Man pages for OceaneCsn/DIANE

abiotic_stressesCombined abiotic stresses
aggregate_splice_variantsAggregate splice variants
app_uiThe application User-Interface
are_splice_variantsAre splice variants
check_IDsCheck compatibility between gene IDs and an organism
community_structureReturns modules-communities memberships
convert_from_agiFor A. thaliana, converts TAIR IDs to entrez IDs, gene symbol...
convert_from_ensemblFor H. sapiens, converts ensembl IDs to entrez IDs, symbol or...
convert_from_ensembl_ceFor C. elegans, converts ensembl IDs to entrez IDs, symbol or...
convert_from_ensembl_dmFor D. melanogaster, converts ensembl IDs to entrez IDs,...
convert_from_ensembl_eck12For E coli, converts ensembl IDs to entrez IDs, symbol or...
convert_from_ensembl_musFor M. musculus, converts ensembl IDs to entrez IDs, symbol...
describe_nodeTargets and regulators of a gene in a network
draw_coseq_runDisplays clustering results and quality
draw_DEGsMA or volcano plot for differential expression results
draw_discarded_edgesDraw network with removed edges in red
draw_distributionsDraw distributions of expression data
draw_enrich_goPlot the enriched go terms of an enrich_go result
draw_enrich_go_mapDraw GO enrichment map
draw_expression_levelsDraw gene expression levels
draw_glmPlots the coefficients value of a Poisson generalized linear...
draw_heatmapDraw expression heatmap
draw_networkInteractive network view
draw_network_degreesDraw a network's degree distributions
draw_PCADraw PCA results
draw_profilesDraw expression profiles of a clustering
draw_vennVenn diagram
enrich_goEnriched ontologies for recognized organisms
enrich_go_customEnriched ontologies for a custom organism
estimateDEGsEstimates Differentially Expression Genes
estimateDispersionEstimates gene dispersions prior to differential expression...
estimate_test_edges_timeEstimates time spent for statistical testing
filter_low_countsRemove low count genes
fit_glmFits a Poisson generalized linear model to a set of genes
gene_annotationsGene annotations for supported organisms in DIANE
get_correlationGet correlation
get_factors_from_conditionsReturns the factors that don't stay at the same level between...
get_gene_informationGet genes information
get_genes_in_clusterGet genes in a specific cluster
get_locusGet gene IDs loci, without splicing information
get_nEdgesGet the number of a edges in a graph, given a desired density
group_regressorsGroup correlated regulators
interGONumber of shared genes between Two GO terms
network_dataCreates data describing a gene regulatory network
network_from_testsCreate network from edges statistical tests
network_inferenceRegulatory importances estimation via Random Forests
network_thresholdingThresholds a non sparse adjascency matrix to return the...
normalizeNormalize raw count data
regulators_per_organismList of regulator genes for a number of model organisms
run_appRun the Shiny Application
run_coseqMixture Model clustering
test_edgesStatistical edges testing by permutations
OceaneCsn/DIANE documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 6:43 p.m.