Man pages for Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite-R
R package to manipulate OSPSuite Models

addOutputIntervalAdds an interval to the output schema of the simulation
addOutputsAdds the quantities as output into the 'simulation'. The...
addUserDefinedPKParameterAdds and returns a User-Defined PK-Parameter to the managed...
allAvailableDimensionsList all available dimensions in the 'OSPSuite' platform
AllMatchingMethodNames of the '.NET' container tasks of the type...
AllPathsInMethodNames of the '.NET' container tasks of the type...
allPKParameterNamesReturns the name of all pk parameters defined in the system
calculatePKAnalysesCalculates the pkAnalyses for all output values available in...
calculateResidualsCalculate residuals for datasets in 'DataCombined'
clearMemoryClears the memory used by all underlying objects
clearOutputIntervalsRemoves all intervals as well as all single time points from...
clearOutputsRemoves all selected output from the given 'simulation'
CompareByHow should comparison of entities be performed
convertUnitsConvert datasets in 'DataCombined' to common units
createDistributionsCreates the parameter distributions based on the given...
createImporterConfigurationForFileCreate a 'DataImporterConfiguration' for an XLS sheet
createIndividualCreates an individual using the PK-Sim Database
createIndividualCharacteristicsCreates an individual using the PK-Sim Database.
createPopulationCreates an population using the PK-Sim Database
createPopulationCharacteristicsCreates the population characteristics used to create a...
createSimulationBatchCreates and returns an instance of a 'SimulationBatch' that...
DataAggregationMethodsNames of aggregation available for...
DataCombinedObject combining simulated and observed data
DataErrorTypeSupported types of the error
dataSetToDataFrameConverts a list of 'DataSet' objects to a data.frame
DefaultPlotConfigurationPlot configuration for OSP plots
dot-addMissingGroupingsReplace missing groupings with dataset names
dot-cleanVectorArgsValidate arguments provided as vectors
dot-convertGeneralToSpecificPlotConfigurationCreate plot-specific 'tlf::PlotConfiguration' object
dot-createAxesLabelsCreate axes labels
dot-encodeUnitEncoding mu symbol
dot-expandPathReturns the expanded path for 'path' and ensure that encoding...
dot-extractAggregatedSimulatedDataExtract aggregated simulated data
dot-extractMostFrequentUnitFind the most common units
dot-extractResidualsToTibbleCreated observed versus simulated paired data
dot-geoRangeGeometric Range
dot-getAllEntitiesMatchingRetrieve all entities of a container (simulation or container...
dot-getAllEntityPathsInRetrieves all path of entities defined within the container...
dot-getConcurrentSimulationRunnerResultsGet SimulationResults from ConcurrentSimulationRunner
dot-getDimensionsEnumFunction to return an enum of all available dimensions
dot-getEntityRetrieve a single entity by path in the given container
dot-getOspDimensionsget OSP Dimensions from OSPSuite.Dimensions.xml data
dot-getOspUnitsget OSP Units from OSPSuite.Dimensions.xml data
dot-getPathToPKSimInstallDirTries to find the installation path for a specific version of...
dot-getPathToPKSimInstallDirFromFileSystemTries to find the installation path for a specific version of...
dot-getPathToPKSimInstallDirFromRegistryTries to find the installation path for a specific version of...
dot-getPropertyValueReturns the value of property named 'propertyName' from .NET...
dot-getPropertyValuesReturns a list containing all properties 'propertyName' from...
dot-getQuantityDisplayPathsRetrieves the display path of the quantity defined by path in...
dot-getUnitsEnumCreate a list of all units available for each dimension
dot-ImporterErrorTypeToDataSetErrorTypeMapping of string representation for the error types...
dot-initPackageLoad the OSPSuite R to .NET Binding
dot-loadDataRepositoryFromPKMLLoads a data repository (typically observed data) from a PKML...
dot-makeDataFrameColumnCreate a vector of the right length for a certain property of...
dot-netEnumNameRetrieves the name of the constant in the specified...
DotNetWrapperWrapper class for '.NET' objects
dot-normRangeNormal Range
dot-parameterValueListFromConverts a list of .NET 'ParameterValue' into a list with 2...
dot-parseDimensionsXMLparse OSPSuite.Dimensions.xml containing dimensions and units
dot-removeEmptyDataFrameRemove empty data frames from a list of data frames
dot-removeUnpairableDatasetsRemove unpairable datasets for computing residuals
dot-savePKAnalysesToCSVSaves the pK-analyses to csv file
dot-savePopulationToCSVSaves the population to csv file
dot-saveResultsToCSVSaves the simulation results to csv file
dot-saveSensitivityAnalysisResultsToCSVSaves the simulation analysis results to csv file
dot-scaleQuantityValuesScale current values of quantities using a factor
dot-setEndSimulationTimeSet end time of the simulation
dot-setQuantityValuesSet values of quantity
dot-toObjectTypeConvert '.NET' object to wrapper class in R
dot-unitConverterConvert a data frame to common units
dot-validateHasUnitCheck if quantity can be represented in the unit
dot-validateScalarDataCombinedValidate that single instance of 'DataCombined'
exportIndividualSimulationsExport simulation PKMLs for given 'individualIds'. Each pkml...
exportPKAnalysesToCSVSaves the pK-analyses to csv file
exportPopulationToCSVSaves the population to csv file
exportResultsToCSVSaves the simulation results to csv file
exportSensitivityAnalysisResultsToCSVSaves the simulation analysis results to csv file
exportSteadyStateToXLSExport steady-state to Excel in the format that can be...
GenderDefault genders defined in PK-Sim
getAllContainerPathsInRetrieves the path of all containers defined in the container...
getAllContainersMatchingRetrieve all sub containers of a parent container (simulation...
getAllMoleculePathsInRetrieves the paths of all molecules defined in the container...
getAllMoleculesMatchingRetrieve all molecules of a container (simulation or...
getAllObserverPathsInRetrieves the path of all observers defined in the container...
getAllParameterPathsInRetrieves the path of all parameters defined in the container...
getAllParametersForSensitivityAnalysisMatchingRetrieve all parameters of the given simulation matching the...
getAllParametersMatchingRetrieve all parameters of a container (simulation or...
getAllQuantitiesMatchingRetrieve all quantities of a container (simulation or...
getAllQuantityPathsInRetrieves the path of all quantities defined in the container...
getAllStateVariableParametersPathsGet the paths of all state variable parameters of the...
getAllStateVariablesPathsGet the paths of all state variable quantities of the...
getBaseUnitGet base unit of a dimension
getContainerRetrieve a single container by path under the given container
getDimensionByNameGet dimension by name
getDimensionForUnitGet dimension for a given unit
getMoleculeRetrieve a single molecule by path in the given container
getOSPSuiteSettingGet the value of a global ospsuite-R setting.
getOutputValuesExtracting simulated values
getParameterRetrieve a single parameter by path in the given container
getParameterDisplayPathsRetrieves the display path of the parameters defined by paths...
getQuantityRetrieve a single quantity by path in the given container
getQuantityValuesByPathGet the values of quantities in the simulation by path
getSimulationTreeGet simulation tree
getStandardMoleculeParametersReturns a list containing all standard global parameters...
getSteadyStateGet the steady-state values of species and state variable...
getUnitsForDimensionGet units for a given dimension
hasDimensionDimension existence
hasUnitUnit existence
HumanPopulationDefault human population defined in PK-Sim
importPKAnalysesFromCSVLoads the pK-analyses from csv file
importResultsFromCSVImports the simulation results from one or more csv files
importSensitivityAnalysisResultsFromCSVImports the simulation analysis results from one or more csv...
initPKSimLoads the 'PKSim.R' that will enable create individual and...
isExplicitFormulaByPathIs the value defined by an explicit formula
loadAgingDataFromCSVLoads aging data (typically generated from PK-Sim) i
loadDataImporterConfigurationLoad 'DataImporterConfiguration' from XML file.
loadDataSetFromPKMLLoads data (typically observed data) from a PKML file and...
loadDataSetsFromExcelLoad data sets from excel
loadPopulationLoads a population from a csv file and returns the...
loadSimulationLoad a simulation from a pkml file
messagesList of functions and strings used to signal error messages...
MoleculeParameterStandard molecule parameter names typically available in an...
ospDimensionsSupported dimensions defined as a named list
ospsuite_deprecatedDeprecated functions
ospsuiteSettingNamesNames of the settings stored in ospsuiteEnv. Can be used with...
ospUnitsSupported units defined as a named list of lists
pkAnalysesToDataFrameConvert the pk-Analysis to data frame
pkParameterByNameReturns an instance of a PK-Parameter by name or NULL if the...
plotIndividualTimeProfileTime-profile plot of individual data
plotObservedVsSimulatedObserved versus predicted/simulated scatter plot
plotPopulationTimeProfileTime-values profile plot for population simulations
plotResidualsVsSimulatedResiduals versus time scatter plot
plotResidualsVsTimeResiduals versus time scatter plot
populationToDataFrameCreates a data.frame containing one column for each parameter...
potentialVariableParameterPathsForReturns an array of parameter path with one entry for each...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
removeAllUserDefinedPKParametersRemoves all User-Defined PK-Parameters that may have been...
removeSimulationFromCacheRemoves a simulation from simulations cache.
resetSimulationCacheClears cache of loaded simulations
runSensitivityAnalysisRuns a sensitivity analysis
runSimulationRun a single simulation
runSimulationBatchesRun simulation batches
runSimulationsRuns multiple simulations concurrently.
saveDataSetToPKMLSave the 'DataSet' to pkml
saveSimulationSaves a simulation to pkml file
scaleParameterValuesScale current values of parameters using a factor
setMoleculeInitialValuesSet molecule start values
setMoleculeScaleDivisorsSet molecule scale divisors
setMoleculeValuesByPathSet molecule start values in the simulation by path
setOutputIntervalClears the output interval from the simulation and adds a new...
setOutputsSet outputs
setParameterValuesSet values of parameters
setParameterValuesByPathSet the values of parameters in the simulation by path
setQuantityValuesByPathSet the values of quantities in the simulation by path
simulationResultsToDataFrameConverts a 'SimulationResults' objects to a data.frame
SpeciesDefault species defined in PK-Sim
splitPopulationFileLoads a population from the 'csvPopulationFile' and split the...
StandardContainerStandard containers typically available in a PBPK simulation
StandardOntogenyList of ontogeny supported in PK-Sim
StandardPathStandard parameter paths typically available in a PBPK...
StandardPKParameterStandard PK-Parameters types defined in OSPSuite This is only...
toBaseUnitConverts a value given in a specified unit into the base unit...
toDisplayUnitConvert base unit to display unit
toPathArrayConvert a path defined as string to a path array
toPathStringConvert a path array to a path as string with entries...
toUnitConverts a value given in base unit of a quantity into a...
uniqueEntitiesExtract Unique Elements of type 'Entity'
updatePKParameterUpdates some properties of a PK-Parameter (displayName and...
validateDimensionValidate dimension
validateUnitValidate unit
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite-R documentation built on April 28, 2024, 2:24 a.m.