinations.
createTrimByIptwArgsCreate a parameter object for the function trimByIptw
createTrimByPsArgsCreate a parameter object for the function trimByPs
createTrimByPsToEquipoiseArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createTruncateIptwArgsCreate a parameter object for the function truncateIptw
drawAttritionDiagramDraw the attrition diagram
exportToCsvExport cohort method results to CSV files
fitOutcomeModelCreate an outcome model, and compute the relative risk
getAttritionTableGet the attrition table for a population
getDataMigratorGet database migrations instance
getDbCohortMethodDataGet the cohort data from the server
getDefaultCmTable1SpecificationsGet the default table 1 specifications
getFileReferenceGet file reference
getFollowUpDistributionGet the distribution of follow-up time
getGeneralizabilityTableGet information on generalizability
getInteractionResultsSummaryGet a summary report of the analyses results
getOutcomeModelGet the outcome model
getPsModelGet the propensity model
getResultsDataModelSpecificationsGet specifications for CohortMethod results data model
getResultsSummaryGet a summary report of the analyses results
insertExportedResultsInSqliteInsert exported results into a SQLite database
isCohortMethodDataCheck whether an object is a CohortMethodData object
launchResultsViewerLaunch Shiny app using
launchResultsViewerUsingSqliteLaunch Shiny app using a SQLite database
loadCmAnalysisListLoad a list of cmAnalysis from file
loadCohortMethodDataLoad the cohort method data from a file
loadTargetComparatorOutcomesListLoad a list of targetComparatorOutcomes from file
matchOnPsMatch persons by propensity score
matchOnPsAndCovariatesMatch by propensity score as well as other covariates
migrateDataModelMigrate Data model
plotCovariateBalanceOfTopVariablesPlot variables with largest imbalance
plotCovariateBalanceScatterPlotCreate a scatterplot of the covariate balance
plotCovariatePrevalencePlot covariate prevalence
plotFollowUpDistributionPlot the distribution of follow-up time
plotKaplanMeierPlot the Kaplan-Meier curve
plotPsPlot the propensity score distribution
plotTimeToEventPlot time-to-event
runCmAnalysesRun a list of analyses
saveCmAnalysisListSave a list of cmAnalysis to file
saveCohortMethodDataSave the cohort method data to file
saveTargetComparatorOutcomesListSave a list of targetComparatorOutcomes to file
simulateCohortMethodDataGenerate simulated data
stratifyByPsStratify persons by propensity score
stratifyByPsAndCovariatesStratify persons by propensity score and other covariates
trimByIptwRemove subjects with a high IPTW
trimByPsTrim persons by propensity score
trimByPsToEquipoiseKeep only persons in clinical equipoise
truncateIptwTruncate IPTW values
uploadExportedResultsUpload exported results to a database
uploadResultsUpload results to the database server.
OHDSI/CohortMethod documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 9:01 a.m.