Man pages for OHDSI/EvidenceSynthesis
Synthesizing Causal Evidence in a Distributed Research Network

approximateHierarchicalNormalPosteriorApproximate Bayesian posterior for hierarchical Normal model
approximateLikelihoodApproximate a likelihood function
approximateSimplePosteriorApproximate simple Bayesian posterior
biasCorrectionInferenceBias Correction with Inference
computeBayesianMetaAnalysisCompute a Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis
computeConfidenceIntervalCompute the point estimate and confidence interval given a...
computeFixedEffectMetaAnalysisCompute a fixed-effect meta-analysis
createSimulationSettingsCreate simulation settings
customFunctionA custom function to approximate a log likelihood function
detectApproximationTypeDetect the type of likelihood approximation based on the data...
EvidenceSynthesis-packageEvidenceSynthesis: Synthesizing Causal Evidence in a...
fitBiasDistributionFit Bias Distribution
ncLikelihoodsExample profile likelihoods for negative control outcomes
ooiLikelihoodsExample profile likelihoods for a synthetic outcome of...
plotBiasCorrectionInferencePlot bias correction inference
plotBiasDistributionPlot bias distributions
plotCovariateBalancesPlot covariate balances
plotEmpiricalNullsPlot empirical null distributions
plotLikelihoodFitPlot the likelihood approximation
plotMcmcTracePlot MCMC trace
plotMetaAnalysisForestCreate a forest plot
plotPerDbMcmcTracePlot MCMC trace for individual databases
plotPerDbPosteriorPlot posterior density per database
plotPosteriorPlot posterior density
plotPreparedPsPlot the propensity score distribution
preparePsPlotPrepare to plot the propensity score distribution
sequentialFitBiasDistributionFit Bias Distribution Sequentially or in Groups
simulatePopulationsSimulate survival data for multiple databases
skewNormalThe skew normal function to approximate a log likelihood...
supportsJava8Determine if Java virtual machine supports Java
OHDSI/EvidenceSynthesis documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 12:09 a.m.