
Defines functions check.hom

Documented in check.hom

# Function for testing the homogeneity of variance
# Date: 24/11/2023. Works only with lm objects
check.hom <- function(obj, var){
  # Exclude objects != lm
   if(!inherits(obj, "lm")) 
     stop("This method works only with 'lm' object")
  # Retrieve the dataset from model call
    dframe <- eval(obj$call$data)

  # var: uses data column or external vector
  tmp1 <- try(is.vector(var), silent = T)
  if(!is(tmp1, "try-error")){
    # print("Vettore")
    # Other code to execute
  else {
    var <- deparse(substitute(var))
    tmp2 <- try(dframe[, var], silent = T)
    if(is(tmp2, "try-error")) {
      stop("Classification variable not found in data or in workspace")
      } else {
        # print("Data")
        var <- tmp2
  # Fitting gls and comparing
  dframe2 <- obj$model
  mod1 <- gls(formula(obj$call$formula),
              data = dframe2)
  dframe2$claVar <- var
  mod2 <- gls(formula(obj$call$formula),
              data = dframe2,
     weights = varIdent(form = ~1|claVar))
  LRT <- abs(as.numeric(2 * (logLik(mod1) - logLik(mod2))))
  df1 <- attr(logLik(mod1), "df")
  df2 <- attr(logLik(mod2), "df")
  dfLRT <- abs(df1 - df2)
  plev <- pchisq(as.numeric(LRT), dfLRT, lower.tail = F)
  LRTobj <- anova(mod1, mod2)
  returnList <- list("LRT" = LRT, "P-level" = plev, "aovtable" = LRTobj,
                     modHet = mod2)
OnofriAndreaPG/aomisc documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 8:21 p.m.