normCounts: Normalise a counts matrix to the median library size

View source: R/normCounts.R

normCountsR Documentation

Normalise a counts matrix to the median library size


This function takes a DGEList object or matrix of counts and normalises the counts to the median library size. This puts the normalised counts on a similar scale to the original counts.


normCounts(x, log = FALSE, prior.count = 0.5, lib.size = NULL)



a DGEList object or matrix of counts.


logical, indicates whether the output should be on the log2 scale or counts scale. Default is FALSE.


The prior count to add if the data is log2 normalised. Default is a small count of 0.5.


a vector of library sizes to be used during the normalisation step. Default is NULL and will be computed from the counts matrix.


If the input is a DGEList object, the normalisation factors in norm.factors are taken into account in the normalisation. The prior counts are added proportionally to the library size


a matrix of normalised counts


Belinda Phipson


# Simulate some data from a negative binomial distribution with mean equal
# to 100 and dispersion set to 1. Simulate 1000 genes and 6 samples.
y <- matrix(rnbinom(6000, mu = 100, size = 1), ncol = 6)

# Normalise the counts
norm.y <- normCounts(y)

# Return log2 normalised counts
lnorm.y <- normCounts(y, log=TRUE)

# Return log2 normalised counts with prior.count = 2
lnorm.y2 <- normCounts(y, log=TRUE, prior.count=2)

boxplot(norm.y, main="Normalised counts")
boxplot(lnorm.y, main="Log2-normalised counts")

Oshlack/speckle documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 9:39 a.m.