# **************************************************************************************
# This module creates the matrices for contrasts, to be used with the glht function
# to retreive the full matrix of genetic effects. This is done by using the diallel.eff
# function, that creates a 'diallelMod' object. A specific glht method for this object
# has been defined, based on diffferent functions, depending on the diallel model object
# Added compatibility with missing crosses in GRIFFING4 (to be extended to other models)
# Date of last update: 20/03/2023
# **************************************************************************************
GE3r.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
# obj <- dMod2; coef(dMod2)
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
# h.bar
X <- 1
temp1 <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- "h.bar"
# SPi
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("sp", levs, sep = "_")
# GC
temp3 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
temp3[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp3) <- paste("gc", levs, sep = "_")
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X2 <- SCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(X2[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 4] <- X2
row.names(temp4) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- REC(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp5 <- matrix(0, length(data.frame(X)[,1]), length(assign))
temp5[,assign == i + 5] <- X
row.names(temp5) <- paste("r", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
GE2r.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
# obj <- dMod2; coef(dMod2)
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
# h.bar
X <- 1
temp1 <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- "h.bar"
# VEi
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("v", levs, sep = "_")
# Hi
# P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
# P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
# levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
# levs <- levels(factor(levs))
# levs <- factor(levs)
temp3 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
#contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
#X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp3[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp3) <- paste("h", levs, sep = "_")
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X2 <- SCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(X2[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 4] <- X2
row.names(temp4) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- REC(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp5 <- matrix(0, length(data.frame(X)[,1]), length(assign))
temp5[,assign == i + 5] <- X
row.names(temp5) <- paste("r", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5)
# tSCA - NO
# expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 2)
# X <- tSCA(expl[,1], expl[,2])
# temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
# temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
# row.names(temp2) <- paste("ts", "_", expl[,1], ":", expl[,2], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
# X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
GE3.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
# obj <- dMod2; coef(dMod2)
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
# h.bar
X <- 1
temp1 <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- "h.bar"
# SPi
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("sp", levs, sep = "_")
# GC
temp3 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
temp3[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp3) <- paste("gc", levs, sep = "_")
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X2 <- SCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(X2[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 4] <- X2
row.names(temp4) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4)
# tSCA - NO
# expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 2)
# X <- tSCA(expl[,1], expl[,2])
# temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
# temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
# row.names(temp2) <- paste("ts", "_", expl[,1], ":", expl[,2], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
# X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
GE2.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
# obj <- dMod2; coef(dMod2)
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
# h.bar
X <- 1
temp1 <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- "h.bar"
# VEi
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("v", levs, sep = "_")
# Hi
# P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
# P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
# levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
# levs <- levels(factor(levs))
# levs <- factor(levs)
temp3 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
#contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
#X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp3[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp3) <- paste("h", levs, sep = "_")
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X2 <- SCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(X2[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 4] <- X2
row.names(temp4) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4)
# tSCA - NO
# expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 2)
# X <- tSCA(expl[,1], expl[,2])
# temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
# temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
# row.names(temp2) <- paste("ts", "_", expl[,1], ":", expl[,2], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
# X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
G4.eff <- function(obj){
# Updated on 14/4/2023
# Get the data
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
# GCA effects
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
# Edited on 15/4/2023
levs <- factor(unique(levs), levels = unique(levs))
# levs <- factor(levs)
temp1 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
# Removed on 20/3/23 to allow for missing crosses
# contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
# X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
# temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
# row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
# X
# edited on 20/3/23
X <- model.matrix(~levs - 1)
toRem <- max(which(levs %in% obj$chk_design$parNoMis))
X <- X[,-toRem] - X[,toRem]
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
# temp1
# SCA effects
# expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 3) # Edited on 20/3/23
expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 4)
misCros <- obj$chk_design$missingCrosses
for(j in 1:nrow(misCros)){
expl <- expl[!(expl$Par1 == misCros[j,1] & expl$Par2 == misCros[j,2]),]
# expl
# X <- SCA.G3(expl[,1], expl[,2]) # Original
# X <- SCA(expl[,1], expl[,2]) # Corrected on 2/7/21
X <- SCAmis(expl[,1], expl[,2]) # Edited on 20/3/23
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
# Updated: 7/4/2023
row.names(temp2) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,1], "-", expl[,2], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
G3.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp1 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
# temp3 <- temp1
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 3)
# X <- SCA.G3(expl[,1], expl[,2])
X <- SCA(expl[,1], expl[,2]) # Corrected on 2/7/2021
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,1], ":", expl[,2], sep = "")
# X <- REC.G3(expl[,1], expl[,2])
X <- REC(expl[,1], expl[,2]) # Corrected on 2/2/2021
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(data.frame(X)[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp4) <- paste("r", "_", expl[,1], ":", expl[,2], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp4)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
G2.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
# obj <- dMod2
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp1 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
# temp3 <- temp1
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
# tSCA
expl <- expand.diallel(as.character(levs), 2)
X <- tSCA(expl[,1], expl[,2])
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("ts", "_", expl[,1], ":", expl[,2], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
G1.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp1 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
# temp3 <- temp1
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
# tSCA
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X <- tSCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("ts", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- REC(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(data.frame(X)[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp4) <- paste("r", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp4)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
hayman2.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
# MD
temp.m <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp.m[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp.m) <- "m"
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp1 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
temp3 <- temp1
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp1[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
# rbind(temp, temp.m, temp1)
# DD
temp4 <- temp3
temp3[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp3) <- paste("d", levs, sep = "_")
#rbind(temp, temp.m, temp1, temp3)
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X2 <- SCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X2[,1]), length(assign))
temp2[,assign == i + 4] <- X2
row.names(temp2) <- paste("s", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
# rbind(temp, temp.m, temp1, temp3, temp2)
temp4[,assign == i + 5] <- X
row.names(temp4) <- paste("j", levs, sep = "_")
# rbind(temp, temp.m, temp1, temp3, temp2, temp4)
X <- RSCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp5 <- matrix(0, length(data.frame(X)[,1]), length(assign))
temp5[,assign == i + 6] <- X
row.names(temp5) <- paste("rs", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
X <- rbind(temp, temp.m, temp1, temp3, temp2, temp4, temp5)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
hayman1.eff <- function(obj){
# Get the data
assign <- attr(model.matrix(obj), "assign")
P1 <- obj$model[,2]
P2 <- obj$model[,3]
fct <- obj$fct
# Intercept
temp <- matrix(0, 1, length(assign))
X <- 1
temp[,assign == 0] <- X
row.names(temp) <- "Intercept"
i <- 0
if(obj$Block == T) {i <- 1}
P1 <- factor(as.character(P1))
P2 <- factor(as.character(P2))
levs <- c(levels(P1), levels(P2))
levs <- levels(factor(levs))
levs <- factor(levs)
temp1 <- matrix(0, length(levs), length(assign))
temp3 <- temp1
contrasts(levs) <- "contr.sum"
X <- model.matrix(~levs)[,-1]
temp1[,assign == i + 1] <- X
row.names(temp1) <- paste("g", levs, sep = "_")
temp3[,assign == i + 3] <- X
row.names(temp3) <- paste("rg", levs, sep = "_")
# tSCA
expl <- expand.grid(levs,levs)
X <- tSCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp2 <- matrix(0, length(X[,1]), length(assign))
temp2[,assign == i + 2] <- X
row.names(temp2) <- paste("ts", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
X <- RSCA(expl[,2], expl[,1])
temp4 <- matrix(0, length(data.frame(X)[,1]), length(assign))
temp4[,assign == i + 4] <- X
row.names(temp4) <- paste("rs", "_", expl[,2], ":", expl[,1], sep = "")
# rimuovere le righe senza elementi non-zero
X <- rbind(temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4)
X <- X[apply(X, 1, function(x) !all(x==0)),]
MET1.eff <- function(obj){
Y <- obj$model[,1]
P1 <- factor(obj$model[,2])
P2 <- factor(obj$model[,3])
Blk <- factor(obj$model$`(Block)`)
Env <- factor(obj$model$`(Env)`)
fct <- obj$fct
if(length(Blk) == 0){
temp <- data.frame(Y, P1, P2, Env)
mods <- plyr::dlply(temp, c("Env"),
function(df) lm.diallel(Y ~ P1 + P2, data = df,
fct = fct))
} else {
temp <- data.frame(Y, P1, P2, Blk, Env)
mods <- plyr::dlply(temp, c("Env"),
function(df) lm.diallel(Y ~ P1 + P2, data = df,
Block = Blk,
fct = fct))
k_env <- function(ll){
res <- diallel.eff(ll)
res <- res$linfct
colnames(res) <- names(coef(ll))
mats <- lapply(mods, k_env)
# Rimuove l'intercetta
mats <- lapply(mats, function(x) x[-1, -1])
for(i in 1:length(levels(temp$Env))) colnames(mats[[i]]) <- paste(colnames(mats[[i]]), names(mats)[i], sep = ":")
for(i in 1:length(levels(temp$Env))) rownames(mats[[i]]) <- paste(rownames(mats[[i]]), names(mats)[i], sep = ":")
colNames <- unlist(lapply(mats, colnames))
rowNames <- unlist(lapply(mats, rownames))
mats <- lmDiallel::blockMatrixDiagonal(mats)
colnames(mats) <- colNames
rownames(mats) <- rowNames
mats2 <- matrix(0, length(mats[,1]), length(levels(temp$Env)))
k <- cbind(mats2, mats)
MET2.eff <- function(obj){
Y <- obj$model[,1]
P1 <- factor(obj$model[,2])
P2 <- factor(obj$model[,3])
Blk <- factor(obj$model$`(Block)`)
Env <- factor(obj$model$`(Env)`)
fct <- obj$fct
if(length(Blk) == 0){
temp <- data.frame(Y, P1, P2, Env)
mods <- plyr::dlply(temp, c("Env"),
function(df) lm.diallel(Y ~ P1 + P2, data = df,
fct = fct))
} else {
temp <- data.frame(Y, P1, P2, Blk, Env)
mods <- plyr::dlply(temp, c("Env"),
function(df) lm.diallel(Y ~ P1 + P2, data = df,
Block = Blk,
fct = fct))
k_env <- function(ll){
res <- diallel.eff(ll)
res <- res$linfct
colnames(res) <- names(coef(ll))
mats <- lapply(mods, k_env)
# Rimuove l'intercetta
mats <- lapply(mats, function(x) x[-1, -1])
for(i in 1:length(levels(temp$Env))) colnames(mats[[i]]) <- paste(colnames(mats[[i]]), names(mats)[i], sep = ":")
for(i in 1:length(levels(temp$Env))) rownames(mats[[i]]) <- paste(rownames(mats[[i]]), names(mats)[i], sep = ":")
colNames <- unlist(lapply(mats, colnames))
rowNames <- unlist(lapply(mats, rownames))
# I have to verify whether the incidence matrices for the different
# environments are the same. This may not be true, when we have
# missing crosses in some environments, but not all. In this case,
# an error needs to be returned.
chk <- sapply(mats, function(el) length(el[,1]))
if(length(unique(chk)) != 1) stop("the incidence matrices for the different environments do not match")
k <- mats[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(mats)){
k <- cbind(k, mats[[i]])
# k
mats2 <- matrix(0, length(k[,1]), length(mats))
k <- cbind(mats2, k)/length(mats)
MET3.eff <- function(obj){
# Type = reduced. The model is refit by considering the environment
# or the environment:block as a blocking factor, so that I have average parameters
# and the displacement due to blocks. It assumes that the interaction is not
# significant
Y <- obj$model[,1]
P1 <- factor(obj$model[,2])
P2 <- factor(obj$model[,3])
Blk <- factor(obj$model$`(Block)`)
Env <- factor(obj$model$`(Env)`)
fct <- obj$fct
if(length(Blk) == 0){
temp <- data.frame(Y, P1, P2, Env)
mod <- lm.diallel(Y ~ P1 + P2, data = temp,
Block = Env,
fct = fct)
} else {
BlockEnv <- factor(paste(Blk, Env, sep = ":"))
temp <- data.frame(Y, P1, P2, BlockEnv)
mod <- lm.diallel(Y ~ P1 + P2, data = temp,
Block = BlockEnv,
fct = fct)
k <- diallel.eff(mod)
diallel.eff <- function(obj, MSE = NULL, dfr = NULL, type = "all") {
if(all(class(obj) != "diallel")) {
cat("This method works only with diallel objects")
if(obj$Env == F){
if(obj$fct == "HAYMAN1"){
k <- hayman1.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "HAYMAN2"){
k <- hayman2.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GRIFFING1"){
k <- G1.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GRIFFING2"){
k <- G2.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GRIFFING3"){
k <- G3.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GRIFFING4"){
k <- G4.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GE2"){
k <- GE2.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GE3"){
k <- GE3.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GE2r"){
k <- GE2r.eff(obj)
} else if(obj$fct == "GE3r"){
k <- GE3r.eff(obj)
} else {
# Multiambiente: refitta il modello per ambiente
if(type == "all"){
k <- MET1.eff(obj)
} else if(type == "means"){
k <- MET2.eff(obj)
} else if(type == "reduced"){
k <- MET3.eff(obj)
} else {
print("Argument type may be either 'all' or 'means' or 'reduced'")
linfct.list <- list(linfct = k, MSE = MSE, dfr = dfr, obj = obj)
class(linfct.list) <- "diallelMod"
### multiple comparison procedures
# glht.diallelMod <- function(model, linfct, ...) {
# obj <- linfct$obj
# if(obj$Env == F){
# ### extract factors and contrast matrices from `model'
# # obj <- linfct$obj
# MSE <- linfct$MSE
# dfr <- ifelse(is.null(linfct$dfr), obj$df.residual, linfct$dfr)
# k <- linfct$linfct
# coefMod <- coef(obj)
# vcovMod <- vcov(obj, MSE = MSE)
# args <- list(coef = coefMod, vcov = vcovMod, df = dfr)
# class(args) <- "parm"
# ret <- multcomp::glht(args, k)
# return(ret)
# } else {
# newData <- data.frame(Yield = obj$model[,1],
# Par1 = obj$model[,2],
# Par2 = obj$model[,3],
# BlockEnv = paste(obj$model$`(Block)`,
# obj$model$`(Env)`, sep = ":"))
# newFit <- lm.diallel(Yield ~ Par1 + Par2, data = newData,
# Block = BlockEnv,
# fct = obj$fct)
# ret <- glht(linfct = diallel.eff(newFit))
# return(ret)
# }
# }
glht.diallelMod <- function(model, linfct, ...) {
### extract factors and contrast matrices from `model'
obj <- linfct$obj
MSE <- linfct$MSE
dfr <- ifelse(is.null(linfct$dfr), obj$df.residual, linfct$dfr)
k <- linfct$linfct
coefMod <- coef(obj)
vcovMod <- vcov(obj, MSE = MSE)
args <- list(coef = coefMod, vcov = vcovMod, df = 26)
class(args) <- "parm"
ret <- multcomp::glht(args, k)
# if(linfct$method == "emmeans"){
# tmp <- summary(ret, test = adjusted(type = "none"))
# ret <- emm(tmp)
# }
expand.diallel <- function(pars, mating = 1){
# pars <- sort(pars) Removed on 15/4/2023. To be checked
# print(pars)
if(mating == 1){
Par1 <- rep(pars, each = length(pars))
Par2 <- rep(pars, length(pars))
} else if(mating == 2){
Par1 <- rep(pars, c(length(pars):1))
Par2 <- pars
for(i in 1:length(pars)){
Par2 <- c(Par2, pars[-c(1:i)])}
} else if(mating == 3) {
Par1i <- rep(pars, each = length(pars))
Par2i <- rep(pars, length(pars))
Par1 <- Par1i[Par1i != Par2i]
Par2 <- Par2i[Par1i != Par2i]
} else if(mating == 4) {
Par1i <- rep(pars, c(length(pars):1))
Par2i <- pars
for(i in 1:length(pars)){
Par2i <- c(Par2i, pars[-c(1:i)])}
Par1 <- Par1i[Par1i != Par2i]
Par2 <- Par2i[Par1i != Par2i]
df <- data.frame(Par1, Par2)
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