#' @title AggregationSummary
#' @description R6 class to split a data.frame data into subsets defined by unique combinations of elements
#' in the columns `xColumnNames` and `groupingColumnNames`.
#' Applies functions defined in `aggregationFunctionsVector` to column `yColumnNames.`
#' Returns a list of data.frame, one data.frame for each function listed in `aggregationFunctionsVector`.
#' Each data.frame in list element is named after the function's corresponding string in `aggregationFunctionNames`.
#' The summary statistic column name in each data.frame is the same as the name of the data.frame in the returned list.
#' @export
AggregationSummary <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
#' @field data data.frame
data = NULL,
#' @field metaData list of information on `data`
metaData = NULL,
#' @field xColumnNames character names of grouping variables
xColumnNames = NULL,
#' @field groupingColumnNames character names of grouping variables
groupingColumnNames = NULL,
#' @field yColumnNames character names of dependent variables (that are grouped)
yColumnNames = NULL,
#' @field aggregationInputsVector list of R6 class `AggregationInput` objects
aggregationInputsVector = NULL,
#' @field aggregationFunctionsVector list of functions to use for aggregation
aggregationFunctionsVector = NULL,
#' @field aggregationFunctionNames vector of function names that will be used as variable name of the aggregation
aggregationFunctionNames = NULL,
#' @field aggregationUnitsVector character vector of units of aggregation output
aggregationUnitsVector = NULL,
#' @field aggregationDimensionsVector character vector of dimensions of aggregation output
aggregationDimensionsVector = NULL,
#' @field dfHelper data.frame of aggregated values
dfHelper = NULL,
#' @field metaDataHelper list of information on `dfHelper`
metaDataHelper = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `AggregationSummary` object
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param metaData list of information on `data`
#' @param xColumnNames character names of grouping variables
#' @param groupingColumnNames character names of grouping variables
#' @param yColumnNames character names of dependent variables (that are grouped)
#' @param aggregationInputsVector list of R6 class `AggregationInput` objects
#' @param aggregationFunctionsVector list of functions to use for aggregation
#' @param aggregationFunctionNames vector of function names that will be used as variable name of the aggregation
#' @param aggregationUnitsVector character vector of units of aggregation output
#' @param aggregationDimensionsVector character vector of dimensions of aggregation output
#' @return A new `AggregationSummary` object
initialize = function(data,
metaData = NULL,
xColumnNames = NULL,
groupingColumnNames = NULL,
yColumnNames = NULL,
aggregationInputsVector = NULL,
aggregationFunctionsVector = NULL,
aggregationFunctionNames = NULL,
aggregationUnitsVector = NULL,
aggregationDimensionsVector = NULL) {
self$data <- data
self$metaData <- metaData
self$xColumnNames <- xColumnNames
self$groupingColumnNames <- groupingColumnNames
self$yColumnNames <- yColumnNames
if (!is.null(aggregationInputsVector)) {
for (aggregationInputValue in aggregationInputsVector) {
stopifnot(is(aggregationInputValue, "AggregationInput"))
self$aggregationFunctionsVector <- append(self$aggregationFunctionsVector, aggregationInputValue$aggregationFunction)
self$aggregationFunctionNames <- append(self$aggregationFunctionNames, aggregationInputValue$aggregationFunctionName)
self$aggregationUnitsVector <- append(self$aggregationUnitsVector, aggregationInputValue$aggregationUnit)
self$aggregationDimensionsVector <- append(self$aggregationDimensionsVector, aggregationInputValue$aggregationDimension)
} else {
self$aggregationFunctionsVector <- c(aggregationFunctionsVector)
self$aggregationFunctionNames <- aggregationFunctionNames
self$aggregationUnitsVector <- aggregationUnitsVector
self$aggregationDimensionsVector <- aggregationDimensionsVector
#' @description Apply aggregation functions on `x`
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @return A list or vector of aggregated values
applyAggregationFunctions = function(x) {
# input the vector of aggregated x into each aggregation function y and return the results in a vector res
res <- sapply(self$aggregationFunctionsVector, function(y) {
#' @description Generate aggregated values
#' @return A list or vector of aggregated values
generateAggregatedValues = function() {
xGroupingColNames <- c(self$xColumnNames, self$groupingColumnNames) # Get names of grouping columns and groups then into a vector xGroupingColNames
xGroupingCols <- self$data[xGroupingColNames] # Extract grouping columns from dataframe and group them into a list called xGroupingCols
yValuesCol <- self$data[self$yColumnNames] # Extract column of values from dataframe
aggSummaries <- aggregate(yValuesCol, xGroupingCols, function(x) {
res <- self$applyAggregationFunctions(x)
summaryMatrix <- matrix(aggSummaries[[self$yColumnNames]], ncol = length(self$aggregationFunctionsVector))
self$dfHelper <- aggSummaries[xGroupingColNames]
self$metaDataHelper <- self$metaData[xGroupingColNames]
for (n in seq(1, length(self$aggregationFunctionNames))) {
dF <- data.frame(summaryMatrix[, n])
colnames(dF)[1] <- self$aggregationFunctionNames[n]
self$dfHelper <- cbind(self$dfHelper, dF)
self$metaDataHelper[[self$aggregationFunctionNames[n]]] <- list(unit = self$aggregationUnitsVector[n], dimension = self$aggregationDimensionsVector[n])
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