View source: R/CyclopsSettings.R
setCoxModel | R Documentation |
Create setting for lasso Cox model
variance = 0.01,
seed = NULL,
includeCovariateIds = c(),
noShrinkage = c(),
threads = -1,
upperLimit = 20,
lowerLimit = 0.01,
tolerance = 2e-07,
maxIterations = 3000
variance |
Numeric: prior distribution starting variance |
seed |
An option to add a seed when training the model |
includeCovariateIds |
a set of covariate IDS to limit the analysis to |
noShrinkage |
a set of covariates whcih are to be forced to be included in the final model. default is the intercept |
threads |
An option to set number of threads when training model |
upperLimit |
Numeric: Upper prior variance limit for grid-search |
lowerLimit |
Numeric: Lower prior variance limit for grid-search |
tolerance |
Numeric: maximum relative change in convergence criterion from successive iterations to achieve convergence |
maxIterations |
Integer: maximum iterations of Cyclops to attempt before returning a failed-to-converge error |
coxL1 <- setCoxModel()
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