robustNormalize: A function that normalizes continous by the interquartile...

View source: R/FeatureEngineering.R

robustNormalizeR Documentation

A function that normalizes continous by the interquartile range and optionally forces the resulting values to be between -3 and 3 with f(x) = x / sqrt(1 + (x/3)^2) '@details uses (value - median) / iqr to normalize the data and then can applies the function f(x) = x / sqrt(1 + (x/3)^2) to the normalized values. This forces the values to be between -3 and 3 while preserving the relative ordering of the values. based on for more details


A function that normalizes continous by the interquartile range and optionally forces the resulting values to be between -3 and 3 with f(x) = x / sqrt(1 + (x/3)^2) '@details uses (value - median) / iqr to normalize the data and then can applies the function f(x) = x / sqrt(1 + (x/3)^2) to the normalized values. This forces the values to be between -3 and 3 while preserving the relative ordering of the values. based on for more details


robustNormalize(trainData, featureEngineeringSettings, done = FALSE)



The training data to be normalized


The settings for the normalization


Whether the data has already been normalized (bool)


The trainData object with normalized data

OHDSI/PatientLevelPrediction documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 9:44 a.m.