
data <- read.csv("Documents/ComparisonToIndividualRcts.csv")
data <- data[!is.na(data$RR) & !is.na(data$LEGENDRR), ]
n <- nrow(data)

oddsTest <- function(lb1,hr1,ub1,lb2,hr2,ub2) {
    s1 <- (log(ub1) - log(lb1))/(2*1.96)
    s2 <- (log(ub2) - log(lb2))/(2*1.96)
    se <- sqrt(s1^2 + s2^2)
    z <- (log(hr2) - log(hr1))/se
    dat <- 2*pnorm(-abs(z))

computeOverlapCoeffient <- function(mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2) {
    myMin <- function(x, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2) {
        pmin(dnorm(x, mean = mu1, sd = sd1), dnorm(x, mean = mu2, sd = sd2))
    myIntegration <- function(i) {
        integrate(myMin, -Inf, Inf, mu1 = mu1[i], mu2 = mu2[i], sd1 = sd1[i], sd2 = sd2[i])$value
    oc <- sapply(1:length(mu1), myIntegration)

computeConcordance <- function(indexRct, indexLegend) {
    p <- oddsTest(data$LBRR[indexRct], data$RR[indexRct], data$UBRR[indexRct],
                  data$LEGENDLB[indexLegend], data$LEGENDRR[indexLegend], data$LEGENDUB[indexLegend])
    # One option: compute fraction of pairs with p > 0.05
    # return(mean(p > 0.05))

    # Other option: mutliply all p-values to single probability
    # return(prod(p))

    # Or use Fisher's method:
    # return(metap::sumlog(p)$p)

    # Or use the mean Overlap Coefficient:
    return(mean(computeOverlapCoeffient(data$RR[indexRct], data$LEGENDRR[indexLegend],
                            data$RCTSE[indexRct], data$LEGENDSE[indexLegend])))

    # Or use the product of  Overlap Coefficient:
    # return(prod(computeOverlapCoeffient(data$RR[indexRct], data$LEGENDRR[indexLegend],
    #                         data$RCTSE[indexRct], data$LEGENDSE[indexLegend])))


# Actual observed concordance:
concordance <- computeConcordance(1:n, 1:n)

randomDraw <- function(dummy) {
    indexLegend <- 1:n

    # Pick a random RCT for each LEGEND result, just not the RCT that answers the same question as the LEGEND one:
    # indexRct <- sample.int(n - 1, length(indexLegend), replace = TRUE)
    # idx <- indexRct >= indexLegend
    # indexRct[idx] <- indexRct[idx] + 1

    # Alternative: just reshuffle the RCTs:
    indexRct <- sample(1:n, n)

    randomConcordance <- computeConcordance(indexRct, indexLegend)
# Distribution of concordances under the null:
dist <- sapply(1:1000, randomDraw)

# How often is null at or above observed?
mean(dist >= concordance)

# Using mean OC + permutation:
# p = 0.116

# Using prod(OC) + permutation:
# p = 0.049

# Using Fisher's method:
# Fisher's P = 0.108
# Using permutation test p = 0.032

# Using p product:
# p = 0.036
OHDSI/Legend documentation built on Dec. 29, 2020, 3:52 a.m.