##' @title Normalize sample abundance estimates by a spline fit to specific shared elements
##' @description This function normalizes Crispr gRNA abundance estimates by fiting a smoothed spline to a subset of the gRNAs within each sample
##' and then equalizing these curves across the experiment. Specifically, the algorithm ranks the gRNA abundance estimates within each sample and
##' uses a smoothed spline to determine a relationship between the ranks of the "anchor" guides and their abundance estimates. It then adjusts the
##' spline trends from each sample to the mean of all of the sample spline fits in a manner analogous to quantile normalization, interpolating the
##' gRNA abundance values between the anchor points; these values are returned as normalized counts in the '\code{exprs}' slot of the input eset.
##' @param eset An ExpressionSet object containing, at minimum, count data accessible by \code{exprs}.
##' @param annotation An annotation dataframe indicating the nontargeting controls in the geneID column.
##' @param geneSymb The \code{geneSymbol} identifier(s) in \code{annotation} that corresponds to the "anchor" gRNAs. If absent, the method will
##' attempt to infer nontargeting guides by searching for \code{'no_gid'} or \code{NA} in the appropriate columns.
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of voom-appropriate library size adjustment factors, usually calculated with \code{\link[edgeR]{calcNormFactors}}
##' and transformed to reflect the appropriate library size. These adjustment factors are interpreted as the total library sizes for each sample,
##' and if absent will be extrapolated from the columnwise count sums of the \code{exprs} slot of the \code{eset}.
##' @return A normalized \code{eset}.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @examples data('es')
##' data('ann')
##' #Build the sample key and library sizes for visualization
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- (relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), 'ControlReference'))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' ls <- colSums(exprs(es))
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeSpline(es, ann, 'NoTarget', lib.size = ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es, sk, lib.size = ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es.norm, sk, lib.size = ls)
##' @export
ct.normalizeSpline <- function(eset, annotation, geneSymb = NULL, lib.size = NULL) {
if (!methods::is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(eset)), " is not an ExpressionSet.")
# Check the annotation and find the NTC rows
if (!is.data.frame(annotation)) {
stop("An annotation dataframe must be supplied if controls is TRUE.")
annotation <- invisible(ct.prepareAnnotation(annotation, eset, throw.error = FALSE))
if (!is.null(geneSymb)) {
stopifnot(all(geneSymb %in% annotation$geneSymbol))
ntc <- row.names(annotation)[annotation$geneSymbol %in% geneSymb]
} else if ("NoTarget" %in% annotation$geneSymbol) {
message("Using gRNAs targeting \"NoTarget\"")
ntc <- row.names(annotation)[annotation$geneSymbol %in% "NoTarget"]
} else {
stop("I can't tell which guides are nontargeting. Please specify a geneSymbol that you would like for me to use.")
# log the data and fit curves to the NTCs.
counts <- exprs(eset)
if (is.null(lib.size)) {
lib.size <- colSums(counts)
e.dat <- t(log2(t(counts + 0.5)/(lib.size + 1) * 1e+06))
ntcVals <- e.dat[ntc, ]
samRanks <- apply(e.dat, 2, rank)
ntcRanks <- samRanks[ntc, ]
fits <- lapply(colnames(e.dat), function(x) {
smooth.spline(ntcRanks[, x], y = ntcVals[, x])
corrections <- lapply(fits, function(x) {
predict(fits[[1]], seq_len(nrow(e.dat)))
names(fits) <- colnames(e.dat)
# Subtract out the appropriate values
corrected <- vapply(colnames(e.dat), function(x) {
(e.dat[, x] - predict(fits[[x]], samRanks[, x])[[2]]) + median(e.dat)
}, numeric(nrow(e.dat)))
# colnames(corrected) <- names(fits)
corrected <- 2^corrected
corrected <- round(t(t(corrected) * ((lib.size + 1)/1e+06)) - 0.5)
# update and return the eset
exprs(eset) <- corrected
##' @title Normalize sample abundance estimates by the median values of nontargeting control guides
##' @description This function normalizes Crispr gRNA abundance estimates by equalizing the median
##' abundances of the nontargeting gRNAs within each sample. The normalized values are returned as normalized counts in
##' the '\code{exprs}' slot of the input eset. Note that this method may be unstable if the screening library contains
##' relatively few nontargeting gRNAs.
##' @param eset An ExpressionSet object containing, at minimum, count data accessible by \code{exprs}.
##' @param annotation An annotation dataframe indicating the nontargeting controls in the geneID column.
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of voom-appropriate library size adjustment factors, usually calculated with \code{\link[edgeR]{calcNormFactors}}
##' and transformed to reflect the appropriate library size. These adjustment factors are interpreted as the total library sizes for each sample,
##' and if absent will be extrapolated from the columnwise count sums of the \code{exprs} slot of the \code{eset}.
##' @param geneSymb The \code{geneSymbol} identifier in \code{annotation} that corresponds to nontargeting gRNAs. If absent, \code{ct.gRNARankByReplicate} will
##' attempt to infer nontargeting guides by searching for \code{'no_gid'} or \code{NA} in the appropriate columns via \code{ct.prepareAnnotation()}.
##' @return A normalized \code{eset}.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @examples data('es')
##' data('ann')
##' #Build the sample key and library sizes for visualization
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- ordered(relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), 'ControlReference'))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' ls <- colSums(exprs(es))
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeNTC(es, ann, lib.size = ls, geneSymb = 'NoTarget')
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es, sk, lib.size = ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es.norm, sk, lib.size = ls)
##' @export
ct.normalizeNTC <- function(eset, annotation, lib.size = NULL, geneSymb = NULL) {
if (!methods::is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(eset)), " is not an ExpressionSet.")
# Check the annotation and find the NTC rows
if (!is.data.frame(annotation)) {
stop("An annotation dataframe must be supplied to normalize to nontargeting controls.")
annotation <- invisible(ct.prepareAnnotation(annotation, eset))
if (!is.null(geneSymb)) {
if (geneSymb %in% annotation$geneSymbol) {
ntc <- row.names(annotation)[annotation$geneSymbol %in% geneSymb]
} else {
stop(deparse(substitute(geneSymb)), " is not present in the geneSymbol column of the annotation file.")
} else if ("NoTarget" %in% annotation$geneSymbol) {
message("Using gRNAs targeting \"NoTarget\"")
ntc <- row.names(annotation)[annotation$geneSymbol %in% "NoTarget"]
} else {
stop("I can't tell which guides are nontargeting. Please specify a geneSymbol that you would like for me to use.")
# Update the eset and return it.
counts <- exprs(eset)
if (is.null(lib.size)) {
lib.size <- colSums(counts)
y <- t(log2(t(counts + 0.5)/(lib.size + 1) * 1e+06))
ntcVals <- y[ntc, ]
cmed <- rowMedians(t(ntcVals), na.rm = TRUE)
cmed <- (cmed - mean(cmed))
y <- t(t(y) - cmed)
y <- 2^y
y <- round(t(t(y) * ((lib.size + 1)/1e+06)) - 0.5)
exprs(eset) <- y
##' @title Normalize sample abundance estimates by the slope of the values in the central range
##' @description This function normalizes Crispr gRNA abundance estimates by equalizing the slopes of the middle (logged) values of the
##' distribution across samples. Specifically, the algorithm ranks the gRNA abundance estimates within each sample and determines a relationship between
##' rank change and gRNA within a trimmed region of the distribution via a linear fit. It then adjusts each sample such that the center of the logged
##' abundance distribution is strictly horizontal and returns these values as median-scaled counts in the appropriate slot of the input ExpressionObject.
##' @param ExpressionObject An ExpressionSet containing, at minimum, count data accessible by \code{exprs}, or an EList object with count data in the $E
##' slot (usually returned by \link[limma]{voom}).
##' @param trim The proportion to be trimmed from each end of the distributionbefore performing the linear fit; algorithm defaults to 25% such that the
##' fit is performed on the interquartile range.
##' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to \code{ct.normalizeMedians()}, if desired.
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of size factor adjusted library size.
##' Default: \code{NULL} means to use sum of column counts as a lib.size.
##' @return A renormalized object of the same type as the provided object.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @import limma
##' @examples data('es')
##' data('ann')
##' #Build the sample key and library sizes for visualization
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- ordered(relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), 'ControlReference'))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' ls <- colSums(exprs(es))
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeBySlope(es, lib.size= ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es, sk, lib.size= ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es.norm, sk, lib.size= ls)
##' @export
ct.normalizeBySlope <- function(ExpressionObject, trim = 0.25, lib.size = NULL, ...) {
if (!(class(ExpressionObject) %in% c("ExpressionSet", "EList"))) {
stop(deparse(substitute(ExpressionObject)), "is not an ExpressionSet or Elist.")
# log them
if (methods::is(ExpressionObject, "EList")) {
e.dat <- ExpressionObject$E
} else {
counts <- exprs(ExpressionObject)
if (is.null(lib.size)) {
lib.size <- colSums(counts)
} else if (!is.numeric(lib.size) | length(lib.size) != ncol(counts)) {
stop("If specified, lib.size must be a numeric vector of the same length as the number of samples in the eset.")
e.dat <- t(log2(t(counts + 0.5)/(lib.size + 1) * 1e+06))
# extract the inner 50% and fit a lm
shuffle <- apply(e.dat, 2, sort, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)
locs <- round((nrow(e.dat) * trim)):round(nrow(e.dat) * (1 - trim))
slopes <- lapply(shuffle, function(x) {
lm(unlist(x[[1]][locs]) ~ locs)$coefficients[2]
# correct the values
corrected <- vapply(names(slopes), function(x) {
outlist <- shuffle[[x]][[1]] + ((length(shuffle[[x]][[1]]):1) * slopes[[x]])
}, numeric(nrow(e.dat)))
# Back to counts:
correctedCounts <- 2^corrected
correctedCounts <- round(t(t(correctedCounts) * ((lib.size + 1)/1e+06)) - 0.5)
# update and return the object
if (is(ExpressionObject, "ExpressionSet")) {
exprs(ExpressionObject) <- correctedCounts
ExpressionObject <- ct.normalizeMedians(ExpressionObject, lib.size)
} else {
co <- 2^corrected
new.v <- voom(correctedCounts, design = ExpressionObject$design, normalize.method = "scale")
##' @title Normalize an ExpressionSet Containing a Crispr Screen
##' @description This function normalizes Crispr gRNA abundance estimates contained in an \code{ExpressionSet} object.
##' Currently four normalization methods are implemented: median scaling (via \code{normalizeMedianValues}), slope-based
##' normalization (via \code{ct.normalizeBySlope()}), scaling to the median of the nontargeting control values (via
##' \code{ct.normalizeNTC()}), factored quantile normalization (via \code{ct.normalizeFQ()}), and spline fitting to the distribution of
##' selected gRNAs (via \code{ct.normalizeSpline()}). Because of the peculiarities of pooled Crispr screening data, these
##' implementations may be more stable than the endogenous methods used downstream by \link[limma]{voom}. See the respective
##' man pages for further details about specific normalization approaches.
##' @param eset An ExpressionSet object with integer count data extractable with \code{exprs()}.
##' @param method The normalization method to use.
##' @param annotation The annotation object for the library, required for the methods employing nontargeting controls.
##' @param sampleKey An (optional) sample key, supplied as an ordered factor linking the samples to experimental
##' variables. The \code{names} attribute should exactly match those present in \code{eset}, and the control set is assumed to be
##' the first \code{level}. If `method` = `FQ`, the sampleKey is taken as the `sets` argument (and its format requirements are similarly
##' relaxed; see `?ct.normalizeFC`).
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of voom-appropriate library size adjustment factors, usually calculated with \code{\link[edgeR]{calcNormFactors}}
##' and transformed to reflect the appropriate library size. These adjustment factors are interpreted as the total library sizes for each sample,
##' and if absent will be extrapolated from the columnwise count sums of the \code{exprs} slot of the \code{eset}.
##' @param plot.it Logical indicating whether to plot the ranked log2 gRNA count distributions before and after normalization.
##' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to the individual normalization methods.
##' @return A renormalized ExpressionSet. If specified, the sample level counts will be scaled so as to maintain the validity
##' of the specified \code{lib.size} values.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @import limma
##' @seealso \code{\link{ct.normalizeMedians}}, \code{\link{ct.normalizeBySlope}}, \code{\link{ct.normalizeNTC}}, \code{\link{ct.normalizeSpline}}
##' @examples data('es')
##' data('ann')
##' #Build the sample key as needed
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- ordered(relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), 'ControlReference'))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeGuides(es, 'scale', annotation = ann, sampleKey = sk, plot.it = TRUE)
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeGuides(es, 'slope', annotation = ann, sampleKey = sk, plot.it = TRUE)
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeGuides(es, 'controlScale', annotation = ann, sampleKey = sk, plot.it = TRUE, geneSymb = 'NoTarget')
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeGuides(es, 'controlSpline', annotation = ann, sampleKey = sk, plot.it = TRUE, geneSymb = 'NoTarget')
##' @export
ct.normalizeGuides <- function(eset, method = c("scale", "FQ", "slope", "controlScale", "controlSpline"), annotation = NULL, sampleKey = NULL, lib.size = NULL, plot.it = FALSE,
...) {
if (!methods::is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(eset)), "is not an ExpressionSet.")
choices <- c("scale", "FQ", "slope", "controlScale", "controlSpline")
method <- match.arg(method, choices)
if (method %in% c("controlScale", "controlSpline")) {
if (is.null(annotation)) {
stop("An annotation object must be provided to perform", deparse(substitute(method)), "normalization.")
annotation <- ct.prepareAnnotation(ann = annotation, object = eset, controls = TRUE, throw.error = FALSE)
if (is.null(lib.size)) {
lib.size <- colSums(exprs(eset))
} else if (!is.numeric(lib.size) | (length(lib.size) != ncol(eset))) {
stop("If specified, lib.size must be a numeric vector of length equal to the number of samples.")
sampleKey <- ct.keyCheck(sampleKey, eset)
new.eset <- switch(method,
scale = ct.normalizeMedians(eset, lib.size = lib.size),
FQ = ct.normalizeFQ(eset, sets = sampleKey, lib.size = lib.size),
slope = ct.normalizeBySlope(eset, lib.size = lib.size, ...),
controlScale = ct.normalizeNTC(eset, annotation, lib.size = lib.size, ...),
controlSpline = ct.normalizeSpline(eset, annotation, lib.size = lib.size, ...))
# set negative counts to 0's if they happen to be present after normalization
exprs(new.eset) <- apply(X = exprs(new.eset), MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(col) {
col[col < 0] <- 0
if (plot.it) {
message('sampleKey must be supplied for plotting normalization effects.')
} else{
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
names(sampleKey) <- colnames(eset) #Handle edge cases for normalizeFQ
ct.gRNARankByReplicate(eset, sampleKey, lib.size = lib.size)
ct.gRNARankByReplicate(new.eset, sampleKey, lib.size = lib.size)
##' @title Normalize sample abundance estimates by median gRNA counts
##' @description This function normalizes Crispr gRNA abundance estimates by equalizing the median gRNA abundance values after
##' correcting for library size. It does this by converting raw count values to log2 counts per million and optionally adjusting further in
##' the usual way by dividing these values by user-specified library size factors. THis method should be more stable than the endogenous
##' scaling functions used in \code{voom} in th especific case of Crispr screens or other cases where the median number of observed counts may be low.
##' @param eset An \code{ExpressionSet} containing, at minimum, count data accessible by \code{exprs}.
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of voom-appropriate library size adjustment factors, usually calculated with \code{\link[edgeR]{calcNormFactors}}
##' and transformed to reflect the appropriate library size. These adjustment factors are interpreted as the total library sizes for each sample,
##' and if absent will be extrapolated from the columnwise count sums of the \code{exprs} slot of the \code{eset}.
##' @return A renormalized ExpressionSet object of the same type as the provided object.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @import limma
##' @examples data('es')
##' #Build the sample key and library sizes for visualization
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- ordered(relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), 'ControlReference'))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' ls <- colSums(exprs(es))
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeMedians(es, lib.size= ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es, sampleKey = sk, lib.size= ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es.norm, sampleKey = sk, lib.size= ls)
##' @export
ct.normalizeMedians <- function(eset, lib.size = NULL) {
if (!methods::is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
stop("Please provide an ExpressionSet object for normalization.")
counts <- exprs(eset)
if (is.null(lib.size)) {
lib.size <- rep(1000, ncol(counts))
} else if (!is.numeric(lib.size) | length(lib.size) != ncol(counts)) {
stop("If specified, lib.size must be a numeric vector of the same length as the number of samples in the eset.")
y <- t(log2(t(counts + 0.5)/(lib.size + 1) * 1e+06))
cmed <- apply(y, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
cmed <- cmed - mean(cmed)
correctedCounts <- 2^t(t(y) - cmed)
correctedCounts <- (t(t(correctedCounts) * ((lib.size + 1)/1e+06)) - 0.5)
exprs(eset) <- round(correctedCounts)
##' @title Apply Factored Quantile Normalization to an eset
##' @description This function applies quantile normalization to subsets of samples defined by a provided factor, correcting for library size.
##' It does this by converting raw count values to log2 counts per million and optionally adjusting further in
##' the usual way by dividing these values by user-specified library size factors; then this matrix is split into groups according to the
##' provided factor that are quantile normalized, and then the groups are median scaled to each other before conversion back into
##' raw counts. This method is best used in comparisons for long timecourse screens, where groupwise differences in growth rate
##' cause uneven intrinsic dialation of construct distributions.
##' Note that this normalization strategy is not appropriate for experiments where significant distortion of the libraries is expected as a
##' consequence of the screening strategy (e.g., strong selection screens).
##' @param eset An \code{ExpressionSet} containing, at minimum, count data accessible by \code{exprs}.
##' @param sets A character or factor object delineating which samples should be grouped together during the normalization step. Must
##' be the same length as the number of columns in the provided eset, and cannot contain `NA` or `NULL` values.
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of voom-appropriate library size adjustment factors, usually calculated with \code{\link[edgeR]{calcNormFactors}}
##' and transformed to reflect the appropriate library size. These adjustment factors are interpreted as the total library sizes for each sample,
##' and if absent will be extrapolated from the columnwise count sums of the \code{exprs} slot of the \code{eset}.
##' @return A renormalized ExpressionSet object of the same type as the provided object.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @import limma
##' @examples data('es')
##' #Build the sample key and library sizes for visualization
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), 'ControlReference')
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' ls <- colSums(exprs(es))
##' es.norm <- ct.normalizeFQ(es, sets = gsub('(Death|Control)', '', pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), lib.size= ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es, sampleKey = sk, lib.size= ls)
##' ct.gRNARankByReplicate(es.norm, sampleKey = sk, lib.size= ls)
##' @export
ct.normalizeFQ <- function(eset, sets, lib.size = NULL) {
if (!methods::is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
stop("Please provide an ExpressionSet object for normalization.")
stopifnot(length(na.omit(sets)) == ncol(eset), !any(vapply(sets, is.null, logical(1))))
counts <- exprs(eset)
if (is.null(lib.size)) {
lib.size <- colSums(counts)
} else if (!is.numeric(lib.size) | length(lib.size) != ncol(counts)) {
stop("If specified, lib.size must be a numeric vector of the same length as the number of samples in the eset.")
y <- t(log2(t(counts + 0.5)/(lib.size + 1) * 1e+06))
# Apply Factored Quantiles
quant <- lapply(unique(sets), function(x) {
limma::normalizeQuantiles(y[, (sets == x)])
y <- do.call("cbind", quant)
cmed <- apply(y, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
cmed <- cmed - mean(cmed)
correctedCounts <- 2^t(t(y) - cmed)
correctedCounts <- (t(t(correctedCounts) * ((lib.size + 1)/1e+06)) - 0.5)
exprs(eset) <- round(correctedCounts)
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