
#' CorrSurface
#' The function
#' @param price an object of time serise representing a price series.
#' @param lookback_seq a sequence of lookback length.
#' @param holddays_seq a sequence of holddays length.
#' @param Sign whether the returns or signs of returns are used to calculate
#'   correlation, default is FALSE.
#' @param return_method method of calculating returns.
#' @return a 3_D plot of correlation coefficient on lookback period and holding
#'   period.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lookback_seq <- seq(from = 1, to = 200, by = 10)
#' holddays_seq <- seq(from = 1, to = 100, by = 10)
#' getSymbols("^GSPC", from = 2010, to = Sys.Date())
#' price <- GSPC[, 6]
#' cs <- CorrSurface(price, lookback_seq = lookback_seq, holddays_seq = holddays_seq,
#' Sign = TRUE, return_method = "log")
CorrSurface <- function(price, lookback_seq, holddays_seq, Sign = FALSE,
                        return_method = c("arithmetic", "log")) {

  ##################### check input arguments ##################
  price <- as.xts(price)

  if (sum(class(price) %in% c("zoo", "xts")) == 0)
    stop("Please provide with time series object")

  if (missing(lookback_seq))
    stop("Need to specify lookback sequency.")
  if (any(lookback_seq <= 0) | any(lookback_seq != lookback_seq))
    stop("lookback should be positive integer.")

  if (missing(holddays_seq))
    stop("Need to specify holddays sequency.")
  if (any(holddays_seq <= 0) | any(holddays_seq != holddays_seq))
    stop("holddays should be positive integer.")

  if (!is.logical(Sign))
    stop("Sign should be logical variable.")

  if (!return_method %in% c("arithmetic", "log"))
    stop("return calculation method can only be 'arithmetic' or 'log'")

  # result <- NULL
  # for (l in lookback_seq) {
  #   for (h in holddays_seq) {
  #     result <- rbind(result, LookbackHoldCorr(price, lookback = l, holddays = h,
  #                                              Sign = Sign,
  #                                              return_method = return_method))
  #   }
  # }

  ###### use functional programming to speed up computation potentially

  # purrr::pmap applies paralell mapping, thus transform the loops sequency
  lookback_seq2 <- sort(rep(lookback_seq, length(holddays_seq)))
  holddays_seq2 <- rep(holddays_seq, length(lookback_seq))

  result <- do.call(rbind,
                    pmap(list(lookback_seq2, holddays_seq2),
                         price = price,
                         return_method = return_method,
                         Sign = Sign

  CorrSurface <- list(result = result,
                      lookback_seq = lookback_seq,
                      holddays_seq = holddays_seq,
                      Sign = Sign,
                      return_method = return_method)

  class(CorrSurface) <- "CorrSurface"


OUKUN0705/timeseriesmom documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:55 p.m.