
Defines functions convertToCyclopsData.tbl_dbi convertToCyclopsData.data.frame convertToCyclopsData isSorted

Documented in convertToCyclopsData convertToCyclopsData.data.frame convertToCyclopsData.tbl_dbi

# @file NewDataConversion.R
# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of cyclops
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

isSorted <- function(data, columnNames, ascending = rep(TRUE, length(columnNames))){
    return(.isSorted(data, columnNames, ascending))

#' Convert data from two data frames or ffdf objects into a CyclopsData object
#' @description
#' \code{convertToCyclopsData} loads data from two data frames or ffdf objects, and inserts it into a Cyclops data object.
#' @param outcomes      A data frame or ffdf object containing the outcomes with predefined columns (see below).
#' @param covariates    A data frame or ffdf object containing the covariates with predefined columns (see below).
#' @param modelType     Cyclops model type. Current supported types are "pr", "cpr", lr", "clr", or "cox"
#' @param addIntercept  Add an intercept to the model?
#' @param checkSorting  (DEPRECATED) Check if the data are sorted appropriately, and if not, sort.
#' @param checkRowIds   Check if all rowIds in the covariates appear in the outcomes.
#' @param normalize     String: Name of normalization for all non-indicator covariates (possible values: stdev, max, median)
#' @param quiet         If true, (warning) messages are suppressed.
#' @param floatingPoint Specified floating-point representation size (32 or 64)
#' @details
#' These columns are expected in the outcome object:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \verb{stratumId}    \tab(integer) \tab (optional) Stratum ID for conditional regression models \cr
#'   \verb{rowId}  	\tab(integer) \tab Row ID is used to link multiple covariates (x) to a single outcome (y) \cr
#'   \verb{y}    \tab(real) \tab The outcome variable \cr
#'   \verb{time}    \tab(real) \tab For models that use time (e.g. Poisson or Cox regression) this contains time \cr
#'                  \tab        \tab(e.g. number of days) \cr
#'   \verb{weights} \tab(real) \tab (optional) Non-negative weights to apply to outcome \cr
#'   \verb{censorWeights} \tab(real) \tab (optional) Non-negative censoring weights for competing risk model; will be computed if not provided.
#' }
#' These columns are expected in the covariates object:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \verb{stratumId}    \tab(integer) \tab (optional) Stratum ID for conditional regression models \cr
#'   \verb{rowId}  	\tab(integer) \tab Row ID is used to link multiple covariates (x) to a single outcome (y) \cr
#'   \verb{covariateId}    \tab(integer) \tab A numeric identifier of a covariate  \cr
#'   \verb{covariateValue}    \tab(real) \tab The value of the specified covariate \cr
#' }
#' @return
#' An object of type cyclopsData
#' @examples
#' #Convert infert dataset to Cyclops format:
#' covariates <- data.frame(stratumId = rep(infert$stratum, 2),
#'                          rowId = rep(1:nrow(infert), 2),
#'                          covariateId = rep(1:2, each = nrow(infert)),
#'                          covariateValue = c(infert$spontaneous, infert$induced))
#' outcomes <- data.frame(stratumId = infert$stratum,
#'                        rowId = 1:nrow(infert),
#'                        y = infert$case)
#' #Make sparse:
#' covariates <- covariates[covariates$covariateValue != 0, ]
#' #Create Cyclops data object:
#' cyclopsData <- convertToCyclopsData(outcomes, covariates, modelType = "clr",
#'                                     addIntercept = FALSE)
#' #Fit model:
#' fit <- fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData, prior = createPrior("none"))
#' @export
convertToCyclopsData <- function(outcomes,
                                 modelType = "lr",
                                 addIntercept = TRUE,
                                 checkSorting = NULL,
                                 checkRowIds = TRUE,
                                 normalize = NULL,
                                 quiet = FALSE,
                                 floatingPoint = 64) {

#' @describeIn convertToCyclopsData Convert data from two \code{data.frame}
#' @export
convertToCyclopsData.data.frame <- function(outcomes,
                                            modelType = "lr",
                                            addIntercept = TRUE,
                                            checkSorting = NULL,
                                            checkRowIds = TRUE,
                                            normalize = NULL,
                                            quiet = FALSE,
                                            floatingPoint = 64) {
    if (!is.null(checkSorting))
        warning("The 'checkSorting' argument has been deprecated. Sorting is now always checked")

    if ((modelType == "clr" | modelType == "cpr") & addIntercept) {
        if (!quiet)
            warning("Intercepts are not allowed in conditional models, removing intercept", call. = FALSE)
        addIntercept = FALSE
    if (modelType == "pr" | modelType == "cpr")
        if (any(outcomes$time <= 0))
            stop("time cannot be non-positive", call. = FALSE)

    if (modelType == "lr" | modelType == "pr") {
        outcomes$stratumId <- NULL
        covariates$stratumId <- NULL
    if ((modelType == "cox" | modelType == "fgr") & !"stratumId" %in% colnames(outcomes)) {
        outcomes$stratumId <- 0
        covariates$stratumId <- 0

    if (modelType == "lr" | modelType == "pr") {
        if (!isSorted(outcomes, c("rowId"))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Sorting outcomes by rowId")
            outcomes <- outcomes[order(outcomes$rowId),]
        if (!isSorted(covariates, c("covariateId", "rowId"))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId")
            covariates <- covariates[order(covariates$covariateId, covariates$rowId),]

    if (modelType == "clr" | modelType == "cpr") {
        if (!isSorted(outcomes, c("stratumId","rowId"))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Sorting outcomes by stratumId and rowId")
            outcomes <- outcomes[order(outcomes$stratumId,outcomes$rowId),]
        if (!isSorted(covariates, c("covariateId", "stratumId","rowId"))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, and rowId")
            covariates <- covariates[order(covariates$covariateId, covariates$stratumId, covariates$rowId),]

    if (modelType == "cox" | modelType == "fgr") {

        if (modelType == "cox" & length(unique(outcomes$y)) > 2) {
            stop("Cox model only accepts one outcome type")

        if (!isSorted(outcomes,
                      c("stratumId", "time", "y", "rowId"),
                      c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId")
            outcomes <- outcomes[order(outcomes$stratumId, -outcomes$time, outcomes$y, outcomes$rowId),]
        if (!"time" %in% colnames(covariates)) {
            covariates$time <- NULL
            covariates$y <- NULL
            covariates$stratumId <- NULL
            covariates <- merge(covariates, outcomes, by = c("rowId"))
        if (!isSorted(covariates,
                      c("covariateId", "stratumId", "time", "y", "rowId"),
                      c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId")
            covariates <- covariates[order(covariates$covariateId, covariates$stratumId, -covariates$time, covariates$y, covariates$rowId),]

    if (checkRowIds) {
        mapping <- match(covariates$rowId,outcomes$rowId)
        if (any(is.na(mapping))) {
            if (!quiet)
                writeLines("Removing covariate values with rowIds that are not in outcomes")
            covariateRowsWithMapping <- which(!is.na(mapping))
            covariates <- covariates[covariateRowsWithMapping,]

    dataPtr <- createSqlCyclopsData(modelType = modelType, floatingPoint = floatingPoint)

    loadNewSqlCyclopsDataY(object = dataPtr,
                           stratumId = if ("stratumId" %in% colnames(outcomes)) outcomes$stratumId else NULL,
                           rowId = outcomes$rowId,
                           y = outcomes$y,
                           time = if ("time" %in% colnames(outcomes)) outcomes$time else NULL)

    if (addIntercept & (modelType != "cox" & modelType != "fgr")) {
        loadNewSqlCyclopsDataX(dataPtr, 0, NULL, NULL, name = "(Intercept)")

    covarNames <- unique(covariates$covariateId)
    loadNewSqlCyclopsDataMultipleX(object = dataPtr,
                                   covariateId = covariates$covariateId,
                                   rowId = covariates$rowId,
                                   covariateValue = covariates$covariateValue,
                                   name = covarNames)
    if (modelType == "pr" || modelType == "cpr")
        finalizeSqlCyclopsData(dataPtr, useOffsetCovariate = -1)

    if (!is.null(normalize)) {
        .normalizeCovariates(dataPtr, normalize)

    if ("weights" %in% colnames(outcomes)) {
        dataPtr$weights <- outcomes$weights
    } else {
        dataPtr$censorWeights <- NULL

    if ("censorWeights" %in% colnames(outcomes)) {
        dataPtr$censorWeights <- outcomes$censorWeights
    } else {
        if (modelType == "fgr") {
            dataPtr$censorWeights <- getFineGrayWeights(outcomes$time, outcomes$y)$weights
            writeLines("Generating censoring weights")
        } else {
            dataPtr$censorWeights <- NULL


#' @describeIn convertToCyclopsData Convert data from two \code{Andromeda} tables
#' @export
convertToCyclopsData.tbl_dbi <- function(outcomes,
                                         modelType = "lr",
                                         addIntercept = TRUE,
                                         checkSorting = NULL,
                                         checkRowIds = TRUE,
                                         normalize = NULL,
                                         quiet = FALSE,
                                         floatingPoint = 64) {
    if (!is.null(checkSorting))
        warning("The 'checkSorting' argument has been deprecated. Sorting is now always checked")

    if ((modelType == "clr" | modelType == "cpr") & addIntercept) {
        if (!quiet) {
            warning("Intercepts are not allowed in conditional models, removing intercept", call. = FALSE)
        addIntercept = FALSE

    if (modelType == "pr" | modelType == "cpr") {
        if (any(pull(outcomes, .data$time) <= 0)) {
            stop("time cannot be non-positive", call. = FALSE)

    providedNoStrata <- !"stratumId" %in% colnames(outcomes)

    if (modelType == "cox" | modelType == "fgr") {
        if (providedNoStrata) {
            outcomes <- outcomes %>%
                mutate(stratumId = 0)
            covariates <- covariates %>%
                mutate(stratumId = 0)

    if (checkRowIds) {
        covariateRowIds <- covariates %>%
            distinct(.data$rowId) %>%
        outcomeRowIds <- select(outcomes, .data$rowId) %>%
        mapping <- match(covariateRowIds, outcomeRowIds)
        if (any(is.na(mapping))) {
            if (!quiet) {
                writeLines("Removing covariate values with rowIds that are not in outcomes")
            covariates <- covariates %>%
                filter(.data$rowId %in% outcomeRowIds)

    # Sorting should be last, as other operations may change ordering.
    # Also, should always explicitly define sorting, else not guaranteed.
    if (modelType == "lr" | modelType == "pr") {
        outcomes <- outcomes %>%

        covariates <- covariates %>%
            arrange(.data$covariateId, .data$rowId)

    if (modelType == "clr" | modelType == "cpr") {
        outcomes <- outcomes %>%
            arrange(.data$stratumId, .data$rowId)

        covariates <- covariates %>%
            arrange(.data$covariateId, .data$stratumId, .data$rowId)

    if (modelType == "cox" | modelType == "fgr") {

        if (modelType == "cox" &
            (select(outcomes, .data$y) %>% distinct() %>% count() %>% collect() > 2)) {
            stop("Cox model only accepts one outcome type")
        if (!"time" %in% colnames(covariates)) {
            covariates <- covariates %>%
                inner_join(select(outcomes, .data$rowId, .data$time, .data$y), by = "rowId")
        outcomes <- outcomes %>%
            arrange(.data$stratumId, desc(.data$time), .data$y, .data$rowId)
        covariates <- covariates %>%
            arrange(.data$covariateId, .data$stratumId, desc(.data$time), .data$y, .data$rowId)

    dataPtr <- createSqlCyclopsData(modelType = modelType, floatingPoint = floatingPoint)

    outcomes <- collect(outcomes)
    if (modelType == "lr" | modelType == "pr") {
        outcomes$stratumId <- NULL

    loadNewSqlCyclopsDataY(object = dataPtr,
                           stratumId = if ("stratumId" %in% colnames(outcomes)) outcomes$stratumId else NULL,
                           rowId = outcomes$rowId,
                           y = outcomes$y,
                           time = if ("time" %in% colnames(outcomes)) outcomes$time else NULL)

    if (addIntercept & (modelType != "cox" & modelType != "fgr")) {
        loadNewSqlCyclopsDataX(dataPtr, 0, NULL, NULL, name = "(Intercept)")

    loadCovariates <- function(batch) {
        covarNames <- unique(batch$covariateId)
        loadNewSqlCyclopsDataMultipleX(object = dataPtr,
                                        covariateId = batch$covariateId,
                                        rowId = batch$rowId,
                                        covariateValue = batch$covariateValue,
                                        name = covarNames,
                                        append = TRUE)

                          batchSize = 100000) # TODO Pick magic number

    if (modelType == "pr" || modelType == "cpr")
        finalizeSqlCyclopsData(dataPtr, useOffsetCovariate = -1)

    if (!is.null(normalize)) {
        .normalizeCovariates(dataPtr, normalize)

    if ("weights" %in% colnames(outcomes)) {
        dataPtr$weights <- outcomes %>% pull(.data$weights)
    } else {
        dataPtr$weights <- NULL

    if ("censorWeights" %in% colnames(outcomes)) {
        dataPtr$censorWeights <- outcomes %>% pull(.data$censorWeights)
    } else {
        if (modelType == "fgr") {
            dataPtr$censorWeights <- getFineGrayWeights(
                outcomes %>% pull(.data$time),
                outcomes %>% pull(.data$y)
            writeLines("Generating censoring weights")
        } else {
            dataPtr$censorWeights <- NULL

OHDSI/Cyclops documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 9:03 a.m.