Man pages for Oshlack/speckle
Statistical methods for analysing single cell RNA-seq data

classifySexPredict sex of cells in scRNA-seq data
dot-extractSCEExtract metadata from 'SingleCellExperiment' object
dot-extractSeuratExtract metadata from 'Seurat' object
estimateBetaParamEstimate the parameters of a Beta distribution
estimateBetaParamsFromCountsEstimate parameters of a Beta distribution from counts
getTransformedPropsCalculates and transforms cell type proportions
ggplotColorsOutput a vector of colours based on the ggplot colour scheme
normCountsNormalise a counts matrix to the median library size
normScaNormalise and scale counts matrix
plotCellTypeMeanVarPlot cell type counts means versus variances
plotCellTypePropsPlot cell type proportions for each sample
plotCellTypePropsMeanVarPlot cell type proportions versus variances
preprocessPre-processing function for sex classification
propellerFinding statistically significant differences in cell type...
propeller.anovaPerforms F-tests for transformed cell type proportions
propeller.ttestPerforms t-tests of transformed cell type proportions
speckle_example_dataGenerate example data
speckle-packagespeckle: Statistical methods for analysing single cell...
Oshlack/speckle documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 9:39 a.m.