test_that("plots grid produces error with wrong input type", {
expect_error(plotGrid(DataSet$new(name = "DS")))
ls_plots <- list(
# first plot
dataMapping = BoxWhiskerDataMapping$new(x = "am", y = "wt"), outliers = FALSE
# second plot
dataMapping = BoxWhiskerDataMapping$new(x = "supp", y = "len")
plotGridObj <- PlotGridConfiguration$new(ls_plots)
# specify further customizations for the plot grid
plotGridObj$title <- "my combined plot"
plotGridObj$subtitle <- "something clever"
plotGridObj$caption <- "my sources"
plotGridObj$nColumns <- 2L
plotGridObj$tagLevels <- "A"
plotGridObj$tagPrefix <- "Plot ("
plotGridObj$tagSuffix <- ")"
plotGridObj$tagColor <- "blue"
plotGridObj$tagSize <- 15
plotGridObj$tagAngle <- 45
plotGridObj$tagPosition <- TagPositions$top
plotGridObj$titleHorizontalJustification <- HorizontalJustification$middle
plotGridObj$subtitleHorizontalJustification <- HorizontalJustification$middle
test_that("plots grid is printed", {
test_that("plots grid is rendered correctly", {
skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1")
pGrid <- plotGrid(plotGridObj)
expect_s3_class(pGrid, "ggplot")
title = "plotGrid works as expected",
fig = plotGrid(plotGridObj)
test_that("adding plots works with plots grid configuration", {
myPlotGrid <- PlotGridConfiguration$new()
# adding single plot works
expect_equal(length(myPlotGrid$plotList), 1L)
# adding a list of plot works
myPlotGrid$addPlots(list("p1" = ggplot(), "p2" = ggplot()))
expect_equal(length(myPlotGrid$plotList), 3L)
# adding a list of a single plot also works
myPlotGrid$addPlots(list("p3" = ggplot()))
expect_equal(length(myPlotGrid$plotList), 4L)
expect_equal(names(myPlotGrid$plotList), c("", "p1", "p2", "p3"))
test_that("Plot Grid can have very long texts and contain plots with very long titles", {
ls_plots <- list(
# first plot
dataMapping = BoxWhiskerDataMapping$new(x = "am", y = "wt"),
outliers = FALSE,
plotConfiguration = BoxWhiskerPlotConfiguration$new(title = paste("Title: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long title"))
# second plot
dataMapping = BoxWhiskerDataMapping$new(x = "supp", y = "len"),
plotConfiguration = BoxWhiskerPlotConfiguration$new(title = paste("Title: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long title"))
plotGridObj <- PlotGridConfiguration$new(ls_plots)
plotGridObj$tagLevels <- "A"
plotGridObj$tagPrefix <- "Plot ("
plotGridObj$tagSuffix <- ")"
plotGridObj$tagColor <- "blue"
plotGridObj$title <- paste("Title: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long title")
plotGridObj$subtitle <- paste("Subtitle: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long subtitle")
plotGridObj$caption <- paste("Caption: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long caption")
plotGridObj$titleHorizontalJustification <- HorizontalJustification$middle
plotGridObj$subtitleHorizontalJustification <- HorizontalJustification$left
plotGridObj$captionHorizontalJustification <- HorizontalJustification$right
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("long labels in plotgrid",
fig = plotGrid(plotGridObj)
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